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Everything posted by LatPhrao

  1. Putin's hysterical rants sound exactly like his partner's, Donald Trump. They are taking on each others psychotic behaviour.
  2. Sure thing, wacko. Try Putin - Sickening deaths daily. Fortunately Russian and North Koreans.
  3. Hahaha the posts here by obvious moron Trump suckers? Please rofl
  4. Snark or collusion with forces of evil?
  5. WSJ - what do you expect?! Then rumor mongering against AP, of course. Typical gaslighting from the Nazis (once known as Republicans) , the Thing and associates that lie with every breathe and the maggots know as Maga. A shame this rag's screed couldn't serve up at least balanced reporting. Long live the principled AP News.
  6. The usual MAGA lying and glorification and pandering of America's greatest traitor, felon Trump. Way over your skis on history. Lacking respect for a truly brave, courageous and heroic leader who has lead successfully battles against Putin, Russia, North Korean troops. Not worthy to lick Zelensky's boots, you. But a lickspittle for cowardly, deranged, backstabbing Trump.
  7. Landslide? ROFL Too ridiculous to reply.
  8. Sorry not, but you are complicit in the destruction of America, my country, by traitors from within. Put an end to Trump and his followers with Extreme Prejudice.
  9. We live in Hope. A heroic American in the Secret Service could do it and we would build statues across America in his honor. Death to traitors.
  10. Sounds like more of the tailors gangs of Sukhumvit near Soi 8. Possibly crooks. they buy the police. Challenge them over issues with something you've asked them and paid them to make. One had a cop follow me and drag me back for challenging him.
  11. Thank you! We need Brit guidance and support fending off Trump felon, criminal, fascist.
  12. No mention in the headlines of the all ready crushing crisis of overpacked and slow running BTS and MRT trains (well before the free travel announcement). At Bangkok nothing is done to relieve the all ready overcrowded and crushed passenger loads. Did they add more trains to the BTS and MRT lines? Did they increase the frequency of BTS or MRT trains running? No, nothing, and with more travelers is just making public transportation worse than before.
  13. Staggered reading this detailed thread on a subject that in the very recent past was absolutely verboten. Bravo!! Thai Visa agents and their customers living in the clear, clean light of day. In my humble opinion the visa agents provide a terrific, much needed service at, all things considering alternatives, comes at a reasonable cost. To say nothing of the end of and frustrations, time wasting dealing with Immigration.
  14. ROFL yes exactly. It's a ruse recognized on both sides. Welcome to Thailand, if you hadn't noticed. And just to be clear my comments are exclusively about pure French wine channeled in bulk into an Asian country (Vietnam), bottled and labelled there without any manipulation of the wine and then sold into Thailand under lowered taxation/duty schemes available to co-operating Asia countries. Landing on the Thai retail shelf at the bargain price of 399 thb or there abouts. Enjoy a glass of Belleville's pure French wines!
  15. To the OP point about 'fruit wine' on label and yours. This label is part of the Lie required to get around Thailands ridiculous and unfortunate 'law' which suggests the wine is blended down with a fruit juice other than grape.. If so labelled there is a lower tax/duty on the wine. Helping get it into 399 thb pricing. The only 'fruit' in these wines is from the wine grape, which is a fruit.
  16. I took great pleasure in discovering the Belleville red and white wines when tasting through what was available at 399 thb. Very pleasant wines, good color, interesting blends, structure, and flavors. Not so called fruit wines Quality wines that come from France - the Cotes du Rhone region. Their price comes about through a cunning system - where the wines are shipped from France in bulk to Vietnam, where they are bottled and then sold into the market under a low tax and duty agreement between Asian nations. The result very good French wine at a bargain (in Thailand) price. They were my house wines for a long time. Recommend
  17. A Canadian still sticking nose in America's business. None of your business. Get out!
  18. Halperin for Hitler and Trump and Mussolini. You do not have to respect the fact that tens of millions of people are going to vote for them. Fascists and their followers are criminals.
  19. It starts in the Asean Now Newsletter (e-mail) . Ironically I cannot find an example just now. Back with a screen shot asap.
  20. Suddenly the Asean Now news format has gone from a simple call it elegant collection of news / forum titles to pages packed with pictures and a topsy turvy, overstuffed appearance. The currency quotes have disappeared. Please restore the former news / topic formats!
  21. Correct Trump stands alone, is a fascist, congenital liar, a disgraceful human being and criminal - convicted and not yet convicted. Harris is brilliant and in no need of comparison..
  22. Well, Wimp will be your name and shame. Rue the day you lost your values to the American garbage.
  23. Stronger than ever. You, lost your courage and decency and ability to think? Meds will not help you. One more piece of garbage is it?
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