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Posts posted by fanof3d

  1. If for whatever reason you decide to keep the machine I would suggest you do a fresh install of Windows. Disabling updates is the 'idiots' way of loading pirated operating system and besides you probably don't need / want half the other crap that they installed on it.

    I'd recommend finding out if the hard drive is in fact new and if so do a fresh install. If the hard drive is not new take that notebook back and demand a refund or an SSD in exchange for the old drive. Also recommend that in the future you purchase from a recognized store ie JIB, Banana IT, Advice computer etc.

    Thanks for your comment. How do I check to see if the hard-drive is new? Whoever partioned it didn't do it correctly. The only left 100GB for the C: drive where programs are actually installed and 800GB on 2 other partions. My wife called them today and they said they would install Win 8 at no charge but I'll believe that when I see it. If they have to reformat the drive to install, I'll have him setup the HD correctly as well.

    For this region, we don't have the stores you mentioned. The store is a Mega Store, not a mom/pop shop or somehwere you'd feel uncomfortable shopping. They sell everything here from Kitchen items, Big Screens, Computers, Motorbikes and outdoor Water pumps. Very nice showroom floor, etc. In the states or even the u.k., would be like buying from Best Buy but again like others have mentioned, they can get away with loading anything onto a new cpu here. I'll update everyone after I take it back to the store tomorrow.

  2. Since someone has posted after me smile.png I take the opportunity to add something without double-posting: besides Tywais' useful suggestion above, you may also want to try one of these battery utilities that willl tell you how many charge cycles the battery has been through.

    Of course, both the hard disk and the battery might have been replaced.

    A careful look at the keyboard might be a hint too. Look for signs of wear, "polish" on key tops.

    Will do. Thanks for the advice. The machine itself was in what looked to be the original box, no sign up wear on any of the keys but beyond what I just mentioned, another red flag was that Windows Update was disabled. For any ginuine windows install, it's imperative to get updates or at least the important ones and I can't upgrade to Win 8/10 without a genuine install. I tried to "activate windows" to see if I would get a success message but the program wouldn't load. I even tried going under control panel and system and there isn't a genuine MS Windows software badge there. In fact the entire "Windows" activation section is missing. Restore was turned off also but I created a restore point. I think at this point, I'll either ask for a genuine copy of Win8 or try and get a refund. I'm sure they'll just say no but I guess we'll see. Definitely shouldn't be legal for any corporate firm to install ghost copies of windows on "new" PC's and Laptaps sold without it being advertised as such. Pretty disappointed in that but I guess I wasn't even thinking about that possiblility. Live 'n learn in the good ol, LOS. Thanks for the feedback everyone.

  3. I just bought an Asus laptop from Sinthanee for my wife. Wasn't expensive, maybe 13,000 but noticed a lot of odd things after starting it up and before I take it back and start asking questions, I wanted to get feedback from anyone else who may have recently purchased a laptop in los.

    1. The clock was set for 2012.
    2. Programs had been installed from 2009 to 2015.

    3. Loaded Windows 7 Ultimate with no genuine Windows disk included
    4. I did a cmd systeminfo | find /i "install date" and it spit back Jan 1. 2009

    5. Didn't go through normal windows setup that you go through when you purchase a brand new laptop or even when you wipe your HD clean

    6. A bunch of programs that don't normally come with a new laptop like ccleaner, vlc media player, photoshop, etc.
    7. There is 1TB of HD space but it's odd. Only 100GB is under the c drive. Then you have 400GB in 2 other particions which makes no sense as programs are typically installed at the root drive C:

    As I mentioned the wife only uses MS Word and PP so it's really not a big issue, however my main concerns are that 1. The hard-drive is really old which could cause issues and 2. If it is refurbished, we should've

    been told upfront. Any thoughts or past experience would be great.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Sometimes you have to lose a battle to win a war.

    Some years ago, I had a student who had always been one of the top students in the class. She went through a surly time (adolescents) and she was asked to stop doing something and said 'no'. I asked her to stand in the hallway and she said 'no.' I proceeded with the lesson for a few minutes and then asked all the students to stand, which they did, with the exception of her. I told them to line up in the hallway and then follow me. We went to the library, which was considered a treat. She was left sitting alone in the classroom (but within the view of one of the other teachers). I had a couple of other little run-ins with her before she finally got back on track and continued to be a fantastic student.

    Boys usually grow up with a little better idea of the realities of what can happen to them when it comes to physical discipline and strength. Girls sometimes don't and when they misbehave they can be harder to deal with.

    There are many, many options that could have been taken. As of right now this girl has won and the school has lost. Talk about shooting a fly with a shotgun.

    Excellent example of how to peacefully turn the tables and prevent a negative situation while providing the other students a little treat.

  5. Hope this question is in the right section.

    In a better attempt to understand how local businesses use the currency exchange rate for foreign credit card purchases, my question is:

    Do local Thai businesses use different currency exchange rates based on who their payment processor (bank) is or do they use the standard market rate by default.

    Scenario. I want to make a purchase at a store. I ask them how many dollars and they say they have no idea. I ask them who they bank with.

    They say Kasikorn. In reading their exchange rate policy:

    I'm assuming that with a 1k or more purchase using a u.s. 'debit' card the exchange rate would be at $34.70. (current market rate tells me $35.16). Can someone confirm/deny this or add

    to the understanding of this? Everyone's gung ho to swipe a card but I want to understand before hand at what rate I will be paying. Hope this makes sense.


  6. What a joke. Anyone who knows how the U.S. does business knows that they will do what they want, when they want and how they want. This is just rehtoric BS to try and save a bit of face. The only laws in the U.S. that are enforced are the ones that they enforce on the citizens. Laws that they have to abide by, well they aren't really laws if no one has to abide by them or be held accountable for wrong doings. That being said, they love to make examples out of those who interfere with their schemes and unlawful acts. All pretty pitiful.

  7. Does anyone know where the affiliate Fed-Ex office is in Chiang Rai?

    I am to receive a package but on the latest tracking updates, say's it's here but has "bad address"

    I'd never count on them to sort it out themselves but I'm at a loss for who to contact. Knowing that

    addresses change and services change, I didn't want to rely on old information that I found.

    If anyone can assist, would be greatly appreciated.

  8. I think the import taxes are very high. And I'm not impressed by the quality of the equipment I've seen.

    BTW: I'm looking for a Chuck Norris Total Gym machine. No luck, so far.

    Your probably right. I did find this site but they don't show prices. I'll visit this weekend. Guessing prices will start around 50k. I'll let you know if I find a place with a total gym. I use to have one of those.


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  9. Anyone know of any fitness equipment shops here besides the store at the International Plaza? They rarely have sales (and are never willing to negotiate) on their treadmills/ellipticals and even worse they typically only have 3 on the floor for you to even look at. Everything else they have for sale is in a catalog.

    Looking for treadmills/eliptical


  10. Now I know why I hardly ever look at THAI VISA anymore. A positive announcement, Thailand is forthcoming on foreigners... And most comments just need to be negative, trying to put Thailand and Thai people in a bad daylight... I'm sooooo damn tired to read all the crappy comments.... If ur tired of living here, if u don't like visiting Thailand.. Then just don't! Or go home... And if ur bored or drunk, go try and find something interesting to do... There must be a few breads of humans, the people that matter, the people that just need to open their mouth, like ducks... Probably Sharing the same interests and QI...

    Have you actually been in a position where you needed assistance here and the process either failed or didn't work leaving you high and dry or stuck in a crappy situation? Doesn't sound like it. Did you others have. People's perspective change quickly when they go from judging people to actually being judged after having their own bad experience. I for one applaud any positive change that helps foriegners in this country but not when it's not done in a way that provides more failures and bad experiences than it does benefits. Maybe that's just the engineer in me but as someone else observantly mentioned, getting things integrated and functioning properly around here isn't the norm. I don't think we need to mention specifics.

    I see ur as fast as judging me, as u are to judge a new number just put in place. I'm not referring to the 1155. So, where u come from, there is tourist police and a special number for foreigners to call? And, u think that if u had a bad experience, that everybody else's can't be good? And, u didn't notice that systematically everything that concerns Thailand is made fun of, or getting free insults? But ok, let's state it's all so shitty and terrible. Make a move, get comfortable.. Decide what U need to do

    Seems like your really upset about something. Do you want to share. Also seems like you don't have the capacity to focus on the darn subject. You come in here crying about reading negative comments as if TV comments ruined your day. Go to YouTube and watch funny videos if peoples real concerns, thoughts and experiences bother you so much. Since you don't seem to to understand the difference between complaining about government policies and how they affect foreigners versus Thailand and Thai people in general, let me break it down for you. (quite simple). Governments are in place to serve their citizens and surprisingly they have control over creating policy that govern those that visit their country (oh and contribute to their bottom line i.e. tourism $$$$). When there are major issues (from murders to systems, programs and laws not working effectively), we ALL have a right to discuss, complain, criticize, react, applaud, rejoice or whatever the hell we want to do. That's what a forum is buddy. If you don't like, hit the road. By the way, I love Thailand, and I love Thai people (notice I didn't say all) and I dislike people complaining just as much as the next person. What I hate worse are people that click a link to TV and the first thing out of their mouth are comments about their feelings about the comments. Do us all a favor stop coming to TV if you can't handle the comments. Instead of crying about other peoples reactions or thoughts, you could've told us what you thought about the new hotline numbers and your own experience.

    Lastly, go grab a beer man and chill. I'll have one in your honor.

  11. Now I know why I hardly ever look at THAI VISA anymore. A positive announcement, Thailand is forthcoming on foreigners... And most comments just need to be negative, trying to put Thailand and Thai people in a bad daylight... I'm sooooo damn tired to read all the crappy comments.... If ur tired of living here, if u don't like visiting Thailand.. Then just don't! Or go home... And if ur bored or drunk, go try and find something interesting to do... There must be a few breads of humans, the people that matter, the people that just need to open their mouth, like ducks... Probably Sharing the same interests and QI...

    Have you actually been in a position where you needed assistance here and the process either failed or didn't work leaving you high and dry or stuck in a crappy situation? Doesn't sound like it. Did you not read about the bad experiences that others have had? People's perspective change quickly when they go from judging people to actually being judged after having their own bad experience. I for one applaud any positive change that helps foriegners in this country but not when it's done in a way that provides more failures and bad experiences than it does benefits. Maybe that's just the engineer in me but as someone else observantly mentioned, getting things integrated and functioning properly around here isn't the norm. I don't think we need to mention specifics BUT to their defense if they can't even do things properly for their own citizens then surely we can't expect them to do it for us.

  12. I don't want to hear ever again, from anybody, that this government does not care about us foreigners.

    Happiness to Thai people and a little happiness to the foreigners.

    I believe it's more to come.

    Visa relaxation perhaps?

    You never know..........miracles do happen sometimes..........

    I applaud them as well but let's not get carried away there Costas2008. When foreigners have been getting murdered at a consistent AND increasing rate in your country while the number of tourists visiting your country is simultaneously declining, are you that gullable to think that they truly "care" or that they've kinda been forced to do this? I'm guessing the later. Let's not act like they have been 100% proactive about this or other issues regarding foreigners. Thailand is very reactionary in my opinion. Don't mistake "We need to cover our ass" for "We could do a lot more for the wonderful foreigners who come to visit us." They could've put this into motion moons ago. That being said, better late than never and by gollie I hope that darn system works for those who really need to use it.

  13. They had it cushy for many years without paying any tax.

    About time things change.

    They will weep at the beginning, they will get used later.

    We all paid home and land tax back in the old country.

    Why should Thailand be different?

    Thailand should be different because people struggle to earn a decent living. When your own country is DECREASING the amount they pay for rice, farmers make less. Not everyone lives in Bangkok. A tax for farmers doesn't even seem fair. I'm for taxing those that have homes/property valued at more than 1million baht or a restructured version of the this proposed law that doesn't take from those how don't have it to give. Imposing this for everyone will completely backfire. Next you'll be taking people to jail for not paying their taxes when in reality they simply couldn't afford to pay. "Land Development"? Yeah right. I'd love to see what their ideas for new land development are. Now if they said they'd spend the additional revenue to fix roads & improve safety, improve telecommunications and a develop strategy to create more jobs, then it's a lot easier to listen to their grand idea of property tax.... Thailand, the place of Grand Ideas.

  14. The Thai consulate wants Thai baht. However, if you have another major currency (especially US$) it should not be too difficult to exchange it.

    Yes, your right. I know that they would prefer baht, just wondering if they ONLY accept Thai baht as I had to transfer some funds to use here and can only get the local kip. If they ONLY accept thai baht, then I'll have to find an exchange. I'm guessing there has to be an exchange here somewhere. Perhaps the casino or something. Thanks for your reply. Hopefully some other folks will chime in.

  15. My wife and I are in Savannakhet now but we had some unexpected expenses during our trip. Only knowing that they recently changed form same day pick up to 2 days left us having to purchase additional airline tickets..... so I've had to use the ATM here to withdraw cash.

    Does the consulate here only accept Thai Baht or other currencies. We are going tomorrow and need to straighten this out pretty fast.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


  16. We got totally screwed as we had already booked flights a while back assuming I'd be able to get my visa same day. If they aren't willing to make an exception we'll have to pay a ton of fee's and stay 3 nights instead of 2. Waiting to hear back from them. I can almost guarantee that they never took into consideration that a few people would've already booked flights ahead of time. We can't even change flights because there is only 1 flight per day from Savannakhet to Bkk and it leaves at 1:15. Can't pick up visas until 2 so we'd miss the flight. Horrible inconvenience. Hopefully they'll make an exception but I doubt it and we'll have no choice but to stay another night and pay a bunch of fees. Why don't they post important policy changes like this at least a month ahead of time so that people can make proper arrangements? Ok, so that was more of a rhetorical questions, lol.

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