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  1. The Honeymoon Period is now over for Kamala Harris and when people finally see her, they realize she is still a radical left-wing extremist although she has pretended to change her position on many issues. The American people when they ask themselves the all-important question " Are we better off now than we were 4 years ago?" can see that the economy is terrible with sky high prices and uncontrolled illegal immigration which is doing untold damage to the country. Most people's lives have drastically deteriorated. She is not a serious person, and her word salads and inane giggles would not be acceptable on the world stage.
  2. Even SNL has turned against her and following her recent chaotic media appearances her supporters are deserting her in droves!
  3. I am not American, nor do I live in that country. but I speak as one who has been fascinated by US politics for the last 8 years. Every day new corruption comes to light, and it is anything but boring. During his time in office Trump had a very successful Presidency in many ways. The economy went from strength to strength, he did not get involved in any new wars, he defeated ISIS, secured the Southern border and people's lives were generally much improved. Biden on the other hand has tried to destroy the fossil fuel industry which in turn caused massive hikes in the price of gasoline and rampant inflation. He has politicized the Dept of Justice, FBI and generally divided the country like never before. His open border policy has allowed 10 million people from about 150 countries to enter the country illegally with no check as to who they are or what they have done in their past which almost guarantees a major terrorist attack sometime in the future. Biden is the most corrupt President of our time and because he is weak and senile is being used by the far left to do their bidding. I think he is not fully aware of the damage he is inflicting on the country. He probably will not run again for president, and it will be interesting who they replace him with given Kamala's unpopularity. Never a dull moment in US Politics.
  4. Bitcoin will definitely far outperform gold and already it is the best performing asset class this year (+109%). Adoption in the past has mainly been by retail investors ( ie the general public) but now Institutional Investors are fast coming into the market and the potential is huge. Blackrock which has in excess of 10 trillion Dollars under their control will very soon be authorized to issue an ETF which has the potential to make Bitcoin skyrocket. Many other big players will also enter the field, and this is now the start of the next Bull Run which could see massive increases. Many fiat currencies in the world are on the decline and the once mighty Dollar may eventually lose its status as world reserve currency which coupled with the 33 trillion Dollar debt does not auger well for its future especially as the money printers will shortly be turned on again! BRICS is a significant challenge and China, Russian, India etc. will probably be the winners. Bitcoin is a digital asset not controlled by any Gov't or individual and has a fixed number of coins. Nobody can "print" Bitcoin which will ensure the store of value in future. I am very bullish on Bitcoin and certain other digital assets and those people who are early adopters stand to make substantial gains. It is a very volatile asset but there is a distinct cycle and people who lose money on crypto do so by buying high and selling when the price collapses. Good Luck!
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