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Posts posted by PhuketFarang

  1. Another vote for AliExpress. The biggest downfall is that it takes a long time for shipping. But I have recieved stuff in less than 2 weeks. Usual time is about a month.If it's a more expensive purchase of something that is made in China, ask them for a Certificate of Origin. With the Aesan agreement, you will pay little or no duties.

  2. Just finished watching this video of Gordon Ramsey visiting Thailand. About 30 minutes into the video, he is diving for giant oysters in Krabi. Looks like it's wild oysters and not farmed. Does anyone know where ​this location is? Or who the guide was? Or both? I've Googled and can't find out more information on this.

  3. He would be in more trouble than you....

    I had a friend ​who lived here for about 6 months. She worked for a decorating company without a work permit for several of those months. Then he stopped paying her. She filed a police report and the police told the company that if they don't pay her what they owe, then they would arrest the owner. They never did anything to her.

    You should be safe. But then again, TiT

  4. PhuketFarang, that's why I am registered with some airlines, specially the Arab ones, to receive their mail where they quote their specials, often just valid for a few days.

    Best experiences with Emirates, Ethiad and Qatar Airways.

    What's the lowest you've gotten so far? I never considered going to Europe from here before but with these low fairs, I may start.

  5. PhuketFarang, prices COULD be indication prices, but how big are the chances to get the price when it changes hourly? ?

    The chances are close to zero when somebody quotes a price for May und you want to fly in December, TRUE?

    Exactly! Thank you. So far we know that the lowest fair that's found was 6900b OW. You may get lucky and get a date you want at that price. So posting dates are pretty much meaningless. The only price that is guaranteed is the price you get the moment you purchase a ticket. And sometimes that may be in question.

  6. You mean the Smart package includes a bigger seat? As far as water, I think I rather get a 60b bottle of water at the airport than a 50€ bottle of water on the plane.

    Their pricing is competitive.

    I just did a quick search.

    11 June to 17 July, BKK to CGN or FRA and return

    Eurowings 460€ including 1pc 23kg, no meals, nonstop

    Quatar Airlines 657€, 30kg, meals included, stop over


    I just read the details and as far as I understood, in the cheapest fare not even water included.

    I'm really travelling on a budget, but if you then choose their smart tariff the

    amount is almost equal to the cheapest stopover flight with Quatar.

    And to be honest, I think it's not a pleasure to be seated like in a sardine can for 11 hrs.

    Better pay 50€ more for a complete package and enjoy your flight.

    Okay, the water is your point.

    But for the seat, I once had experience flying with Condor from FRA to Las Vegas. Same parent company, Lufthansa and their budget carrier.

    And I will never do it again.

    Their seat spacing is as narrow as possible like in Air Asia planes

    with the difference you spent 13 hrs on the plane.

    For me with 1,85m height no way.

    Depends on where your priority lies. If I want to spend more for a flight and be the most comfortable I can, then I'll fly first class. If I want to save money, the I fly in... lower class. You get what you pay for. This gives us people who like to sacrifice an inch or so of leg room for $$$.

  7. Not really... because fares can change daily... even hourly. But if a fare is found on one date at a price, that price COULD show up on the date you want to travel in the future. True?

    Everybody who quotes prices here should also post travel date (month, total travel time and include connecting flights.

    Everything else is wasted time for readers.

    And good luck for those with transit in US and no visa for US.

    Yes, also for transit passengers!!!

  8. You mean the Smart package includes a bigger seat? As far as water, I think I rather get a 60b bottle of water at the airport than a 50€ bottle of water on the plane.

    Their pricing is competitive.
    I just did a quick search.
    11 June to 17 July, BKK to CGN or FRA and return

    Eurowings 460€ including 1pc 23kg, no meals, nonstop
    Quatar Airlines 657€, 30kg, meals included, stop over


    I just read the details and as far as I understood, in the cheapest fare not even water included.
    I'm really travelling on a budget, but if you then choose their smart tariff the
    amount is almost equal to the cheapest stopover flight with Quatar.
    And to be honest, I think it's not a pleasure to be seated like in a sardine can for 11 hrs.
    Better pay 50€ more for a complete package and enjoy your flight.
  9. Most "dive clubs" you will find are actually dive centers and using a "club" as a marketing tool. So watch out for that.

    What area are you in? Here's one in Phuket: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiveDogs

    The problem I have found is that Thailand is a dive destination so most of the people who are here are vacation divers. Most of the divers who live here are instructors so they go out for work. Not many people here regularly dive recreationally​. I know that where I came from in my past life, Southern California, you can just post on one of dive club pages there saying you'll be diving a certain dive site and you'll have 10-15 divers join you. Especially during lobster season.

  10. Looks like you're right with going to a lawyer with this for a definitive answer. As with many other topics here, the responses are either off topic or opposing answers with very few useful responses. Or like your case, the person posting is clearly wrong as in your statement "If you will come here for a week and perform a (ONE) wedding then I don't see the need to start looking for WP" which is completely wrong. Doesn't matter if something is done once or 100,000 times, if a WP is required, it's required and you can get into the same amount of trouble. That's like telling someone you can't get pregnant if you only have sex once. LOL!

    If you perform a wedding, funeral ore anything else as a minister then you are basically working and would therefor need a work permit to do it legally!

    If you will come here for a week and perform a (ONE) wedding then I don't see the need to start looking for WP but if you will stay here for a long time and perform religious services regularly then you will need to get a WP.

    I have no clues what the rules are for work permits regarding ministers and priests, so the best you can do is to contact the closest Thai embassy or a legal firm and ask how to do it as you are clearly not listening to what anyone else here are telling you.

  11. I've googled around and found about Religious ® VISAs but am looking for information about what is required for a Farang minister to conduct a religious ceremony such as a wedding?...Do they have to be incorporated to get a work permit?...

    This is the law governing work permits:

    Alien Working Act B.E. 2551 (2008)

    Damn... is there an English version? Thanks.

  12. Again, you are talking off topic with the requirements for a VISA. There are no VISAs that require a work permit. I can post a list of requirements for any VISA and nothing about a WP shows up so with your logic, we don't need a WP to do any work in Thailand.

    Read the info I posted from Police Order 327/2557 basis for extension of stay and Immigration Bureau Order 138/2557 documents for extension of stay.

    ​If a work permit was required it would be listed in the requirements.

    For a non immigrant R visa from an embassy or consulate a work permit is not required. See: http://www.mfa.go.th/main/en/services/4908/15398-Issuance-of-Visa.html

    " Official Note certifying the purpose of travel from the Government Agencies /Embassies and Consulates / International Organizations / State Enterprises inThailand. ("F" / "B" / "ED" / "M" / "R") .

  13. No, you said "There is no mention of a work permit in it" in your post about VISAs which didn't have anything to do with work permits. So now you're saying no work permit is required? Do you know anyplace that shows this?

    You cannot get a work permit without the proper visa and or extension of stay. As I wrote if you get the proper visa you do not need a work permit.

  14. The topic is about religious ceremonies and WORK PERMITS. You posted about VISAs and Missionaries. Off Topic.

    It is certainly on topic if you want to make your activities legal. You cannot act as a minister unless you are affiliated with an organization.

    Immigration calls it being a missionary in their terminology.

  15. Thanks... but also OT.

    I'm not sure that the non-R is relevant any more! I have talked with four foreigners that are Buddhist monks here in Thailand and three of them say that currently are on non-ED visa. All of them started with non-R but when doing overseas trips during the last coupe of years the embassies have issued them non-ED visas instead when they have applied for non-R.

  16. Thanks for the info... but off topic.

    To get non immigrant R visa from an embassy or consulate or an extension based upon being a missionary you must be working with a religious organization.

    From the police order for extensions of stay. There is no mention of a work permit in it or in the order that list the documents required.

    "2.14 In the case of a missionary:

    Each permission shall be granted for no more than one year. The alien:
    (1) Must have been granted a non-immigrant visa (NON-IM).
    (2) Must have been confirmed and requested by the Department of Religious Affairs or the Office of National Buddhism.
    (3) Must have been confirmed and requested by the particular religious organization.
    Document required.
    2.14 In the case of a missionary: Each permission shall be granted for no more than one year.
    1. Application form
    2. Copy of applicant’s passport
    3. Confirmation letter from the Department of Religious Affairs or the National Office of
    4. Letter of confirmation and request for a temporary stay issued by the religious organization"
  17. "Paradise Beach" at the very (southern) end of the Patong beachfront road on Phuket. They are charging 20 baht just to walk on the sand. It's not that much but I always thought that wasn't allowed and it was suppose to be all public land like you said.

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