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Frankie baby

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Everything posted by Frankie baby

  1. I bet he got too much stick over the horse & decided to bug-out. Lets hope he`s still OK.
  2. Cant believe this guys still at large considering public safety etc. Somebody on the safety pay-roll are dragging their feet.
  3. Come on, you can get a drink anytime. The real issue is the inconvenience in the 7/elevens & supermarkets where you have to time your shopping in line with the alcohol sales.
  4. The people at the top know exactly what's going to happen. They just need a little time to buy in before any announcement, a bit like insider trading.
  5. I bet their was a little translation problem as well, Thai, Italian, mixed with some broken English, all 700m off shore. mixed in with all the confusion. I bet it sounded great?
  6. "There are three kinds of people who make predictions on the market – - Those who don’t know; - those who don’t know they don’t know; - those who know darn well they don’t know and get big bucks for pretending they know” - Burton Malkiel Excellent.... Only sense written from all of the above.
  7. Just wait till Donald finds out, judging from his first month in power, he will be threatening to level Phuket already.
  8. Don't the police have any policing to do.
  9. She's been scammed by a con-man. If she would have took Thai advice, she would have got in first.
  10. We never get the full S.P. What was the money doing in his suitcase. Who knew it was their. (and how they knew). If we were told this the rest would be a little more obvious without playing the guessing game.
  11. Thailand's gone from one of the cheapest medical places to one of the most expensive in the world in a very short time. This as got to reflect on holiday preferences sooner or later. Just when will the insurance companies start to charge more when traveling to Thai destinations. How many expats & retirees will choose to stay if the insurance companies knock Thailand on the head. TV travel programs should give this a mention instead of showing the usual day trips & cultural crap etc.
  12. Surly if they were in Singapore airspace, the call should have been made by the Singapore controllers?
  13. They disregarded all the advice given and have now wrecked any holds the UK had on Iran because of this ignorant and selfish attitude. Take what's coming.
  14. refusing a breathalyzer test is seen as an admission of guilt If only that could apply in the UK instead of being given further options. The Thais have got it right on this one.
  15. French Arabs again, they must have broken their motorbikes during the day and decided to try a bit of socializing for a change.
  16. Its all BS, we all know the law or legal system is based on cash not culture, as some seem to think.
  17. If your not a drinker, i.e.. the ladies reading this, just think what would happen if the same daytime restrictions were imposed on hair salons & fancy nail polish shops etc. We wouldn't half hear some whining.
  18. The worst road in tourist Thailand as got to be Nanai Road Patong Phuket. The road is to narrow to start with, that compounded with no pedestrian walk-ways, motorbikes taking the inside to overtake, taxis halting the traffic & slow moving garbage trucks & buses that are to wide for the lanes to start with make it a nightmare for anyone on foot (although it doesn't seem to bother the Chinese). As for traffic light crossings, their a false sense of security anywhere in Thailand & the most dangerous place to cross.
  19. To bad they wont be tried & sentenced here. Looks like they'll be extradited to Switzerland with five star cells.
  20. Why stop them at a check-point. They only need to stand on Nanai Road for 5 minutes & take their pick. Nanai Road Patong is just about lawless at the present.
  21. What points the finger at David Armitage is his lack of cooperation from the very start of the investigation as shown in the British documentary posted on this forum. The same lack of willingness was also evident when interviewed by the Thai police. Hence this guys been tying his own noose. Lets hope further evidence comes to light one way or another or this case will dry up.
  22. Very sad ending to this story. But me thinks theirs more bad news to come, their probably holding back in full respect of the family. RIP mate
  23. The French Arabs score again. Time to halt the bike rental to this lot. They've been terrorizing Patong for years.
  24. Two things in the Brits favour. 1. Denial by the Police Chief. 2. The mention of an ATM machine. Anything else seems irrelevant if the past form is anything to go by.
  25. Theirs no signature on promises, the only one in this case is on the 2006 Will. I don't think she has a dogs chance.
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