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Posts posted by Lorn

  1. My understanding is the mistaken i.d. guy is saying he wasn't there that day. So yellow shirt is still on.

    Massive manhunt, for sure.

    There is now a scary high national incentive to find the a culprit. I hope they get the real one! It's important to know what force is behind this. Will we ever? Wouldn't bet on it.

    Oh ok. Some dodgy translation on another site then. Suggested he had left the backpack by accident.

  2. Exactly, the scale and nature of it is not the style of the Reds, I'm beginning to lean towards a new external faction of some sort.

    What do you mean by "not the style of the reds" ???? didn't a red supporter threw a hand grenade into a crowd of peaceful protesters before the coup ??? he's face was at 2 meters from a CCTV camera...!!.... It happened on a daily basis then.....!

    You have a short memory or did not follow the news then ???

    Best regards.....

    The protesters violently stopped people from going to work, voting and moving through the city as they pleased. Is this all irrelevant because you support the yellows. Can they do whatever they want and it is still considered peaceful?

  3. I just hope this so called arab looking guy doesnt end up being a thai.

    and hope he isnt wearing a wig to disguise? after all he did covered his face with that goggles that he was wearing

    guy in yellow shirt is old news. Has already gone to police.


    Well, what is his excuse then for leaving his backpack at exactly the same spot the bomb went off? I smell a rat!!!!!

    Yeah i suppose Taksin paid the Australian English teacher a few thousand baht to do it in front of many cctv cameras and then turn himself in. His gig obviously doesn't pay very well.

  4. To simplify matters, anyone who starts a war (or a fight) for no good reason deserves anything they get smile.png

    It's pretty stupid to say Japan had no good reason to start the fight with USA. USA was already involved in the war by supplying arms and was only going to continue escalating its involvement. Japan had to do what it did if the axis was to have any chance of victory. Now if you are saying Japan had no reason to start the fight with China or Germany with Czechoslovakia and Poland then that is another matter.

  5. You idiot Joe :-)

    How much older are you than your girlfriend? I don't think it's anything to do with race. Society is so focused on looks and in general

    women in their 20s look better than in their 30s and 40s. I noticed female friends making a lot of catty remarks about girls who wore the exact same clothes they would have worn 5-10 years earlier.

    Now in Asia there are a few more girls who are willing to date and marry men much older than them and that makes the women that won't annoyed/frustrated/whatever by the extra competition.

  6. I was a bit dubious about this claim so instead of a simple minded one sentence quip on TVF denouncing it from an agenda driven angle with noon facts to back up the statement I decided to look up some statistics to allow me to have a better understanding of the situation and to offer input based on facts.

    I found that in 2014 Thailand moved up the corruption index (less corruption) from 102nd place to 85th as shown here. This is from an entity that have no affiliation with the Junta and have no agenda driven bias. Of course this is of no surprise considering that corruption was endemic as witnessed by the rice scheme and there is only one thing it can do when a new govt come in and that is to improve. It could not go down further.

    It will be nice to see it further improve when the new figures come out this December.

    Haha. Nice try saying it is down to the Junta. As stated in the website

    The sources of information used for the 2014 CPI are based on data gathered in the past 24 months.

    Considering how long it takes to compile data it's likely very little was taken from the 5 months after the coup (May-December). So you are congratulating Yingluck's government for improving the corruption score.

    Interestingly if you look back, the score was 3.8 in 2005 and 3.6 in 2006. This is a massive improvement from 3.1 when Thaksin took over in 2001. Then it was down to 3.3 in 2007. So using your analysis this would mean that the Thaksin government had been far less corrupt than what came before and after. Then there was very slow improvement back up to 3.6 in 2010. If the Democrats were so squeaky clean why at the end of their reign had they not even got things back to where they had peaked under Thaksin in 4 years free of his influence?

  7. On the OP itself, I agree with some earlier posters that it is pure sensationalism. So obviously so that I'd feel foolish refuting it.

    On Islam in SEA, and around the world, it is going through a similar reformation to that which Christianity went through a long time ago. The factional extremist disputes in Christianity were often bloody and oppressive, we are seeing a similar picture in Islam and for the same reasons, the reformation of perception. Perception of how much credence to give to specific phrases in any given holy book, and the perception of dominator tribal traits that were cloaked in theology for reasons of power. There is a quiet reformation happening right now, and it is not only on Sunni-Shia lines. It is on the lines of normal working families who love Allah and many of the teachings in religious lore, but who choose to ignore the "by the sword" teachings, just as most Christians have learned to do. They are reforming their religion away from the brutality of military Islamic theocracy, which at its heart was never religious at all, it is a cruel trick, an abuse of faith for reasons of social control. The arrival of digital communication has enabled Muslims to discuss these subjects and find common ground on how faith should fit into modern life. And if you think you're tired of hearing about ISIS and brutal theocrats, thats nothing compared to how tired of it all my Muslim friends are.

    A wiser person than me once commented on times of great social change, he compared the societal upheavals to a childbirth. There is screaming and blood, and an observer would think that somebody was dying, but actually it is the very opposite, the birth of a new life. This is the same for religious reformations, it is a re-birth and accompanied by tumultuous signatures.

    It is also fascinating how fast the blinkers come on, when this subject is discussed. Suddenly everyone is an angel and the world is filled with peace and joy, except for the group in question. How absurd.

    What is interesting is the effect both of those religions had on each other. Besides the obvious Christian influences on Islamice scriptures, there's the moulding of Catholic doctrine that drew parallels from Islam. Convert or die, indulgences (first recorded instance was for Crusaders [née Jihadists) who participated in a holy war to retake original Christian lands), the absence of "old" cities along the Mediterranean coast due to Muslim raiders, the reintroduction of slavery to an area that had banned it under Christian Roman rule with the North African Muslims acting as the primary slave traders, the cruelest Christian Europeans being those who suffered the most under Muslim invaders, etc.

    There seems to be a clear divide, to me at least, between Christianity and Islam in regards to their interpretations of the respective holy texts. Islam teaches Dar-al-Hab and Dar-al-Islam are in perpetual war; the Christian holy texts direct violence at certain people at a certain times in the past. Both teach that new passages supersede older ones; the difference is that newer passages in the Koran are much more violent and intolerant than older verses whereas the newer passages in the Bible have more peaceful messages.

    The God of the old testament was a psychopath. Not sure how the Koran God could be much worse. Also no idea how anyone can believe the God that did those things and directed his followers to do those things suddenly became a peace loving God that should be followed/worshipped/listened to. Insanity.


  8. Completely ridiculous. You have made up your own, personal concept of liability and persuaded yourself that that is how the law works. Good luck with that approach to the world.

    The fact that she hit his car means that she failed to exercise due caution whether or not she was speeding, whether or not she was drunk, whether or not he was parked legally. The difference between her hitting him and him hitting her seems to be lost on you.


    If the object has been left actually on the road in an unsafe position or in a way that contravenes the highway code then the owner of the vehicle or object may be found to be liable for the accident.

    This seems like the more relevant part to quote

    If the object was not clearly lit or made visible then the owner is responsible. This is usually in the case of parked cars or private skips.

  9. How ironic.

    The 248 MP's who did not allow the DEM's to debate this under a democratic govt are allowed a chance to speak in closing the case under a Junta led govt with both having already made up their mind which path will be followed.

    At least the Junta put on a facade of democracy.

    Utter rubbish as usual from this troll.

    Let's not leave anything out. Remember the topic which was to be debated was whether to have a fully democratically elected senate. And the "democratic party" was against having a democratically elected senate but wants it to be chosen by the elites not the people.

  10. Why is it such a big deal to you as well Halloween? Seems to me you like to comment on this subject more than what Juttaporn has done, Will it make you sleep better at night? You're obsessed with Thaksin, as much as Prayuth is.

    There's a few factors involved, such as the degree of stake you have in this country, whether you are prepared to speak out against the powerful, the level of criminality you are willing to accept, and how outraged you get when you see the "amply rich" stealing from those with very little. Probably comes across as obsession to the "I'm all right Jack" crowd, and those blinded by the shining light of Thai "democracy".

    Because it's only the democratically elected who steal from the public in Thailand, right? The unelected police, military, lawyers etc. are all squeeky clean?

    Have I ever claimed that? Most corruption is done covertly. I know of only one criminal with the hubris to blatantly abuse his position for self benefit on a huge scale. Even after he was toppled and convicted, he is allowed to pay MPs to vote to his command, dictate policy, appoint leading power figures and continue to bleed the country. why do you find that acceptable?

    It's up to the opposition parties to provide a better alternative. But as long as they only care for the Bangkok elites the poor will rightly vote for the party that did something to make their lives better, even if they enriched themselves a lot at the same time.

  11. Why is it such a big deal to you as well Halloween? Seems to me you like to comment on this subject more than what Juttaporn has done, Will it make you sleep better at night? You're obsessed with Thaksin, as much as Prayuth is.

    There's a few factors involved, such as the degree of stake you have in this country, whether you are prepared to speak out against the powerful, the level of criminality you are willing to accept, and how outraged you get when you see the "amply rich" stealing from those with very little. Probably comes across as obsession to the "I'm all right Jack" crowd, and those blinded by the shining light of Thai "democracy".

    Because it's only the democratically elected who steal from the public in Thailand, right? The unelected police, military, lawyers etc. are all squeeky clean?

  12. I think it should all go into the health service,after all,the people who

    are paying the tax on alcohol,tobacco,are the ones that are going to

    need health care because of their life choice.

    regards worgeordie

    Because they live longer?

    The U.S. public health establishment buries overwhelming evidence that abstinence is a cause of heart disease and early death. People deserve to know that alcohol gives most of us a higher life expectancy—even if consumed above recommended limits. http://www.psmag.com/health-and-behavior/truth-wont-admit-drinking-healthy-87891

    Google "moderate drinkers longevity" for 86000 results, nearly all supporting the above.

    Yeah but what doctors and "moderate drinkers" consider to be moderate drinking are light years apart.

  13. Double standards - Any Thais reading this? If so, please explain why Thais, when working in whatever job they feel like in foreign countries like mine where I know Thais working in Accounting, Engineering, Nanny, Restaurant and Land Owner (100% in their name), shops etc all very conveniently (And they like to keep quiet about this too I have noticed not comparing the same situation to foreigners in Thailand), that no-one really gives a rats about this and accepts all to do whatever they like which is the hallmark of civilized countries. Tell me why Thais are different when in country everyone else is treated like an alien and its a permanent promotion of "Give a Thai a job week" at all costs? At the same time, they have been lied to into believing "Keeping foreigners out is better" but majority live in abject poverty, living hand to mouth without any social welfare? Tell me how is this better say compared to civilized countries where everyone is given "A fair go" - I know the answer to this already, its because of the evil empire that runs your country who take all the icing on the cake for themselves and fooling the people (Especially the poor and uneducated) into believing "This way, is the only way, and the best way" - Tell me I'm wrong?

    What country is yours? In most countries companies have to prove that they cannot find a local to do the job before a work permit will be given to someone from outside the country.

  14. Thailand is a really wealthy country, problem is, it's just a few that own it.

    If I was her I'd get onto a TV channel and ask them to visit her house, she'd almost certainly get some Celebrities who would help her out with donations, of course the publicity does them no harm either.

    Good luck to her, I hope she gets some help.

    Who told you Thailand is a really wealthy country? They were lying! If Thailand is really wealthy, how would you classify Gabon, Botswana, Mexico and Romania- rolling in dough?

  15. ...and that they couldn't be arsed to go and help them... Thainess!

    So tell us all, where does it say nobody helped????

    Another idiot post.

    Ah, you must be the union rep for ALL Thai Visa members... here, I will tell you ALL...

    "Patong police...arrived to find the two lying in road shouting out in pain." - That is a pretty sound basis for my assumption that nobody helped, else the Patong police would surely have mentioned others being there. Please can you tell ME - that's just me, thanks - where it says that anyone DID help.

    Thank you...you f'wit!!

    Awful assumption. Don't see how you come up with it. Do you think others helping would mean their pain would disappear? News articles are supposed to be as brief as possible. It is not necessary to mention how many people were near them or helping them whether the police mentioned it or not.

    Just admit you will take any opportunity for petty Thai-bashing, no matter how inappropriate to the story. Totally pathetic.

  16. Upgraded RAM today - Kingston - added 4Gb - now 8Gb.

    Windows performance index

    Before upgrade After

    CPU 7.1 7.1

    RAM 5.9 7.6

    Graphics 5.2 6.6

    Gaming 5.6 6.6

    HD 5.9 7.8

    RAM - B890.

    Happy? No


    Biggest surprise - HD.

    Total change - SDD HD; upgrade RAM

    It's possible the test was using the onboard intel hd card (4600?) for the original test for some reason instead of the geforce gtx. Some games also do that so if there is one that is not working as it should check that that isn't causing the issue

  17. I personally don't trust the translator, he is in bed with police and could also possibly be getting huge kickbacks from certain people to fabricate his statements or other peoples statements, in my opinion anything he has said or quoted is highly unreliable JMO - it is also possible that B2 in isolation had no idea what was being released or about their statements (written in Thai) and alleged confessions to the media, don't forget that translation works both ways and they were likely completely in the dark until they got independent council to tell them exactly what was going on - they should have been given legal council immediately upon their arrest - exactly why this investigation cannot stand up to scrutiny or due process which most of us expect in the west

    It's about time Thailand got their criminal justice and police procedures brought up to date and into this century instead of from the dark ages

    This sums it up really. You don't trust the translator, you don't trust the RTP, you don't trust DNA labs in Bangkok, just say it out loud. You don't trust Thailand , that's why you and anyone following this case will never believe a word of what any Thai investigator wll tell you.

    Even if it is the truth you will never believe. So theres no hope really.

    The defense team and their supporters here and elsewhere have made it perfectly clear that they want to turn this case into a case against Thai society in general, Thailand's justice system and the RTP in particular.

    Yesterday the OJ Simpson case came up in a debate forum I frequent and the similarities were apparent, that case was fought in the "court of public opinion" exploiting resentment over the police conduct and racial issues; thanks to that, and a sympathetic jury, OJ Simpson walked away free... at least for some years until it was proven in a civil case that he, indeed, had brutally murdered two people.

    The morality of the story is that people that want to make this case anything else than the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller and whether the men on trial guilty or innocent have lost the plot.

    No parallels whatsoever. The police haven't produced any evidence which is being dismissed because of a dislike for the police. They have produced nothing in the two sessions so far. The police seem clueless and the prosecutor unable to make any impression. No wonder they sent the file back to the police twice. The whole story clearly makes no sense but the prosecutor and judges are going through the motions because the police can't/won't re-investigate properly.


    Thai Foreign Ministry says US TIP report not fair

    The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- The Foreign Ministry issued a statement late Monday night, expressing its disagreement to the US Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report 2015 that maintained Thailand in Tier 3 for second consecutive year.

    The statement said Thailand took note of the evaluation but the placement of Thailand in Tier 3 did not accurately reflect the efforts by the country to combat human trafficking during the past year.

    The statement say:

    "In reference to the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report 2015 that was released in Washington DC on Monday 27 July 2015, Thailand is maintained in Tier 3 for the second consecutive year.

    Thailand takes note of such an evaluation but believes that the placement of Thailand in Tier 3 does not accurately reflect the significant efforts undertaken by the Government and its partnership with private sector and civil society in making the tangible progress that has occurred on all fronts in the previous year.

    Since August 2014, the Thai government has translated its genuine political will to combat human trafficking into practical policies, effective implementation, and concrete results: On policy & policy implementation, the government has (i) declared combating trafficking in persons a national priority, (ii) set up a Policy Committee on Combating Human Trafficking and Illegal Fishing chaired by the Prime Minister and 5 sub-committees chaired by the Deputy Prime Ministers and relevant Ministers and (iii) revised and enacted several laws and regulations including the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act. On prosecution & law enforcement, relevant agencies intensified their efforts, which led to the crackdowns of trafficking syndicates as well as many arrests and punishments of high-ranking officials complicit in human trafficking. On prevention, the holistic solution to address labour exploitation in the fishery sector was introduced in tandem with the expedited registration and legalization of more than 1.6 million illegal migrants. These policies provided them with legal protection and, therefore, reduced their vulnerability to human trafficking. On protection, victim identifications by multi-disciplinary teams and victim care have been improved. On partnership, Thailand has played a leading role in forging bilateral and multilateral partnerships to ensure that this highly complex issue was addressed in a concerted manner and achieved the appropriate balance between human rights and security considerations.

    Despite the tier ranking, Thailand will continue to do its utmost to overcome the remaining challenges, while also promoting security and upholding our long and distinguished tradition of adherence to humanitarianism. We will also seek to further strengthen cooperation and partner with all stakeholders including private sector, civil society, international organizations and international community."

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Thai-Foreign-Ministry-says-US-TIP-report-not-fair-30265372.html


    -- The Nation 2015-07-28

    Thailand has been involved in this slave fishing game for at least the past 20 years and just started several months ago with cleaning up their act. I am sure next year they are on Tier 2.

    Have any fishing captains/companies been prosecuted for the alleged slavery/beatings/murders? Can't see any reason for an upgrade.

  19. Should read murder not crckdown

    Utter BS, the only reason the army were called in the first place was because many of the red shirts armed themselves with an array of weapons, add to that a number of affiliated persons had resorted to terrorist tactics to have their super tailored demands met.

    I personally have little sympathy for those who were shot and killed, obviously the temple shootings are a different kettle of fish and I believe the families of those victims do deserve a better explanation.

    And weren't many of the bereaved families also compensated handsomely already by ptp back in 2011?

    Exactly what the yellow shirts did in the last protests isn't it? The difference being that the Reds could be trusted to actually hold elections in the time period given as they knew they would win them. No reason to trust the yellows would have done the same without cooking the book.

    And did you not notice anybody in the last protests with guns? So if the military had come in and slaughtered the people protesting last time would you have been equally lacking in sympathy?

  20. The sky is falling open up a can cheesy.gif Lucky I do not go to bars any more or live in Bangers clap2.gif

    Sounds like you've been in Thailand too long and have adopted their Me Me attitude. What about the thousands who rely on selling alcohol to make a living? Cretin.

    They find a new job? I'm sure this upstanding and moral government doesn't care much about those who make money off the destruction of society and families.

    If the law is actually enforced, people will just open up more bars outside the 300m. And even If this law actually led to a decrease in alcohol sales people would spend their money on something else. So jobs wouldn't be lost just relocated. Excluding tourist money lost if it effects tourists but again we know they only want quality tourists and they either don't drink or can drink in their hotels which are exempt.

  21. Bangkok is not an attractive City, it's dirty to say the least.....

    ever been to MUMBAI ??bah.gif

    That's a dump too.... The list is endless....

    Its annoying to see loads of new condo builds but no improvement in widening pavements and improving surrounding infrastructure.

    The city missed a trick by not making legislation forcing condo builders to improve the place.

    Its a great city too however in parts....and a lot cheaper than New York or London...or Singapore.

    Wow the 80th richest country's capital is cheaper than 3 in the top 30. How about comparing it to the capital of Venezuela, Belarus or Mexico?

  22. This country.....

    That is a sentence that needs finishing.

    Here, let me help.

    This country, .... that did quite nicely since the 12th century and now is crawling with over fed, over inflated, overly self important Foreigners whining, bch'n and complaining that the Citizens will not kiss their backsides might be wise to just say "Off you go" to many of them.

    And by that, I mean the rats of the well known red zones that are actually an embarrassment to many other Foreigners who live here in happy, peaceful, product lives and are .. wait for it ....

    GRATEFUL to be here.

    The flights leave daily ... Farang-atopia .. is just one ticket away!

    Go for it.

    don't now the area but doesn't look like a place where anyone should care about people drinking and playing loud music, especially so early.

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