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Frankie baby

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Everything posted by Frankie baby

  1. Once asked a Thai guy who he was voting for in the election. He said it doesn't matter, their all thieves. But once elected they become a legal thief. So if that's what many Thais think, what's in store for the future. Maybe that futures now, kicking off with currency volatility.
  2. Discipline - lack of - The Thais just don't have it?
  3. As I have read above, "discipline" is lacking in Thai social circles (and just about everywhere else in sociality). This type of heinous crime should not be taken out on innocent children. I hope he fully pays for his premeditated actions.
  4. Unless you speak Arabic theirs no-way of knowing they are Kuwaitis. Only Arabs would know the different dialects.
  5. No matter which way you lend money, it never comes back in the same manor you lent it?
  6. I try not to use any form of transport for getting around Patong, I leg it every time. On the very very few occasions I need to use a bike, theirs a group of women motor bike taxis 150m up the road. The few times I've used them over the years they've always been very polite and given me a decent price. Wouldn't it be great if all the motorbike taxi guys were binned & a mass take over by the ladies. If that would ever happen the punters using these services would at least double. (services for the bikes I mean?).
  7. Expect repercussions, I'm sure the U.S. will bring this up at a convenient time. Mean while, welcome to Phuketingrad Mr. Lavrov.
  8. Hes not gonna croak, the German government will see to that. It will be quid's in for the Thais, probably an export deal, somebodies got to buy them shrimps?
  9. Hold on to your hats, I reckon were going to see some action after all.
  10. The back room unseen dormant ministers who have been riding the pay-roll for decades were never going to accept change, especially change that could see them all binned.
  11. Don't know what the actual service or maintenance inspections cover on these escalators. But in cases like these were injury can easily occur, you would expect the manufacturers or at least a local representative of the manufacturer to get involved and state clearly to the health & safety just exactly what is at fault, instead of the usual maintenance speculation etc.
  12. Absolutely gruesome, well done to the cops. Hope they keep digging until they come up with the motive, then the cash that most be involved. Id start with the 3 million put up barely before he went missing.
  13. Absolutely gruesome, well done to the cops. Hope they keep digging until they come up with the motive, then the cash that most be involved.
  14. You go to an open prison for this offence in the UK. He'll be better off their than in Koh Samui. Plus his football streaming will be paid for legally, by the public. Unfortunately he'll be out on parole in no time, needs to keep his streaming ties in play so can resume. We've all gotta make a living.
  15. The 24 year old lady friend was a little to quick off the mark when she made the missing report to the police. If theirs any money involved - follow it.
  16. No time for these live streamers, but if Thailand keeps on the same trajectory they'll back in the stone-age this time next year?
  17. I wonder what happens when the CCTV goes missing?
  18. The guards were merely performing a "special military operation" Nice one?
  19. The stories all about corruption & fraud. Don't anyone give a dam about all the people who were scammed in the first place. No justice their, then again I suppose gambling is illegal in Thailand. Its like the higher you are, the more you stand to win.
  20. When they all sit down and have their pow-wow, the only thing solid that's agreed on, is the date and time of the next pow-wow.
  21. Cant believe their was just one from Myanmar. I can take a walk round the back of the apartment and nab a dozen.
  22. I remember some months back that the guy in charge of the 11-5 ban had actually forgot why it was imposed in the first place.
  23. Hope this lot get binned along with the junta, "change is in the air".
  24. The old school were never going to go quietly, it was always going to be a grind to scrape them off the floor and get rid. So the offensive as started, lets hope it wont be a long bloody one?
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