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  1. I am retired and live in a marvellous "bubble" that is not Phuket
  2. What is going in down there? Numerous commissions, investigations and conferences gave achieved nothing.
  3. Hmmm... noghing over here in Trang
  4. I got a letter from UK and it took 2 wks
  5. Bars must stop serving at 2 am. I don't know how that can be enforced if bars are open to 4 am. Bribery will once agin raise its' ugly head.
  6. Cheapest life is human
  7. Indians, Chinese and Russians- what a delightful group
  8. Here we go again- roll up your sleeve!
  9. Now you have nothing- your Thai wife might leave you a well. (They're funny that way)
  10. Like all poaching- they need to go after the "business men" behind the scheme.
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