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Posts posted by fanof3d

  1. Want to replace the gate at the house.  Looked all over but can't find a business that sales gates here.  Can someone help point me in the right direction?  Anyone with an actual website?



    Thanks in advance.

  2. @alfredo

    Your off your rocker. This is a forum where OP's are searching for advice. You offered ZERO. Instead you pulled out your soap box and had fun. I didn't care for it, that simple.

    No hard feelings but don't respond to any of my posts unless you have something of value to offer in the way of helping your fellow farang solve a challenge or problem. Keep your soap box speeches for someone else buddy or hell go start a blog. You'd probably be the only one talking but you never know. :-).

  3. That video was really hard to watch. I felt helpless for the victim. The LOS has a lot of heartless and cowardly inhabitants. I saw 8 of them in this video. Actually I saw more than that.... the onlookers who did absolutely nothing to help shield or protect this victim. Yeah she obviously made a mistake but this could be our 20 year old daughter who made a bone head decision to get involved in a bad relationship. It happens but to get your ass kicked by males.....<deleted>....I'm dumbfounded at the psyche of the thai male who in this video seemed to thoroughly enjoy kicking, hitting and punching a small defenceless female who attempted to walk away. How insecure does one have to be to actually agree to do something like this. The very very sad part of this is that it seems to be a way of life here. They truly think it's okay to do this. What's worse is that most of these stories are covered up. Media control here is an art of science that they have gotten very good at.

    No doubt this will affect her for a very long time to come. The fact that she is alive will have taught her a very tough lesson indeed. The more stories I read that involve Thai males carrying out acts of vengeance on foreigners and even other Thais for that matter is very sad. I'm not a political fanatic but the PTB obviously have no idea how to run a country. The LOS is going down the drain........ definitely not something I anticipated when I came here :-( I wish her a speedy recovery. Can't be easy for a young woman. I hope she has a good support system to rely on.

  4. @alfredo. Thanks for your idiotic response. "Making a problem when there is none".... who are you to assume if there is a problem or not, lol?

    You must be extremely bored and wanting to share something about your life, family and how you view the dog situation in your UT village. I

    could care less. "even keep the Babies in oscillating cradles under their houses" Are you okay man?

    If you don't understand what personal preference means then you'd never really add anything of value to a conversation

    where one is simply seeking advice.

    It was really that simple buddy but thank you for the time spent talking to be about babies, dogs and your UT Village after I've already mentioned
    what I am doing about the situation...... move along now.... Here's a topic, you can hang your hat on and enjoy for a while coffee1.gif

  5. I'll see if the wife is up for a road trip but I doubt it. I think what I'll do is clear some room and buy a large contained fenced area. I've checked locally and found someone that builds these.
    I do wish CR had a licensed foundation. I'd definitely contribute financially and I think there would be enough support city wide to sustain it but as someone else mentioned CR just isn't there yet.

  6. @jak2002003 Learn to read man. We have a newborn on the scene. The dogs are aren't something we want around any longer. You might

    not agree with it but it's that simple. I've put up barriers but they just jump over. Anyway, would never take advice from someone who can't read and comprehend

    the main issue, none of which were that they were filthy and barking..... those were simply facts that we didn't really care about until we

    agreed to help our sister n' law with care taking of her newborn so she could work.

    Thanks everyone else for your feedback. We'll keep them for now as there doesn't seem to be a viable and protective way to give them

    up. We aren't against dogs obviously, just care more about the newborn than the dogs. I know there are people out there that care more

    about their pets versus humans but we aren't in that group. Plus we're in Chiang Rai, not Phuket or Bkk.

  7. villagefarang

    Awesome Photos! Thanks for the suggestions guy's but I'm not hauling these 2 rugrats to bkk but I'm pretty sure that would do the trick, lol.

    I also am very skeptical about dropping off at our local temple. Never have seen that done before nor do I ever see ugly mutts running around there. Don't

    think that's an option.

    Looks like we may be stuck with them :-(. Just hate them being around the little one. One of them jumps the enclosement I've built and they both bark at

    the dumbest crap which wakes up the little one of course. I'd pay someone to take them honestly but I don't want them to become strays or anything.

    It's likely they wouldn't make it.

    Thanks for all the feedback and great photos!

  8. We've thought about but most people in the near vicinity are older and probably couldn't care for them properly so we've been hesitant. Your probably right though in terms of not having such a place her. Unfortunate given the huge population of strays here and that's of both dogs and cats although I definitely see more dogs. Thanks for your reply.

  9. In the states, we have shelters or places for missing or unwanted pets in hope that they will find new homes.

    Is there such a place in CR? We have 2 dogs and are helping care for sister n' laws baby. Just don't

    want them around. Constant barking and just filth really. We could bathe them every day and they'd stil

    end up filthy.

    We've blocked them off from the main area but we'd rather find them a new home if possible. I've been

    looking for weeks and haven't found anything so if anyone knows of such a place, it would be appreciated.


  10. This is yet another manufactured case, everything was facilitated / fabricated by the FBI and their informants.

    This link contains an interesting read : https://theintercept.com/2015/02/26/fbi-manufacture-plots-terrorism-isis-grave-threats/

    Google 'manufacturing terror', they do this all the time.

    The guys they arrest are <deleted> who support terror but they're usually as 'dumb as stumps' and would get nowhere without extraordinary help from the government and its agents.

    They do this when they have a specific agenda they want to move forward with but don't have the GP's support or don't want to get approval. Happens all the time. Happened with 911....I still remember Bush at some party after the invasion making a condescending comment as to "I know those weapons of mass destruction are around here somewhere" and laughing about it. It's a game to them but they are dead serious about carrying out so I recon something surrounding ISIL will happen when they decide to finally crumble the dollar. They'll need some fallback as an excuse to push their agenda forward. ISIL is perfect because it will scare people and therefore we must take your guns, we must separate the bad people from those that obey us, etc. etc. This isn't a new tactic. They do the same with peaceful demonstrations. They'll send in a few idiots to disrupt the events to make it look like the demonstrators were aggressive and out of line and then restrict how demonstrations are to be carried out. Everyone should get use to it as they have a few things they want to accomplish in the short term. I imagine Trump will be the first and then something having to do with ISIL in the next year or two. Who knows.

  11. What "investors"? These are State projects.

    It is about time. All I ever see on projects in Thailand is delays delays and more delays. One after another. Thailand is long overdue for establishing a unit train system. Tracks--- double tracks running in opposite direction like those in Japan. Japan has had a unit track railroad system for a long time and it improves delivery time and freight efficiency when trains don't have to constantly move to a side rail to let a train coming from the opposite direction to pass.

    It's not only delays, it's completion time. Thai "state" projects have historically taken longer to complete as they do to get started. They are always lagging behind. I've seen a 4 mile section of a highway take over 2 years to be completed before, TWO years. My wife says Thai workers are lazy when it comes to big projects and that they don't put forth their best effort in hopes that repairs would ensue soon after completion so that they can continue to get work. Don't know if there is any truth to that but I do know that projects big or small take forever to complete on the state level. So I guarantee that a unit train system would take a very long time to complete, let alone get started. Investors will pull their money out and jump ship which seems to be common these days. Would be nice to see some of these projects come along but one would have to wonder if the LOS even cares about delivery time and freight efficiency in the first place. Last year we were contemplating spending billions for Chinese submarines so yeah priorities are all over the place.

  12. Another example of keeping the masses dumb so they dont have the intelligence to understand what the military continue to take from them.

    This is pretty significant and sad. Did they think no one would actually read the new drafts? This is what happens when the military controls the government. They have a different agenda and rest assured that improving conditions here or doing anything positive to help the general populace isn't one of it's priorities, obviously. Really really disappointing that they would do this. What's even sadder is that Thais will just accept it if it's not added back.

  13. When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

    As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

    Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

    Police to strictly enforce the laws.

    Agree about the gov needing to get serious about taking action but it won't happen. Not important enough. Has nothing to do with seat belts. It has everything to do with under paid and over worked drivers who simply don't care, are incompetent or who are in such a hurry that logic goes out the window (i.e. trying to pass a a trailer on a curve or right before an intersection). What they need to do is focus on driver training and safety. Hire better drivers even if they have to increase ticket prices. I don't take a bus anywhere much as I'd rather fly but as a lot of people have mentioned, I'll never travel via bus at night for ANY reason. Just not worth it. RIP to the deceased. These and thousands of lives could have been easily prevented. Welcome to LOS.

  14. “We sleep on the ground. It is a miserable situation. I don’t know…why we are here?”

    You are here because you were in fear for your life in your own country, which is why you abandoned your wife, kids, elderly relatives to their dire fate and paid people smugglers a fortune for your passage to Europe. To be honest I'm surprised you have forgotten that fact, your life was in grave danger. When you speak like you did above it is almost as if you are a chancer that fancies life on easy street lapping up the infidels welfare payments. Of course that could not be the case and to suggest so would be abusive, non PC bla bla, which is why I am not suggesting that you are such a person.

    You got 1 thing right. Most of these refugees were in fear of their lives as would be anyone but please don't be so naive to think that anything but a very SMALL percentage paid anyone a "fortune" for passage anywhere. They were running in fear WITH their wives, kids and relatives. Yes, of course many got left behind but their from Syria. If you know anything about Syria, there aren't too many people with fortunes of anything.....mostly war riddled memories and horrible experiences. This entire situation is a complete mess. This is a direct outcome of war and political/religious unrest which displaces people. Other countries attempted to help but clearly had no plan of execution. I strongly condone the idiots out there from other Middle Eastern and N. African countries that have been raping women and disrespecting the countries that are attempting to help them but that's another story. For the families who were courageous enough to leave .....they had no idea what would happen to them. I'm sure they thought they we're headed for greener pastures but that simply wasn't the case. We've (for what every reason) let ISIL terrorize, execute and further impoverish this county for a very long time now... to the point the people that are there now have no food, drinking water and in many cases electricity. Until ISIL is wiped out and their country is stabilized and rebuilt to some degree, they won't be heading back like some are doing in Iraq/Afghanistan and other countries with loads of refugees. I guess I'm just disappointed that so many countries allowed all of this chaos without precise plans of execution. Germany wanted to help but was totally unprepared for such a crisis and now your seeing the results. I'm shocked that the leaders of these countries haven't come together in an emergency meeting to figure it out......and so the saga continues.

  15. No One. Are you kidding. First Obama and now these clowns. Americans have slowly been brain-washed over the years and the country is going to shits. Controlled media, trillions in debt that can NEVER be paid back (meaning dollar will eventually collapse)...I mean the list goes on and on and on and on. Letting illegal aliens happily walk across the border and milk the system for free housing and food at the tax payers expense......hell Hillary is being investigated for leaking classified information and she's still winning primaries? Are you f'ing kidding me? Honestly all I can do is shake my head. Love my country and the hard working people who make it go but they've all been bamboozled. Politics in the u.s. is a joke. It's all a big game. There is no right/left, it's the good ol boy's club, it's rhetoric, smoke n' mirrors, owned by corporate interests and greed. There is no checks/balance. They do what they want, when they want with no regard for the constitution or bill of rights. It doesn't even matter who they elected. Corporations control more policy than any President. America is still a great nation but their future is mighty bleak.

  16. just the outside of this temple is interresting, so why enter into ?

    Agreed, I won't be going. What their charging isn't the issue. It's charging foreigners for every little thing they can think of that is the issue. I'd rather they just ban foreigners from going. There are enough crappy stores and services here that get my money. Not paying for any tourist attractions like this. There are many more interesting temples near this region where you can go and enjoy for free. One is close to the tea plantation. I forget the name but you can go pray in the temple, feed the cliff monkey's, paddle boat in the small pond and simply enjoy yourself along with everyone else. You spend your money on the vendors that are there that provide food, trinkets, and other hand-made items.

  17. What do you know..........miracles can happen in the LOS. This is great news. While it seems he has a long way to go to recovery, this little one has a heart of a champion and I hope that he can make a speedy recovery. I also hope they find the person(s) responsible. This was attempted murder and they should be behind bars until death.

  18. No one or company will be held accountable unfortunately. RIP little guy. Shame on authorities concealing this story and shame on the POS's who are responsible for this.

    I seriously hope that they are able to seek damages. This is insane but again shows the horrific attention to detail that I see a lot of in this country. How in the hell would an exposed cable of all things be easily accessed on a &lt;deleted&gt; beach? Even more disturbing is the general lack of responsibility people take in this country when something bad happens. That I can guarantee you is the reason why this was suppressed. Those responsible are embarrassed but more than that they should be monetarily responsible. I know that won't bring this child back but someone needs to pay for this negligence. Someone should force those responsible to form a small committee to figure out what happened and an action plan to make sure it doesn't happen again. Yeah I know, won't happen. Guess I'm just overly saddened by the lack of genuine sympathy here when foreigners are killed in the LOS be it by accidents or deliberate intentions. RIP young fellow. I feel for his parents. I can't fathom what they must be going through right now :-( I personally would be devastated.

  19. 1. The clock was set for 2012.
    This is probably because the bios date is 2012 you can change the date either in the bios or inside Windows. If the date does not stay to the current date the bios battery is probably dead. Not likely though just change the date and that should be OK
    2. Programs had been installed from 2009 to 2015.
    This is probably because it comes from a previous image (backup) and it is not unusual to find many programs pre installed although in Thailand they are probably hacked or bootleg programs.
    3. Loaded Windows 7 Ultimate with no genuine Windows disk included
    If you don't have the CD Key Genuine Windows sticker on the bottome of the laptop you got a bootleg version of Windows, again not unusual in Thailand
    4. I did a cmd systeminfo | find /i "install date" and it spit back Jan 1. 2009
    Again from Image
    5. Didn't go through normal windows setup that you go through when you purchase a brand new laptop or even when you wipe your HD clean
    Again because you OS was loaded from a previous image (backup) either bootleg or pre activated. You will also find if you do the windows updates it may render your operating system useless as the updates will undo the crack that was installed to activate your windows
    6. A bunch of programs that don't normally come with a new laptop like ccleaner, vlc media player, photoshop, etc.
    see above
    7. There is 1TB of HD space but it's odd. Only 100GB is under the c drive. Then you have 400GB in 2 other particions which makes no sense as programs are typically installed at the root drive C:
    There is a 100MB partition that windows 7 sets up for system files, and it is not unusual to find that your hard drive is partitioned leaving 100GB for you windows instalation, programs, additional fonts and other programs you may install and the other partitions containing the bulk of your space for your personal files like movies, music, pictures etc... etc... I have my computer set up some what the same way, 100GB for my windows drive and swap file, the D:\ drive for programs files that I install the E:\ for my data, pictures, movies, music etc... That is not an unusual set up at all. Also if you have one large drive you will lose a lot of space due to what we call "slack" due to cluster size and physical geometry of the drive. Smaller partitions actually give you more usable space than one large drive
    Hope this helps

    Yes, this helped a lot. Decided just to keep it as is. This particular model seems to only be sold in Thailand and on all of the other sites, no mention of an OS with it. I simply wasn't told this information when I purchased. I was unaware of the way computes are permitted to be assembled here in the LOS and sold with a bootleg copy of Windows, lol. Live in learn. Thanks again for taking time to provide your insight.

  20. There should be more to the model number of the laptop, that will identify its configuration. Asus X554 comes in many variants: Core i3, core i5, etc. The complete model product number will also identify if the computer was sold with or without an operating system.

    Have a look on the box for the complete product model number it will be on the sticker with the barcodes. It will look something like this:


    If you search Lazada for X554 there are many variants. The one above is here:


    You can see in the specs that this variant is sold with DOS operating system.

    Thanks Bino, I actually found it. http://www.pantipmarket.com/items/15824179 that is the full model # but so far 3 other sites I've viewed it on don't even mention an OS. I think this was made specifically for LOS to come without an OS. That's my guess anyway. Why wouldn't they tell me. It's so odd because sales people NEVER try to upsell. It's like they don't even care. I'm sure they don't work on commission but hell, simple sales philosophy should say that if anyone looks at the laptop without an OS, you sell them one, lol. I probably would've purchased either an OS or upgraded the laptop. Lesson learned. Thanks again.

  21. Understood gents. Maybe I won't even bother with having them mess with it then. Just sucks having an old OS with so many viruses and crap out there. I'll load a decent firewall and AV program I guess. Tried to get the free update from Windows but as you guessed it can't get any updates without a genuine copy which I'm assuming is why it was turned off to begin with.

    Thanks guys for all your input.

  22. Just go here >>> http://www.asus.com/support/

    Enter the requested information and check the warranty status.

    You should be able to get the manufactured year of the PC.


    If the machine is brand new, installing a Genuine version of Windows is a minor issue and not worth loosing any sleep over it.

    And maybe you could get your free Windows 10!

    What's odd is that ON the machine, there is a sticker saying that the model # X554L. When I plug that into the support site, nothing comes up.

    Now when I look at the sytem information, the system model# says X555LI. When I type that in, it comes up but didn't see anyway to search for warranty status.

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