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  1. Holy cow! So even if you own it, you don't really own it if they can take it away. This is crazy. Upcoming drop in the crazy ask prices?
  2. Thinking same. Stop with the piece meal, rip off that band aid and be the narcotic hub of the world. It is a sad state indeed when the the government advocates drug dealing as means as savior of economy.
  3. Or maybe the diner display little prudence and walk if he doesn't know what he is going to be charged. This seems to be happening more often across tourist areas. It is a common scam in Istanbul, Turkey. Just read article this am of occurrence in Athens, Greece. And now in Phuket. Tourists beware.
  4. Fire codes and Fire Marshals are a real thing. And real for lessons learned the hard way all across the globe.
  5. I don't think there is a difference in the transfers. The account allows you to load up and convert/hold any number of currencies. For example, I fund the account in US dollars. I can then convert/hol Dollars, Thai Bhat, Euros, Turkish Lira, Etc. in any amounts simultaneously in the account. It also has a debit card that I have been very impressed with. I have used it all over the world and on line with never a hiccup. It also converts to the local currency with any purchase with no fees. I am happy customer and will use internationally until it dies or something better comes along.
  6. Good deal! And it's only fair. The offices were closed for most of 2 years anyway. Happy motoring!
  7. That will pump those tourist numbers.....
  8. Sounds like you have a very friendly, cooperative branch. Why would you ever go back to the original? What advantage or reason would you care what the "original" branch is? I opened a Kasikorn account in Patts in 2013. I have never been to that branch after 2013. Use phone app for everything and any branch I happen into if in person service needed {like change passport number} be it Patts, Bangkok or Udon take care of anything I need qwikly and very happily.
  9. Onwardticket.com Used in May. Very good. Will use again if need. Of course, no one asked for it, but gave piece of mind knowing it was covered if asked.
  10. In May, I brought a stack from my bank in US, still in the bands. Mrs. went to deposit her bank and they turned down about $4,000. You can't win if it goes direct from bank to bank and they still won't take it. But I am sure there is some one will take a few Ben Franklins here and there to use it up.....
  11. That has nothing to do with golf nor the saudi's. It's from the never trump all the time media. Hmm, how could I come to that conclusion?? Were any of these "protesters" at the last LIV event? Were any of them at the first LIV event? First one was even in Portland so they didn't have to travel as far. Speaking of which, would be interesting to know who is paying the expenses of these "protesters" so they can get their 15 minutes air time.... Also, the human rights argument is disingenuous. Regardless of personal opinions, the world condones, protects and rewards the saudi's with every tanker that safely arrives at a point of sale. Stop making them rich then we can put a little teeth in the we are appalled at their human rights record. I say more power to LIV and any one that wants to participate. Maybe if PGA would put all the earnings generated by the tournaments (tv money, sponsors, etc.) into the purses rather than executive salaries and pet project they would never have had a problem. Disclaimer: avid golfer for 25+ years. I love the game. Nothing feels better in the world than watching that little ball do exactly what you envisioned it doing. But there is nothing special, sacred or virtuous about it. It is a game with a ball.
  12. I would almost consider taking a $36 mill bribe to pay a 40,000Baht fine 30 years later. Geez.
  13. Thailand can be a hub for anything, just ask'em.....
  14. "kickass" torrents
  15. Seems an honest mistake with the scan reader and/ or label and was corrected. "Makro Over Charging" seems a bit melodramatic......
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