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Posts posted by MRH1959

  1. When will people realise that bad media comments will keep people away. Hopefullt 'Thai' won't suffer a loss of income for these areas as people stay away. Better to have a reasonable cost 'for everyone' and more profit from more people visiting, resulting in positive 'word of mouth'.

    100 khun @ 400bht = 40,000 plus bad comments about price.

    400 khun @ 100bht = 40,000 plus happy customers and positive words, resulting in continuous future visitors.

    Keep the 'user pay' system for Hong Nam/restroom and more income for the food salers must result in a better outcome.

    In the mean time I won't gp out of my way to visit an over-priced event.

  2. The increase there and at other parks was made in response to an announcement from the National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department that admission fees for foreigners should be made consistent throughout the country as of Sunday.. should read as.. admission fees for people should be made consistent throughout the country. Seriously is there any other country in the world where foreigners are required to pay more to visit an attraction than residents ??

    Each country has their own policy on what it charges. There have been/are in place for New Zealand where a 'rates payer' can get discounted rates for certain entrances. This in turn seems fairly fair as far as Public areas are concerned as these are the people that have helped pay for such areas within their rates payments.

    Personally I hate going to these Thai aeas with my Thai family and having to pay more being a Farang. I am working in Thailand and should be treated similar to any Thai that is paying taxes.

  3. I have had an Elephant ride and been to four Elephant shows. Although amazed by the capabilities of these magnificent animals, I am also against animal cruelity. Therefore I believe it would be good to publicly see the steps of training and enforce closures of any park administrating any inhumane practice.

    If you 'just fine with a penalty payment', many people don't care. Close the park and they will care.

    Good on the 'Natural Sanctuary and good on the Elephant walks!

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