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Frankie baby

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Everything posted by Frankie baby

  1. She's a biggish lady, he was lucky she didn't go all out & assaulted him, then she would have been the one doing the bowing & extending apologies to the rest of us farangs. Id love a follow up on his punishment - a month in the monastery is about all for attempted rape.
  2. Apparently this gentle did as everyone above advised. He did this through a lawyer and a supposedly reputable land developer. The system stinks. Its about time the government took real action against these developers (and bum lawyers). This was a common occurrence 15-20 years back. Looks like the preventative measures took then have worn off.
  3. One hundred & nine had already croaked, seems like a pretty big percentage. Wonder what they were eating?
  4. I suppose it could have been worse, others have been shot for a dam site less.
  5. I don't mind showing respect for any religion, but their must be thousands of better ways than this out-dated useless ban. The problem I find with Thailand, is, that nobody seems to question these draconian laws that really shouldn't have been imposed in the first place. Lets hope the new government starts to question laws & rules like this & brings Thailand in from the dark ages.
  6. I was looking forward to my lad getting kicked out of bed in the morning with a decent sized boot in stead of a soft little shake telling him his coffees ready. Right now he goes to college but as already been given the choice of being some sort of college guard as a preference to the army conscription.
  7. Just as well Hes stuck in the Vachira hospital which is a fraction of the costs when compared to the three large private ones on Phuket? Hope something happens & Hes repatriated.
  8. The ole brewing industry in Thailand stinks. The monopolies who have the power or still feeding us the same crap beer as they always did. Its time for the small brewers to have a shot. Over priced Singer, Chang, Leo & Tiger should be a thing of the past, the beer industry as to move on.
  9. This story should go down well with his cell mate, I don't think he'll get much sympathy with the rest of the inmates as well. You get the impression his cuisine wont be much better than the dog crap he was feeding his girl friend once Hes on the inside, assuming he goes down of course, instead of the all inclusive trip to the monastery.
  10. Hope theirs some sort of an enquiry. The structure of these roofs are designed that they cant give way (fall in) especially dome shaped. Lets hope theirs no more fatalities among the injured. Condolences to friends & families of the deceased.
  11. I suppose its just as well he got back to the restaurant before the police turned up ?
  12. I was waiting for the breakdown of nationalities, but it never came. Ill assume the Burmese still head the league?
  13. Lets just hope Hes safe & the lady/ladies have the sense to point him in the right direction when he comes up for a little air.
  14. Could be time for a list of all these prohibited goings on in Thailand, starting with the dos & don'ts of the Royal Household through to the "topless forbidden on beaches" and ending way at the bottom with "don't touch the Pipe fish". The list should then be printed in every Thai holiday broacher along with the penalties. The tourist can then decide is this the holiday for me. end-of
  15. What were the Trang residents excuse for viewing the forbidden material?
  16. You would have thought the police would be pre-occupied trying to find the young girl?
  17. This is a guy who was found to be an "un-desirable" in the owner ship of a football club (Manchester City). Hence he had to sell up. Since then, their have been no end of dodgy owners of similar clubs all over Europe. Id love to know what put the nail in his coffin, when most of the others are still at the helm?
  18. Don't tread on toes, especially big brewers?
  19. Only Baht-700! Now you know what it feels like getting around in Phuket, that would be considered the norm?
  20. Police also checked fire exits and fire extinguishers in case of emergencies. Come-on, this is mandatory, and usually done by competent safety personnel. Now tell us what you were really doing in these venues?
  21. Theirs bars in Bangkok where the women are naked, same goes for the sex shows that have always been around since the orient became the Orient. A couple of daring girls giving a tiny bit of the same and the police take action. Theirs just no balance here?
  22. If the police wont do anything about these places, why should foreigners. If you play with fire your going to get burned. He (Swede) shouldn't have been their in the place.
  23. Cant have been that drunk if he managed to get himself up their. Must have been a good sleeper as well?
  24. When they originally extorted the money how did they come up with the sum of 27000 Baht. You would have thought they would have made it a round 30000. Or was this the total amount that could be had at that particular time.
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