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Frankie baby

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Everything posted by Frankie baby

  1. Another story kept on wraps, maybe it's starting to hurt financially. It would have come out sooner or later once the European press got wind.
  2. This cover story is from the Daily Mirror (British News Paper). The authorities hear have kept it under wraps for a month. I wonder why?
  3. So, the guys snooping around on the beach & scans the sea for a bit of nooky. Thats the only law if any broken here. Hès just an out-door peeping tom.
  4. Financially, some turbulent times a-head for all. Everything seems a gamble at the present. Keep your cash for safer times.
  5. Two people are responsible for tower-cranes erected on a construction site, the project manager & the man in charge of the crane erection. The crane cannot lift more than its rated load. built in safety cut-outs stop any overloading. Every crane is inspected & load tested before a certificate can be issued to work. I'd just love to see that certificate BEFORE IT WENT MISSING.?
  6. Just highlights the lack of facilities exactly where they are located. Pity she couldn't make it to the beach. I wonder if the Thai guy shooting the video would have done so if the lady would have been Thai.
  7. We need the people who ran the cannabis bill through to get on this case, otherwise were in for another few years of bureaucratic patter.
  8. So, they got a good kick up the backside by the PM. I bet nobody was fired. Nothing will happen until they start putting real people in charge and bin their buddies. This shouldn't be a jobs for the boy's post.
  9. Plenty more cueing up Lagos to try their luck. Desperate people try desperate things.
  10. In every case theirs a winner & loser. The winner - his wife........she gets off scot-free & keeps whatever Shes gained. The loser - Stigs Partner....... he's been conned & lost his assets. That just leaves Stig. He probably succumbed to his wife's patter and did what was asked. Hès not the first & won't be the last to get set-up by his wife. (my opinion only).
  11. Like in all countries the top brass as got to be seen doing something to justify their positions. We all have a favorite gripe, mines traffic lights, "false security - hence the most dangerous place to cross".
  12. It's going to take some time before the old, taxed, stock is cleared & replaced by the cheaper stuff. Assuming the importers paid the tariffs before suppling the shops etc.
  13. Thailand as the right to protect and secure its country & nationals as they seem fit. It's a very fine line when criminals take advantage & laws have to be changed that don't go down with the law-abiding expats, who normally feel the full force of any crackdowns.
  14. How do stories as feeble as this, make any sort of headline for discussion.
  15. one transwoman found a foreign tourist’s mobile phone and promptly alerted the police to facilitate its return to the rightful owner. Thats got to be a first?
  16. He was moved from the Trang City Police Station to the Trang Provincial Court. No need to ban him from leaving, he's been in police custody since his arrest. Hès got to break-out from the jail before he can concentrate on getting out of the country.
  17. Can this report be labeled as slander? And just who are these travel experts who go around imposing their personal judgement on everybody else. Best they didn't run this thread & we can all make-up our own minds.
  18. Doesn't have to be racist or anything else. Their his bikes, his property, his business & his responsibility. His judgement should dictate who he hires to. I don't normally give tips, but Id pass on the Arabs as well.
  19. I wonder who robs who when these brawls take place. Everybody a pick-pocket, scam artist, and well trained thief. The police mist a chance to picked-up a few popularity points if they had made a few arrests in these so called turf wars?
  20. Everything seems to have been blown out of all proportion?
  21. Two sides to every story, we always seem to get the one they want us to believe?
  22. BMA will issue coveted stickers to tuk tuks Until they have the guts to revoke their licenses nothing will change. This is just another PR to justify quit a few jobs for the boys?
  23. Looks like a ban on the way for battery power banks. The aviation top brass will be scrutinising this incident.
  24. Hes got cash. Could even get caught and end up in hospital instead of prison, and just wait until hes paroled?
  25. So the police have been ignoring the accounting figures for some while, and are now in the sh-t. But their not finished yet. They are now demanding free accommodation in order to carry on policing, when not scamming of coarse. The whole system is in need of a total rethink, which aint going to happen.
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