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Posts posted by tif

  1. Rule Number 1: Never ever take 'advice' from slimy b4st4rds in suits.

    Nonsense. I've been living here for over a decade spending over a million baht per year and my net worth is the same as when I came - all thanks to my Financial Adviser (who wears very nice suits).

    It's up to you to check out your advisor.

    I agree with your core point but "been living here for over a decade spending over a million baht per year and my net worth is the same as when I came" is meaningless without knowing your net worth. Could be a very good rate of return or could be a poor return.

    It's not meant to indicate my rate of return, otherwise I may as well show you my yearly valuations. biggrin.png

    But the main point is that there are very professional financial advisers who take good care of your money because the more it makes, the more they make.

    .Spherical objects.

  2. Lots of paranoid racist remarks posted on TV about Russian tourist, my wife has a business in a big hotel that had all Russians staying there, never had any problems with them at any time, tipped well and very well behaved, most were family's with children from small babies to teenagers , not the big over weight Russian depicted by some posters on here, men very fit good looking and really beautiful women, good looking kids, nice family's. any one that thinks the Russian tourist are not important to Pattaya and Phuket is really stupid, just look at all the shops and business in Pattaya and Phuket signwriting is in Russian not Thai or English, that must tell you something, the hotel where my wife's business is has eight shops and three are already closed and my wife will close hers next month, I think the rest will close soon, absolute disaster for Pattaya. just over one year ago my wife's was great making very good money now can not cover the overheads. Russians are very important and better than most other country's tourist. people that bag them really have no idea. Russians that live in Thailand maybe a different thing.

    And so your personal view of the Russians is somewhat biased, one would say. Given your wife's vested interest?

    As to mine, I have yet to meet a Russian, of either gender, who is not a pushy, loudmouthed, 'me first and s0d the rest of you', boor.

    Hopefully Egypt will settle down soon and they can all vacation there again.

  3. Long may it last! However, if there is peace in Ukraine and the economic sanctions are lifted on Russia the numbers will rise again commensurate with the Ruble's increase in value. Who the heck is going to buy all these Condos being constructed in huge numbers? Is there another Southern SpaIn-type collapse coming to the Land of Smiles do you think - anyone.


  4. Is there any _max_ limit that I can deposit to his internal account? 200THB/day you said, and he got to be there for another 3 months = 18.000THB?

    Is it save enough to put "large" amounts (large enough for the guards etc) to his name? Or better do several smaller transactions every couple of weeks?

    Is it possible to deposit some cash from the "outer world" (bank transfer or smthn), without the need to go into the prison/stay in all of those queues...?

    I must say, you seem to be going to an awful lot of trouble, not to mention time posting on this forum, simply to 'check up' on a chum you say haven't seen for a year (?) 'Are conversations monitored?' This thread is just too funny.

  5. Please consider "Very PDF to Word" as one of the best and fastest one.If you're interested in an awesome program for all your PDF files, please take a look at Nitro 9.5 and Very PDF to Word.

    I hope you're sometimes sitting at the bay, watching the time go away....coffee1.gif

    Tried that, together with the aforementioned. Nada. Another program easily found and highly recommended on YT, appeared to work, and then lost everything to cyberspace. Even clipboard recognises nothing. Given up will go to shop and print the b4stard off and scan it which is what the sender should've done in the first place. PDF seems to be the idiot default for any Thai sending nothing more lengthy than a koan.

    Bored with bay too. 'Oh look, tide comes in, tide goes out' zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Give me a decent gallery/museum/library any day. Thanks to all anyway.

  6. I for one are tired of everybody having to cater to the Muslims, Where is the Christian Pray Rooms ?

    They only know one thing, "Take over everything, everybody and all the Christian Countries" !!

    When they do they will turn them into "Pig Styes" like they live in now, at least most of their countries I have traveled in. If you do not know take a look at all the areas or cities in the US where they have established their roots. Notable exception is Atlanta, Ga.

    Co-exist is now a word in their vocabulary.

    you are violating forum rule #11!

    ...overly negative comments directed towards... any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

    Oh Christ, get over yourself. This forum's raison d'etre is to bash the Thais. What else are we going to vent about.

    • Like 1
  7. This is a good idea.

    I am currently working in South Sudan were the street lights are run off solar power. The traffic lights are run off solar power and the rich folk have solar power on there roofs which run their 3 light bulbs and fan at night. Obviously this is all on a micro scale.

    The system work well and once installed are essentially maintenance free and maintenance free in Thailand is critical to longevity.

    Good luck in introducing this. I must concede that the chairman of the NRC subcommittee should leave the maths to the electrical engineers though!

    Ah, your favourite demographic. So the 'not rich folks' here in Thailand will simply have to make do with a candle, then.

    • Like 1
  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thailands loss

    Im sure other reputable universities abroad will be only too happy to have Somsak until he can return to teaching in Thailand

    Not fact, just your attempt to spin the situation. Do some research re Thammasat, quite a few of the lecturers in political science and in law have opinions that are way off rational thinking.

    So opines an anonymous user on an expat forum.

  9. You need to check with your local immigration offices policy is for doing the change. Many will no longer do a change of he reason for your extension of stay.

    Also many will not allow you to apply for an extension during the 7 days to leave the country you get from applying for a 7 day extension.

    There is a good chance you will have to go out to get a non-o visa. Vientiane and Penang are the best locations to get one.

    No need to leave the country, Chaengwattana will do it.

  10. I need the above - which actually works. Wasted best part of yesterday pm with various online promises, none of which worked. Did have one before, but 'midst the plethora of new ones am unable to locate it. I need to copy and paste, which Adobe Acrobat's PDF format won't allow. Anyone? Thanks.

  11. You are lucky in the USA you have a cheap cost of living and a big country to live in and explore. What do we have in the UK? a Muslim hellhole, taxed to death by socialists. No thanks i'm staying here.

    Art galleries/theaters/GOOD bookshops/libraries/GOOD concerts, not merely jazz/blues/festivals which do not center around predominantly horseshoe throwing/bake sales (OMG). Great selection of real EUROPEAN cheeses and wines, not that orange plastic wrapped sh1t or California rose. ould go on. Do agree about the beautiful scenery though. Such a waste ...

  12. If he is going to take personal charge of overseeing education reforms he has got his priorities right for education is one of the most important, if not the most important thing that needs urgent attention.

    Not going to be an easy job though what with entrenched ministry, administration and teaching all having to be changed.

    And his academic credentials are?

  13. If this practice predates the assembly then it is time for change. Having family chosen for these jobs is prejudice and biased and instead of choosing someone educated or trained for this as well as creating a power base with which there are no checks or balances as to what they do while in office. A family member is not going to talk to an oversight committee about your wrongdoings at work. If P is serious about moving the country out of corruption this would be a good place to start. Ban jobs like this from family members.

    He's not.

  14. Police are at something of a disadvantage in this corruption clean up. Difficult to raid army bases, investigate the payoffs to the top heavy brass whose numbers are legion and wealth vast, all on army pay. Do not be fooled into buying the line that this has to do with cleaning up corruption. It is about getting rid of army competition for fleecing rights.

    As are 57 (to date) of their relatives appointed to 'assistant to (army) senator' positions, even though a number of their 'hired and salaried' sons and daughters are currently studying abroad.

  15. What was the misunderstanding? Either he did or he did not, there can't be a misunderstanding.

    BTW, If the other Airlines mentioned gave his wife cheap or free tickets and wouldn't let him in a restricted area, I'm sure he would of ordered them delayed also. He's only spiting the airline that made him lose face.

    I do wish posters would cease and desist from citing 'face' and loss thereof every time some Thai wingnut spits his dummy out. 'Face' is predominantly a Japanese concept involving 'honour'. The Thai don't have it.

  16. I find it odd that Thailand would wish to cater to a foreign market segment that considers Thais, and Buddhists in particular, to be infidel idol worshippers. I do not state that to cause a ruckus, but as a statement of fact.

    Even Thai muslims suffer discrimination from their muslim brethren, all because they are not considered muslim enough. I would much rather Thailand exported the mentality of Thai muslims, who tend to be far more sociable and peaceful than their foreign religious adherents particularly those from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and the maghreb. ,

    Apart from those in the South, you mean?

    As to this supposedly Buddhist country even considering the use of Halal practices proves yet again it is the whore (and hypocrite) of the World and would do anything for it's real God, MONEY.

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