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Posts posted by rockingrobin

  1. 10 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    As discussed on here by myself and others, the remedy once SamuiTimes owners defaulted on the civil or criminal case would be most likely to block the domain on the local ISPs and, since the bulk of advertising on SamuTimes is local, that would effectively shut off the bulk of her revenue. 

    Would that not be self defeating. 

    Assuming that business advertise with ST do so because they believe its beneficial to themselves. 

  2. 1 hour ago, AGareth2 said:

    read it the same as you

    if true

    then disappointing

    From the BP article , Christina Anneseley ; no other human dna, and died from taking drugs and alcohol.


    There was another person with her a few hours before Christina was discovered, and no toxicolgy report with no investigation to determine if the mixture was sufficient to cause her death.

  3. 10 hours ago, Khun Han said:


    It doesn't matter how much you prattle on with your (selective) facts and figures. The British fishing industry supports the latest government proposal, and the British fishing industry understands fishing in British waters far better than you, me or anyone else on this forum. Why don't you take some time out and go and talk to British fishing industry representatives? You might actually get a bigger picture, rather than coming at this and every other brexit discussion armed with your pro-EU bias.

    The scrapping of the convention does little if anything to enhance the British fishing industry, to some extents it could have a detrimental effect, in that post Brexit the UK would be in direct competition with Norway.

    To give it some perspective , in 2015 the UK fishing industry provided approx gbp 600M to the GDP, and employ roughly 30,000  , policing the 12 mile limit is going to be disproportionately expensive and not one of the government priorities.

    Throw into the mix the UK ratification of the UN Straddling Fish Stocks Agreement , and the announcement amounts to nothing

  4. 1 hour ago, nontabury said:

    At that time the UK was trying to gain entry to the Trading club called the EEC.

    Who in turn were negotiating an agreement with Iceland. They would not allow any exception,we either had to tow the line,or forget about joining.

    I repeat the vast majority of British fishermen are fully behind Brexit, to imply otherwise, is to be living in cloud cooko land. 

    Allthough to be fair not all, the London millionaire set, support our fishermen.




    It is nonsense.


    Iceland threatened to withdraw from NATO, which the US could not allow

  5. 1 hour ago, khunPer said:

    The first instance of "Death Island" in connection to Koh Tao..?

    So many news-stories, and so many recently called Koh Tao for "death island", that it's difficult to recall, who was the inventor of that expression.


    My friend Google is not extremely friendly with "death island" searches, especially when searching for first instance. However, I'm lazy enough to only look through the first 50 results. But anyway, using the date-tool – i.e. searching for specified periods – and disregarding "fake posts" where "death island" appear, because a news-site may have a up-to-date advertising blocks at bottom with the recent news, I'm for example talking about the articles this thread is based on.


    So I began with "tao death island", and year 2015:

    No results

    (which mean, that not within the first 50 search results)


    "tao death island", year 2016:

    Bingo, almost, I got "Island of death"...

    British man found dead on Koh Tao - Page 21 - Koh Samui News ...
    8. jan. 2016 - Because they do not go in numbers to Koh Tao, Yes sir it is the island factor apparently now called the "Island of death" Avoid Koh Tao for long life. 2 people like ...


    When coming to the first few days into 2017 the situation improved for "tao death island":

    A Bar Guide Plus Best Restaurants In Koh Tao - Travel Tom Tom
    1. jan. 2017 - Only a couple days on the island and dont know where to go in Koh Tao? ... read here about my experiences in my blog: How to survive the Thai Death Island.


    But that was not Samui Times...


    Then I narrowed the search to "samui times death island"
    1/1/2017 to 1/31/2017


    Mystery As Another Woman Disappears On 'Death Island' - Unilad
    6. jan. 2017 - Mystery As Another Woman Disappears On Death Island 1449 Valentina 1 ... it's been dubbed by The Samuia Times as 'Death Island' due to the number of ... in the gulf of Thailand near the famed party islands of Koh Phangan and Koh Samui.


    The Google-date, 6th January, don't seem to fit, as the article talks about the case with the Russian girl in February. The Samui Times article the story is based on is this one, "Hunt for Russian girl missing on Koh Tao sparks intense social media speculation" from probably early March 2017 (no published date in the article), wherein it's said: 

    »...Elsewhere on social media many are posting derogatory comments about Koh Tao, that has been dubbed “Death Island”. This developing story has once more brought to light the plight of the two Burmese men who were convicted of the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller...«


    My little, not scientific correct, search found that – 

    first instance of Koh Tao as Death Island, or rather Island of Death is Thaivisa, January 6th 2016.

    Second instance is a year later on 1st January 2017 in a travel blog, naming Koh Tao as Thai Death Island.

    Third instance is Samui Times at presumable early March 2017 referring that posters has dubbed Koh Tao as Death Island


    Perhaps some other poster can recall, when "death island" appeared first time in connection with Koh Tao..?

    First referance I have found is Jan 2016


  6. 23 minutes ago, balo said:

    If the mother could confirm that she was suicidal , or mentally ill , it would be a lot easier to accept that this actually was a suicide.  We have news reports about her suicide attempt the 4th of April .  

    But so far the mother only been interviewed once mentioning her daughter would never do such a thing,  So unless the family will make another statement this will continue to be a mystery . 





    Can you positively affirm the previous suicide attempt.

    I have a report where the Hospital released Elise after 4 days. Would appear strange that they would let her go if she was suicidal.

  7. 1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

    It is true that the police have a poor record here concerning honesty and investigative skills but giving a dog a bad name doesn't mean that everything they say is wrong. I believe that the fire started in her hut/room, is it not possible that she panicked thinking of the consequences, Thai prison, restitution etc.? perhaps she ran away and in a momentary fit of fear hung herself.

    Elise bought another ticket after the fire

  8. 11 hours ago, frank83628 said:

    i knew sean manna, he was an attention seeker,  a drunk, compulsive liar and full of shit to say the least!!, i blame him for starting the whole 'mafia' thing with his attention seeking bullshit FB post, the guys he was 'running from' were actually suspicious of him, he was covered in bloody at some point close to H&D murder. he claimed to have known david which i suspect untrue,  again just for the attention and glory, i saw him bullshitting and lying first hand....if anything he should be questioned  about his whereabouts that night!!


    if any of you English people remember the Soham girls that got murdered, it turned out to be their cartaker who was also helping the police etc etc,.. thats what sean manna reminded me of....he was too interested in what the police knew, asking many questions, that weren't any business of a 'tourist' , i watched him go around the entire bar bringing up what ha happened as soon and he could and asking people who the y 'thought did it'!!

    yet without any knowledge of the idiot whatsoever you all take his word as gospel.

    Just to clarify , are you confirming Sean Mcanna was covered in blood on the night of Hannah and Davids murder

  9. 6 minutes ago, Lamar said:

    Please, where did you read this allegation about the rescue worker claim about the recovered mobile?


    There is an expansion of often contradictory information; The press report declarations made by family, mixed with that of the police and with unverified rumors, and with report of other articles in other newspapers, re-carried in a sort of chain reaction, with at each step a loss of accuracy and verifiability. It would be desirable for those who are likely to give relevant information (family, witness...) to do so directly, for example via Facebook, rather than just through the press.

    The info comes from a german language newspaper based in thailand

  10. 9 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

    The Eu still seems to think that it can not only dictate terms but also the order in which they must be discussed.


    Theresa May did, for example, state the conditions in which EU citizens could remain and work in Britain after the UK's exit.  The EU's response was "not enough detail".   Where are the EU's conditions for the UK citizens living and working in the EU?  Before negotiation had even started, the EU claimed that Britain was totally unprepared but that was mere conjecture and propaganda on their part as it simply meant that, prior to negotiations, we had not declared our hand, which is the correct strategy when entering talks.


    Now they criticise the UK for seeking to take control "unilaterally" of its own waters.   Well, they had better get used to the UK making its own decisions in future, as there is going to be a lot more of it, whether the EU likes it or not.

    The EU citizens proposals have been pulished , and it is the position of the EU that UK citizens in EU member states keep their acquired rights.


    The London Fishing Convention , was brokered by the UK , and thus article 15 requires the UK to inform the UK that it is terminating the agreement. Basically abrogating a treaty it negotatiated. 

    Prior to the UK beoming a member of the EU, it felt it was in the UK's interest to make this treaty, so what has changed.

  11. 5 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

    Cult, as used by the Thai media really would be incorrect.....

    Satha Sai institute was established years ago in India and has been beneficial to many through medical, education and other institutions.

    It would interesting to evaluate exactly what this Guru has achieved in the islands, and shouldn't be too difficult to explore....however, these guys often establish themselves in tourist regions, when in reality for Thailand, they should, according to the tenets of Satha Sai,  be in poor and underprivileged areas where real help is needed.

    Is it plausable that a cult could operate under the radar of the thai authorities, especially given that the leader is a foreigner

  12. Just now, Khun Paul said:

    Now they investigate,

    NOW the Police are told to do the job they are supposed to do.

    Now the spotlight is firmly on Koh Tao AGAIN.

    Now I wait for all the EXCUSES, the REASONS, the Anti farang not understanding Thai Culture Comments.


    The thai authorities are good, maybe I dont think they are correct, but they know what they are doing

    When the mother initially mentioned the koh phangan connection she was initially fobbed off with the line , that is not our jurisdiction

  13. 1 hour ago, Krenjai said:

     I believe you are right, he probably has not even been on Koh Tao, nor did she flee the island Koh Phangan.  But don't forget, no Thai could have done this, it must be a farang, let's target and find a scapegoat!

    For the authorities this has to finish as suicide. Any other outcome is a  disaster and leaves the police open to  allegations that they dont investigate tourist deaths and gives credence to other families who have stated as such.

  14. 29 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


    There is a saying: 'You break it, you own it.'  And there are two contradictory opinions which are not resolved (well actually they are). The first is that the UK wants to stay in the Single Market and the second is that the UK is not prepared to comply with the free movement of labour requirement. Cannot have both. And the Labour Party have now capitulated on the second. So what does the desire not to become poorer mean in practice moving forwards?

    The Single Market cannot be an option if you rule out ECJ , as T.May did suring the Cons conference.

    The SM simply would not function if there are differing rules/regulation in each of the member states. 

    • Like 2
  15. 24 minutes ago, balo said:

    It's number 3 I have a problem with.  Regardless if it happened on KT or not , you always report foreign deaths to the local media.  Unless they were all told to shut up . 


    You will find reported deaths in Thai media almost every day. , but not with a 2 months delay. Something fishy going on here, 






    Patrick Govaert, consul of the Embassy of Belgium in Bangkok, said in an email Thursday that the embassy was prohibited from confirming whether a tourist named Dallemagne had died in Thailand.



  16. 9 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Even more disturbing is the police claim in today's BP that they can ascertain the cause of death once they find the German cult leader.  


    Innocent, guilty, or otherwise, he'd better be in another country that doesn't border Thailand, and quick. 


    The thai authorities had a 2 month head start yet the D.Mirror have already spoken to him

  17. 22 minutes ago, bannork said:

    Reading that Thai Rath article Wilsonandson,  the rescue official says they found her body intact, though decomposition had set in. 

    Mr Chalermsak Saithanu, the rescue volunteer who brought Elise's body out from the point it was found, said on that day a citizen had found her body hanging from a tree with a nylon rope tied around her neck. Nearby was her bag with her phone, wallet, a bottle of alcohol, a bottle of benzine and a handwritten letter inside. Police kept all as evidence.

    ( As can be seen in the photos and video, the branches of the tree are quite low) 


    What is not clear apart from the people who first disovered the body, who arrived next rescue team or police

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