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Posts posted by teutonian

  1. Sansiri has delivered abhorrently bad quality units, especially at Baan Maikhao where MAYBE the buildings will be rectified five years after being transferred to owners.   If someone is vocal about it?  They will see that customer in criminal court accused of defamation.  

    with customer service like that is there any wonder about their abysmal stock performance?


    It is all fluff and no substance.   Beautiful design and absolute (proven by engineering reports) <deleted> being delivered. 

    that’s my experience. Others might differ.  



    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  2. Sansiri PLC’s entire customer data set in the form of what appeared to be well over 40,000 purchase and sale agreement files, were left in an openly accessible directory online last year, according to a court statement made by Sansiri. 

    they took zero action to inform any of their customers, authorities  or credit card processors.   

    Sansiri is “Thailand most trusted developer” of condominiums and homes. 


    • Haha 1
  3. On 9/1/2019 at 2:10 AM, Number 6 said:

    On what legal ground can a corporation be sued for selling at market prices?


    Who was extorted to purchase the overpriced units?

    When it is the corporation. Essentially making the market by dumping units they couldn’t move. 

    and when the unit price declines are due to the fact that the developer has delivered abysmal quality and the condo buildings are under scaffolding wrap for a number of years, due to many defects. 

    And when a company literally promises returns on investment. 

    Easentially, when a company duped the consumer into purchasing a product which the company should have disclosed details about which would have likely caused consumers not to pay the original purchase price. 

    It’s essentially then a case of deception. And possibly fraud. 

    • Like 1
  4. On 8/27/2019 at 5:06 AM, Peterw42 said:
    On 8/22/2019 at 3:20 PM, NCC1701A said:

    perhaps the graphic behind this gentleman is a projection of the future value of these properties.

    Owners in Phuket aren’t happy and mounting a class action suit against Sansiri PLC. regarding Baan Maikhao

    Poor quality build and non stop “rectification” for their brand new flagship beachfront condominium isn’t sitting too well.  

    it’s also been noted that Sansiri dumped remaining inventory at up to half price, leaving original owners investments way below water. 

    owner complaints to the developer are met with ridiculously low offers of compensation, silence, or on one case criminal defamation suit for making complaints public. 

    That seems to be the real truth behind this multi billion baht marketing machine.  


  5. 3 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    The law also states the pocessorof the residence can do it as well as the landlord. Please read the law.

    It does say that in the English version of the law and I also take that to mean that once a tenant takes over a unit they have to report foreign occupants.  


    How is a landlord even supposed to know who is coming and going and whether a tenant has been out of country or out of province.  


    The law is an ass. But surely one can’t pass blame to the landlord for that. 


    • Thanks 1
  6. On 8/18/2018 at 3:45 PM, benlovesnuk said:

    I did ask a tourist police officer and he agreed with me unofficially a year or so ago, I understand peoples attitudes to keeping ones head low, and staying out of trouble, but just like when they try to come onto my side of the road, or not stop for the car on their side, I am unable to see it that way and pursue with what makes sense to me. Im often seeing cars approach me half the car width over the central line, (and had one incident with a near fatal crash) expecting me to stop or move over so they dont scratch their car on plants. I remind them that the game of chicken the are wanting to play will end worse than a plant brushing your paint, and they have so far 100% of the time move back to their side(this is without the family inside of course). This is also the case for mopeds motorcycle drivers crossing solid lines to get past traffic, on my side every other (presumed) thai driver moves over, I do not.

    Whilst many might see this as foolishness, (to which i can understand) they do it because they get away with it, and like children they need to be taught (unfortunately) that there are rules that their country set and they are as a national also responsible like every person in the country to abide. The idea that they can use im a thai person is unfortunately lost on me, and serves as no warning for how I will continue to live my life as a non thai who is apparently expected to be wrong simply for not being thai, that racism will not persist. Those that pay the cop do so (and thats fine forgive the pum) is not how I like to do things, I however think that penalizing tourists with a road traffic trap is not the best way to show tourists your country off to those you need to balance the books for revisits, why not hit the shops hiring the mopeds, (of course we know the answer)?


    I will add, im frustrated for my fellow thai drivers who sit patiently scared of being first to act, for their brand new car or the terrifying ordeal of social awkwardness, to ensue. however with non of these ailments to my name or person I will fight for this junction and the green light and get rid of this BULLSCHMIDT nonsense. Thanks for everyones replies

    You do realize that when in Rome...   chill and adapt. You are the guest here. Leave the law enforcement to the Thais and if you don’t like the traffic, either don’t drive, or go home.  Nobody wins a traffic fight if there are injuries or worse. 


    Furthermore, the western style defensive driving style would not subscribe to a theory that one driver has the right to “teach another a lesson. “


    Yuelding to traffic is a basic courtesy.   

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, mok199 said:

    we live in pattaya my wife me and my boy have all developed this chornic cough ..the ''he he emm'',as we all try and clear our throats..i hear it everywhere .many of my friends too say they have this.my theory is'' the dirty and overflowing waste from sewers and other bacteria in general ends up on beach rd as it is down hill to beach rd ,and then into the sand ,,it is then dried and blows back into pattaya, it is churned up by the tour buses with dust particles and this bacteria is in high concentration in the air we breath living next to this ( beach and the road that runs along it).we have spoke to a few dr's and every dr feels this is allergy ,but I feel this is more of an air quality issue..my question is ''could this be possible'' and ''where in Thailand is the air quality good"..my boy needs a clean enviorment to grow up in..

    Phuket Maikhao is great.  

    • Thanks 1
  8. I see this situation a lot.  


    you Might have to send the money back to the trust and then I would recommend you transfer the funds directly to the developer. 


    If the buyer is a private person you will need your bank cooperation to issue the FET.  


    I have helped others expatriating funds (some people have no need for FETs). The transaction cost for receiving USD overseas in exchange for THB in Thailand is 10 percent above the bank exchange rate of the day.  



  9. Money isn't everything, but not having enough makes life too stressful. Move back to Canada and find yourself a nice Eskimo lass....

    I don't know where you have been for the past 50 years, but Eskimo is to Innuit as the N word is to Blacks. I think there is no need to use racial slurs on this forum.

    Somewhat over-sensitive, and a little pompous, aren't we ?


    I realize is Krauts, Frogs, and non rehabilitated Penal Colonists are not able to read more than a headline. However for those with a beyond 9th grade reading comprehension, if you continue in the Article you quoted you will find the answers.

    "In Canada and Greenland, the term "Eskimo" has fallen out of favor as pejorative and has been widely replaced by the term "Inuit", "


    My apologies for insulting all ninth graders.

  10. Money isn't everything, but not having enough makes life too stressful. Move back to Canada and find yourself a nice Eskimo lass....

    I don't know where you have been for the past 50 years, but Eskimo is to Innuit as the N word is to Blacks. I think there is no need to use racial slurs on this forum.

  11. I think there are slot of down and out farang here who think that living in a shed on a dog infested soi 1 hour from the nearest Tesco express is middle class.

    i have no issue with someone wanting to live that way. It's alright. It's good that locals can survive without hunger and afford a basic lifestyle at 12-20k baht per month.

    But to think one can come over here, on a 20k budget and then to claim middle class standards is ludicrous.

    Lipstick. Pig. Beer Lao. Got it. ...

  12. Well, I can't live in my own country so I have to live in Thailand. I'm forced out basically. Living in my home country is like living in a country full of rich people. I'm definitely not rich. I can afford an apartment for $100/mo or less. Can't find that in america anymore. They want billionaires and millionaires living in america who can pay $1,000++ for rent and $250k plus houses. I can actually live in Thailand whereas in my home country I'm stuck living with my mother. sad.png

    No wonder Thaland's government wants to tighten visa rules all the time. It's hardly beneficial for Thailabd to be a refuge for economically challenged hobos.

    Not economically challenged at all. 20,000 baht/mo in Thailand = middle class. tongue.png

    You think? In Bangkok that definitely is not middle class, and to be frank I would challenge most farangs to live of 666 baht a day.

    My neighbour is a manager for a makeup company in BK, 25k/month.

    Yep, he's definitely middle class.

    Don't understand foreigners talking up Thai wages?

    Does it in some way make you feel better about yourself?

    Or are you just totally ignorant about everything Thai?

    Middle class doesn't equate median income. There is a relatively small middle class here and a lot of souring middle class Thais. Consumer credit is so outrageolsy prices here that it holds down those aspirations. The large family support structures can serve to hide some individual economic performance. Don't underestimate the amount of support coming into thousands of families from overseas Kiks and "husbands" which make their way into the family and village economies.

    But true aspirations of middle class, educated management or professional career is not going to be met on a single wage earning family-head at 25,000 baht per month. No way.

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