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Posts posted by Blackfish64

  1. So is adult driving ans social skills. If Thailand ever want to become a world class society it has a lot of work ahead of them. In Chiang Mai old farmer do what they want on the road and no drivers licenses or insurance. New PM please help law abiding drivers!

    Oh, really? Describe a "world class society," then name one.

  2. Adult development in Thailand below average, too.

    And that`s your opinion, is it, genius? And so we have another Thai bashing thread with contributions from morons who are under an illusion that they are somehow intellectually superior, that I can assure you, come across as being totally the opposite.

    The main problem is that in Thailand, how good is the education one receives is only what one can afford. There are still the majority of Thais who do have have the funding to send their children onto further education once they have graduated from school. Many once reaching adulthood, have no degrees or qualifications, therefore their future career prospects and abilities are extremely limited.

    In Thailand, those going on to further education after school can be regarded as the privileged minority, having the good fortune to have families who can financially support them throughout their whole education and archiving degrees and reaching a high standard of educational levels.

    Today`s world is much more competitive than in my younger days, when young people could begin their careers as apprentices and work their way up the ladder. But that has all changed Today employers want 18 up to early 20s year olds, with 50 years experience to work for school leavers wages. This is now the same the world over, not exclusive to Thailand.

    Child development depends on how much resources their parents have to ply in them and the reason why, that when families are poor it is very difficult to break the mode that could continue on for generations.

    My family was poor. I spent thirteen years in an American compulsory education program. What education beyond that I paid for myself. No need for a lecture on how easy your life has been.

    Success depends for the most part on the individual. I had many friends and met many people who had every advantage and turned out to be losers.

    It may sound like I'm bashing, but I'm not. I have compassion. I know how tough it can be in every respect. Actually you're the one who's looking down and bashing. You think you're better than they are and that you're here to help, that they are graced by your presence. They could care less. You can count on that.

    Corruption here is accepted and quite normal. It's part of the culture. No Thai wants to give any of that up and forfeit his opportunity to make an easy gain off his fellow man.

  3. Of course, the USA bombs beautiful Cambodia back into the stone age and unleashes the murderous Khmer Rouge upon her population--and now USA is there to tell them how to educate themselves and further enable an idiot like Michele Obama and her idiot husband, who aren't even capable of managing their own affairs.

    who unleashed the khmer rouge? I would say let us look back to the original colonialists. People in that region were kind of fed up with the french..... everything else grew out of that.

    but why dig up all this now?

    We are talking about scholorships....and education money.........not Pol Pot.

    We have to dig it up now because it was hidden back then. And even now all the details are vague. But we have what we have and we know what we know.

    If it wasn't for Pol Pot and his monkey followers and all their supporters, we might not need to think about scholarships and education for Cambodians. Who knows, they might have taken care of themselves just fine--like they were doing before we came along.

    Those who refuse their history will surely repeat it... Iraq, Afghanistan, and the list goes on and on.

    We haven't learned anything, have we?

    Not looking good.

  4. Of course, the USA bombs beautiful Cambodia back into the stone age and unleashes the murderous Khmer Rouge upon her population--and now USA is there to tell them how to educate themselves and further enable an idiot like Michele Obama and her idiot husband, who aren't even capable of managing their own affairs.

    "unleashes" you say that as if it were fact. why make stories when the truth will do the same thing. yes there are a couple of tards in the white house, but you speak as if you were there at the time of your so called "unleashing". but we all know you were just a horney twinkle in your daddys eye. history does not need you to make up shxt, there is enough shxt in the truth...:-)

    I wasn't there. I was around ten when the mess started, and watching the end of the Vietnam Nam catastrophe comfortably from my parent's living room television, not really understanding any of it and asking a lot of questions.

    Most of the world did not know the US had secretly bombed Laos and Cambodia in those days. These facts didn't come out until much later.

    The US and some of her allies, including Thailand, did in fact help supply the Khmer Rouge with weapons and unleash their campaign across Cambodia, completely destroying the country and murdering two and a half plus million people.

    'Unleash' may be putting it too kindly.

  5. You got it. I don't like her or her husband. Not even just a little bit.

    The "Let Girls Learn Initiative" is a waste of time. It will do nothing to help the girls learn, just as any other initiative she is involved with will not help anyone accomplish anything whatever.

    Assuming the girls are dumb in the first place is a bad idea. Assuming a dummy, like Michele Obama, can help anyone but herself is a bad idea.

    That the likes of these two creeps and trash, Barry and Michele, can even be remotely considered for such important positions as they are now in, let alone actually being in them, is such a preposterous idea that it can hardly be believed. Yet, here they are. The world is indeed completely up side down.

    The people of the U.S. decided to elect him. Twice. Not good enough for you clearly....

    Thank you for helping me to more clearly emphasize my point. Excellent!

    • Like 1
  6. Hun Sen is noted for two things. First he is called Mr. Ten Percent, as nothing happens

    in Cambodia that he does not rake off 10 % from. And the second is, there is a

    Cambodian expression that if someone in the provinces farts, Hun Sen knows it

    due to an extensive intelligence gathering operation that helps keep him in power.

    So this is the guy handing out criticism about attempts to improve education ? cheesy.gif

    All States are corrupt, some more some less. No exceptions. Corruption is the very nature of the State. There is no model, no example to point to which could serve as a good model and example. It is the job of those who are governed to maintain their government. When they don't and/or when they are oppressed and cannot do so, well, you see what happens.

    Mankind must wake up and realize the two great beasts, the State and the church, have all but failed to deliver anything but suffering and death in the final analysis. It's all got to go. And all their phone, incompetent leaders need be naturally reduced to the turd shovelers and street sweepers they really are.

  7. You got it. I don't like her or her husband. Not even just a little bit.

    The "Let Girls Learn Initiative" is a waste of time. It will do nothing to help the girls learn, just as any other initiative she is involved with will not help anyone accomplish anything whatever.

    Assuming the girls are dumb in the first place is a bad idea. Assuming a dummy, like Michele Obama, can help anyone but herself is a bad idea.

    That the likes of these two creeps and trash, Barry and Michele, can even be remotely considered for such important positions as they are now in, let alone actually being in them, is such a preposterous idea that it can hardly be believed. Yet, here they are. The world is indeed completely up side down.

  8. I found my little rat snake in the box again this afternoon. I haven't done diddly about him. I'm not going to do diddly about him. But everyday when I go to open the box and flip the switch I just stand there and watch him until he leaves the box then I flip the switch. it doesn't bother him it doesn't bother me.

  9. It`s a common rat snake, completely harmless. Frequent visitors here in our garden. They like to get into small dark places, we presently have a nest of them under our garden shed.

    Judging that the rat snake in the OP appears to have quite vivid markings, means it`s a young one. They lose most of their patterns as they reach adulthood.

    Here is what to do: rat snakes don`t like water. Have a bowl of cold water at the ready. When the snake returns to the electric box again, make it go back onto the ground and then throw the water at it. Guaranteed it will get the hint it`s not wanted and won`t return.

    That's him! The one in your pic looks bigger and older however. But that's the same snake. Same color and markings, same red tint on the head. That's him! Thank you!

  10. Yeah, the pics are a touch blurry. Best I could do under the circumstances. He would not be still long enough to let the close up adjust.

    The first time I saw him in the box two days ago I did not know he was in there. I stuck my hand in to flip the switch and he sprang out of there like his life depended on it and sped off like lightning once he hit the ground. He didn't try to bite. He was absolutely skittish and wanted nothing to do with me.

    Tonight I figured he would be in the box and came up slowly and calm and opened the door as quietly as I could. But still he would have none of it and started making moves to get away immediately.

    I showed the pic to the chef, who is a snake nut and who loves to eat snake. He does not speak English, but he told me as best he could this snake is called, "Sing". I looked up some pics, and he looks close to a few of the pics and descriptions I found, so maybe chef is right.

    Here for you to compere.

    That looks like him! Only his head had a reddish tint to it.

  11. I think I will just close off the holes at the bottom of the box where the wires are going through. Some caulking or silicone or whatever is laying around in the tool shed should do nicely. Hard to believe he can even fit through those tiny holes!

  12. Yeah, the pics are a touch blurry. Best I could do under the circumstances. He would not be still long enough to let the close up adjust.

    The first time I saw him in the box two days ago I did not know he was in there. I stuck my hand in to flip the switch and he sprang out of there like his life depended on it and sped off like lightning once he hit the ground. He didn't try to bite. He was absolutely skittish and wanted nothing to do with me.

    Tonight I figured he would be in the box and came up slowly and calm and opened the door as quietly as I could. But still he would have none of it and started making moves to get away immediately.

    I showed the pic to the chef, who is a snake nut and who loves to eat snake. He does not speak English, but he told me as best he could this snake is called, "Sing". I looked up some pics, and he looks close to a few of the pics and descriptions I found, so maybe chef is right.

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