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Posts posted by Dumbastheycome

  1. 20 hours ago, talahtnut said:

    Sad that you think in that way, none of my family is depressed, I gave my Benz SL to

    my son and even paid my Ex's credit card bill off. Nobody suffers here matey.

    Ah!   Were it only that such personal chivalry be so affordable to the majority !

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  2. 54 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

    The son should take priority over the new wife, blood thicker than water etc.

    I look at my Thai son 22 as an investment.

    My English son is 41, and I still look after him, but he will always helps me out,

    yesterday he popped a new gearbox in my old G wagon yesterday, saved me £2000.

    Money supporting kids is better than money rotting in the bank. Wives come and go.

    IMO that is  a very depressing thing to state !

    Investing in the  potential of offspring is  one thing  but then  to acclaim the  selfish advantage ?

    I have  six children from  3 marriages. Two are  step children  but despite  divorce of  mother  I and they  still consider  me as  a caring  parent  and  yet have  never  asked me for  extended  support  because they are aware of the fact they  are already of independent  age  and self responsibility and take it !

    Blood thicker than  water? Wives  come  and  go? Not  husbands? Or  is that  ok? Children are  evaluated  in terms  of   self advantage ?

    And of  course it remains a mystery as to  why so many  children once achieving an age of independence (or now so often many years  before) give their parents   the "big  Flip"!....Not !



    • Sad 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Postmaster said:

    Is a re-entry permit taken out before Covid and PRIOR to renewing an annual Retirement 'Non O' Permission to stay still valid during the duration of the new permission to stay period ? Thanks.

    If  your  question is "does a re -entry permit remain valid  for the full period of an extension of  stay if not used before next extension? 

    A re -entry permit is only  valid  for the validity of a current extension. It's validity expires with last extension end date.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    It’s naive to believe the Republicans would ever convict Trump. They not only don’t care; they’re not “spineless” or “fear”—they love it. It’s exactly what they and their party are: totalitarians and fascists(*). 

    According to historians who attend these and other protests, it wasn’t just freaks storming the Capitol, but everyday-Republicans and even GOP politicians. 
    They’ve always been the party of minority rule based on voter suppression. They filled the courts with their henchmen, all the way up to the Supreme Court. Almost none of them has ever spoken up against Trump, not even after his attempted coup. In fact, only a few days after the failed coup, Graham travels with him to the Mexican border; some refuse to go through the new metal detectors; only 10 vote for impeachment; and one will even be filing articles of impeachment against Joe Biden once he’s taken office. 

    Make no mistake, that soft distancing from Trump that you’re seeing now is pure damage control. Frankenstein’s monster, the useful orange idiot, got out of control. But that doesn’t change the fact that he was always Mitch’s baby

    that he groomed to bring the party closer to dictatorial power under the disguise of “American democracy”. 

    They will never convict him. They want him to run again 2024 to try another time to establish a Republican Reich. 



    (*) not referring to WWII but to the political system

    I strongly  doubt that  by the time the dust settles over  current events that Trump will retain  enough standing   for nomination in the 2024 Primaries. His  public support  now  from Republican party members even combined  with   Independents has dropped to around  40%. McConnell has enjoyed his time as  POTUS  Handler very much  but would look to  the like of Pence as easy meat. Not fresh meat  but  not  tainted !

    Regardless of the political aspect Trump has yet to deal with the reality of exposure  to the civil actions  that as POTUS he has  been shielded from. There  are also some significant issues surrounding more than  one GOP affiliated individual that  may add to the  taint Trump  has attracted  to his alternative  "swamp" !

    • Like 1
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  5. 18 minutes ago, 2530Ubon said:


    China has been busy injecting some of their people with it as lab rats, but China hasn't even approved this vaccine yet for it's own domestic market. This is due to a lack of efficacy and safety data.

    It's an absolute joke that it could be getting approval here before approval in it's country of origin.



    Has it  actually been approved   by the Thai powers that be ?

  6. 11 minutes ago, cmarshall said:


    I don't think it's all that hard to know what the Supreme Court would do.  Impeaching a former president, the wobbly precedents notwithstanding, would represent the large expansion of the impeachment power of the Congress.  I think the Roberts SC would nullify any legal action arising from such a decision, as I have outlined.

    It obviously would  be a major test. If a super majority of the Senate  were to convict on standing  charges arising from impeachment  while Trump is still in  office how sound  would it be in terms of purpose of the Constitution  for the SCOTUS to overturn a Senate conviction for "inciting  insurrection"? IMO even Trump's recently appointed  "Originalist"  should have  a problem with  that.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Section 4 of the  25th Amendment is not a "new way" . It is only that it has never been invoked before!

    I do not understand why Pence is so reticent . Trump and Co. were happy to watch the mob actively  hunting through the Capitol for him expressing  the aim of killing him and  others as a means to destroy the constitutional established seat of Government . Had that been achieved who knows what Trump's actions would have been. IMO  Pence  could easily  justify  invoking  Section 4 citing derangement causing a psychological incapacity to  function according to the Presidential  Oath of Office.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    When the pandemic hit here in the US ., we bought a nautilus  machine and some free weights and set up  a gym room in our house.

    The most exercise I got out of it was dragging the damn things into the room. exercise equipment are heavy, and don't get me started on the free weights. there must be a gravitational anomaly by our house because the damn things seem to be stuck to the ground . 

    They do look impressive though. I look at them all the time.  


    • Haha 1
  9. Just now, 2530Ubon said:


    Say that to us again when you hit 65 - and your chances of dying increase dramatically, multiplied by 90 - 220 x higher when you hit 75.



    Fair point about massage parlors though - they should probably be shut down too.


    For centuries / milennia people have exercised without gyms. Do you really need to pump iron with lot's of other people present? Or is it an ego thing?

    Image !  Massage  is  way too p2p!  "Gyms" are  like  the majority of  buyers  of high performance   expensive  vehicles. No real ability  to make best use  but  looks impressive !  lol

    • Haha 2
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