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Old Man River

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Posts posted by Old Man River

  1. ....... may I suggest you get a doghouse? This is what I did. There is a company called Global Pets, for which I, nor my family, has any affiliation. We have purchased four dog houses from them and one of my friends with 3 Goldens has bought 3. ......

    Thanks Old Man River,

    It looks like I may have to seriously consider the doghouse solution.

    I have looked at the Global Pets website - which is mainly in Thai. They have a variety of doghouses - which one did you get - what are the approximate dimensions of your one?

    Did you have any problems putting your dog in the house in the first place? Or did he/she accept it straight away?

    Thanks :o

    My dogs are now in their houses, so I won't disturb them by taking measurements, but I believe that we have bought the largest that Global Pets has on offer (we have not opted for the houses with fans or lights). I have to physically put each dog in their houses at night, but I guess it is more of a game as our maids have no problem. Really, for us this is the way to go.

  2. .....moby.... start a little at a time.... work on one thing only, dont plant any more new plants for a while, keep her leashed more with u near her, etc etc

    good luck



    Thank you for your good sense response.

    It made my blood boil to be accused of being an unfit owner. We love our Cookie to bits, and if she chews up every plant we ever put in the garden, then it's not the end of the world.

    I have recveived some great suggestions on this thread, but as I have tried to explain, many are simply not practicable in my situation. But even many posters have admitted, that at least to some extent, my problems are not unique, and for some other folk, they are also insoluble.

    Obviously better training is the key, but as I have also tried to explain, training is not my forte. I have tried, but can't seem to make much progress. All the rest of my family are Thai, and training dogs seems to be a bit of an alien concept to them. I will take your advice though, and try again

    I am also reluctant to crate or restrict Cookie at night, simply because it is the coolest time for her, and I know she loves to wander round and explore and enjoy herself - and get up to mischief of course - but I feel it would be a shame to curtail her enjoyment, when there is no one is around to play with. Am I wrong?

    I know I'm not the greatest dog owner in the world, but I reckon I'm far from the worst, and didn't deserve the arrogant crap that this guy nienke meted out. :o

    Mobi, apologies, but I have not been keeping up with this forum and when I read the offending message you are referring to, I shuddered. I know some people mean well, but ......

    In any event, since Cookie seems to be playing in the garden at night, may I suggest you get a doghouse? This is what I did. There is a company called Global Pets, for which I, nor my family, has any affiliation. We have purchased four dog houses from them and one of my friends with 3 Goldens has bought 3. They are not cheap, costing in the neighborhood of THB 12,000 or so. They are wire meshed to protect at night against mosquitos. I keep my Golden Retriever in the yard during the day, and she gets plenty of attention similar to Cookie. When I go to sleep, I put the dogs in their dog houses, which I keep on a balcony of our house. I don't know the layout of your house, although you have included pictures and do have a yard, so I would imagine you would have an area to put the dog(s) at night. I think it best to locate the doghouses over a concrete area. The dog houses also have a roof to protect the dog. Putting Cookie in a doghouse would protect your garden from Cookie and also protect Cookie from things at night.

    Good luck.

  3. The ones that prefer the show want to know about the dirt and solid action plan. I doubt Thaksin will talk about the dirt in any way as whenever he opens his mouth lately he stuffs his foot in further. :o He wont be able to make a solid action plan until the other issues are resolved So I guess they will have a very long wait for that. In short if he does not talk about it they will change from pro to con rather quickly I would imagine.

    Agreed, probably all 1,231 respondents from Bangkok and adjacent areas would change their minds. What we don't know is what the majority of Thailand thinks.

  4. Without analyzing each post I can say that there are four basic groups of people. This analysis go beyond this thread and does not include undecided. I wont analyze any comments posted here in that each person is entitled to their own views and opinions.

    Group 1 Pro Thaksin:

    This group only looks at only the short term personal gains from Thaksin.

    Group 2 Anti Thaksin:

    This group sees the price for the short term personal gains as too high because they are more future looking and not short term. They may have been pro Thaksin at one time.

    Group 3 Anti Thaksin:

    This group never liked Thaksin from the beginning and would have never voted for him.

    Group 4 Anti Thaksin:

    This group stands to personally benefit short or long term from the removal of Thaksin.

    John, your groupings are a bit biased against the PM, perhaps showing how you really feel. Assuredly, there are people who read TV, but don't send in posts who are Pro-Thaksin and see long term benefits from his grassroot economic programs, elimination of local godfathers, war on drugs, FTA's, privatizations, mega projects, etc. After all, this is a man whose TRT party received over half of the eligible votes during the past two national elections, albeit the April 2nd election having since been negated.

    For me, I do know Dr. Thaksin having met him and done business with him prior to his entering politics. I thought his entrance into politics would be positive, as he has good business acumen and thoroughly understands Thai systems. However, while he has done some good, he didn't surround himself with the people he said he would and ulitmately, power has corrupted. That is my view, but we must acknowledge that there are still many outside Bangkok who continue to support him based on perceived long term benefits both personally and for the country.

  5. The case before the Constitutional Court is not just a simple one of parties exercising their right not to field a candidate, but rather one of a conspiracy to deny participation in order to gain political advantage outside the the legal parameters of the democratic process.

    Is a party that refuses to run candidates in an election, actually still a political party? Why did the Democrats work so hard to campaign in an election against the parties that were running when they were not taking part? Why did the Democrats press the Palace so hard to invoke article 7? Did the Democrats conspire with others to boycott the election with the intent on keeping the TRT from forming a government under the 20% rule. Did the Democrats pay small parties not to run?

    These are the questions that the court will ask itself when they make their decision.

    Lukamar, I highly doubt the Democrates pressed the Palace to invoke Article 7, despite this being one of the charges against them. It was reported (see The Nation, March 25, 2006) during the Democrates rally at Sanam Luang on March 24th that "Abhisit suggested that Thaksin resign and ask HM The King to appoint a Prime Minister and Ministers." Abhisit didn't press the Palace to invoke article 7 (the PAD did). This is exactly as it was reported other places as well, with the main purpose of the Democrat rally on March 24th to explain to its supporters how the Democrates differed from what the PAD was seeking. This seems reasonable since Abhisit would have been advised by the best lawyers in Thailand. Unless Abhisit did a complete about face immediately after this rally (and I haven't heard that he did), then this charge is wrong, although I suspect such things no longer matter.

  6. The greatest beneficiaries would likely be well-connected developers who have purchased large land banks.

    Along with all of the regular everyday folks and families who already own land/businesses/homes in Suvarnabhumi province ...who will be benefitting anyway, no matter what you call the area, but now likely even more so.


    Heng, thanks for pointing this out as it seemed self serving for me to do so. When our time comes, my child will be inheriting some very valuable property. Yes, I complained to my wife when she bought it, but as usual, she was right.

  7. So, if CC issues pro-Thaksin ruling, even if it goes against common sense and is percieved as going agaisnt HM's wishes - there's nothing people can do about it, legally.

    What do you mean by a "pro-Thaksin ruling". Dissolve the Democrats and let TRT off the hook? That seems like a most unlikely scenario, but I guess it can't be discounted. In any case, if that comes to pass, people will take to the streets again, and you'll likely see a renewed push to impeach the Constitutional Court judges. The chaos would be unimaginable...

    A pro-Thaksin decision would be any that would allow him to conduct business as usual. There are several scenarios that would lead to this and with the Constitutional Court's past voting record, that is what will happen. A compromise decision will be rendered, in whatever form, and then back to business as usual.

    As for demonstrations, if they re-occur, they will fizzle out fairly quickly. Dr. Thaksin will claim that HM The King requested the courts sort the issues out, and once decisions are rendered, that will have been the case. Really, the only thing left to demonstrate about will be allegations of friendly judges, but since proof will not be forthcoming, it will be on with business as usual.

  8. Well both of the people I am thinking of don't drink. One of them is very overweight and the other is quite thin and an active jogger. Some of possibilities listed could be the reason. I only see them shake when they lift their hands to take objects. Going back to the drinking, they may have been drinkers in their younger years.

    I have the Essential Tremor. I don't know if it is one in twenty as described in Wikepedia, but it is very common. What I have always found interesting is that alcohol actually helps calm the tremors, although try as I did, my doctor wouldn't perscribe alcohol. For me, I was perscribed inderal, but not having high blood pressure, I hate taking the medication (and don't).

  9. I don’t want to speculate on this play on words. I suspect it is just a comment to save face. It may be a totally fictitious person. Also It’s not his nature to fold and with the risk of how much he has to lose, the comment is totally out of context.

    My advice is don’t hold your breath.

    I think you are correct in that it is not one individual. As I said before, I do not believe the Palace would be involved in this. This isn't a game and if they wanted the PM out, he would already be out. Instead, there are a number of highly respected individuals in Bangkok who view the airport zone as the straw that has broken the camel's back. They are using their influence to the best of their abilities to break up the TRT. Frankly, given its recent history, few expect the Constitutional Court to side against the PM.

  10. You are right, Goldens are very intelligent, however they are also prone to boredom, and your garden is now showing signs of such boredom.

    Perhaps she needs a few more toys to keep her occupied, and rotate them so she doesnt get bored with those also

    Just a PS on the subject of toys. Just about every toy I have given her, with the exception of the balls with the built in whistles, get destroyed in a few minutes, and often eaten - if I am not quick to take them away. So I am restricted to balls, and even then she likes one more than the others ,and the harder balls she 's not interested in. After several weeks she finally succeeded in removing the embedded whistle from her favourite ball, and was half way through eating the rest when I grabbed it. She's got a rubber bone, but shows no interest in it. So right now she's just got a smallish green ball which looks like it might succumb any day and a slightly larger red ball, which she doesn't like as much.

    Any ideas on "golden proof' toys? :D

    (she loves plants - especially newly planted ones :o )

    On destroying the garden, you can get harmless sprays from your local pet shop (ask, they will have several brands). Of course, in the rainy season it will take several applications until your Golden moves on and seeks something else to chew.

    On the toys, we give ours old tennis balls. She does bite them and they need to be replaced periodically, but they are inexpensive even when new. With the rain and mud, they aren't recognizable after a few hours, but the dog loves playing with the tennis balls and for some reason she doesn't chew them up as quickly as she does everything else.

  11. How about this misterious phrase from The Nation's article on the previous page: " Banking authorities have reportedly been instructed to keep a close watch on the bank accounts holding the Bt73.3 billion."

    It's, of course, a natural thing to do, but who are those "authorities"? Who has the authority that dares to keep a close watch on Thaksin's money?

    I think I'm with Colpyat on this one - Thaksin's fate has been sealed by higher powers working behind the scenes and we are just watching how it develops. Important developments that generate screaming headlines have been programmed in and don't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

    Nevertheless, if not for massive PAD demonstrations that impressed the higher powers, nothing would have happened at all. It has not been in vain.

    I have trouble believing that the Palace ("higher powers") would get involved in this. I also have trouble believing since the shares were held offshore that the majority of the THB 73.3 billion isn't already in an offshore account (which can be held in an onshore bank). Hence, perhaps, the BOT is interested in it. In the grand scheme of things, the PM is only worried about two things, safeguarding his family money and ensuring he stays powerful in Thailand via the Special Administrative Zone he is setting up (and wll run for 8 years). Once these are accomplished, Pol. Gen. Wasana goes, and the TRT as a political party won't matter.

  12. EC returns TRT case to OAG prosecutors

    Furthermore, the Election Commission (EC), whose investigative sub-committee found TRT guilty of election fraud, hinted that the case is likely to be a long, drawn-out affair.

    - TD

    Seiously, is anybody surprised by this?

  13. Not positive how long the ICAO certification process typically takes, but the following indicates Thailand expects to have at least the ICAO safety certification done by July 6 (this was based upon information from late May). Of course the article also indicates the necessary manuals have not yet been completed for submission to ICAO. The artical mentioned safety certification, but I thought ICAO did both safety and security audits/certifications?


    Then again the regional office for the ICAO is here in BKK so maybe Thailand feels they have some pull with them. Funny thing is there appears to be a meeting of the ICAO – Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APANPIRG) next week here in Bangkok as well.

    From what I have heard Mr. Thaksin is really pushing to have the airport open prior to the elections and will stop at nothing to accomplish this. Would guess the old blame the ICAO routine (otherwise known as blame the farang) may be his last card to play. Even possible he will push hard enough to get it open on some kind of limited bases and the results may be even more embarrassing to Thailand than further delays.

    The reason the PM wants (needs) to have the airport opened prior to the election is twofold. On one hand, it simply looks good prior to the election to have accomplished something that has taken over 30 years to put in place. Secondly, and much more importantly, he needs to have the airport opened in order to action the 500 + sq. km. airport economic zone, should something unexpected happen at election time. Once the airport is opened and the economic zone is put in place, the PM will control it ongoing, regardless of the outcome of future elections. His plans are to create a city, run as a province that will be a global showcase. For him, it is no longer about the money, but more about his personal reputation. The creation of something very special which will benefit the country (and others), will go a long way to changing his current image.

  14. If Thaksin does end up going down on this charge I certainly hope its AFTER this political mess has blown over and has been well and truly settled.

    There is potential for the outcome of this case to cause a lot of animosity towards westerners in Thailand if a Thaksin is removed from the political scene subsequent to charges brought by a farang.

    He had police raid and arrest innocent people with children in school here, just for pure greed.

    The plaintiff has waited 21 years, This was the "true" beginning of UBC. The Plaintiff is one of the best people you are ever likely to meet.

    Such outcome probably wouldn't affect farangs in city areas, but could set back community relations for upcountry westerners.

    Let the truth be told....If any person of any nation doesn't see how wrong this was, they'll

    never have justice or freedom.

    Although the court system has improved markedly from just 10 years ago, this is the type of lawsuit that will drag on and on and on. Don't expect this one to be adjudged anytime soon.

    I agree with that possibility. But if you read the article and who stood with the American and where,

    and that Toxin has ammassed so many enemies- and the crimminal court ISN'T waiting on the outcome of the civil dispute is a good sign. :o

    The PM is far, far too smart to be caught in a criminal case he can't win, some how, some way. While I would imagine he did make the statement several years ago that "this is Thailand", we need to remember, this is Thailand. At some point a compromise will be arranged.

  15. revenue collection

    ole mr't' is still quite sure he will be prime minister for years to come - I wonder if he has chosen a site for his casino yet?

    This has nothing to do with whether Dr. Thaksin remains as PM or not. He will control this economic zone until he decides someone else should do it. While described as the 77th province of Thailand (actually, Los Angeles already holds this status), it will be run separately from the rest of the country. This zone will be governed similar to Singapore, which to date, does not have a casino.

  16. Long overdue payback time:


    Can't wait to see the outcome.

    If Thaksin does end up going down on this charge I certainly hope its AFTER this political mess has blown over and has been well and truly settled.

    There is potential for the outcome of this case to cause a lot of animosity towards westerners in Thailand if a Thaksin is removed from the political scene subsequent to charges brought by a farang.

    Such outcome probably wouldn't affect farangs in city areas, but could set back community relations for upcountry westerners.

    Although the court system has improved markedly from just 10 years ago, this is the type of lawsuit that will drag on and on and on. Don't expect this one to be adjudged anytime soon.

  17. I have not heard any words of denial from the TRT in recent days. It lends to thinking there is some major scheming underway. And oh yes delay delay delay.....

    Absolutely, John. The PM is multiples smarter and more devious than any of his adversaries. He is putting things in place prior to the national election so that if the unforseen were to happen, it would no longer matter. While we will know for sure in a few days, it looks like he and his designates are going to be in control of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for many, many years to come.

  18. I seem to recall Thaksin wanting a one party system in the last general elections. The reason was something about the not wanting the annoyance. It stands to reason he does not want a democracy.

    On the airport as a separate province, interesting point about the government in that it will be Thaksin’s own private government. I wonder what others will think when they discover not only is Thaksin destroying all the laws for his own personal gain, he is carving up the country too.

    On the airport economic zone, reading the information reported by The Nation and having time to think of it, I have decided for me it would be a good thing. I know many of the people posting on TV don't live in Thailand and of those who do, many don't live in Bangkok and of those who do, the vast majority don't live in the area that will be affected by this. I do. Once this is all put in place it will be like living in Singapore, which I don't mind. There won't be any drug problem, the crime rate will drop significantly and property values will rise. I will no longer have to put up with the inefficiencies of the BMA and no longer have to live with changing policies as the National government changes. It won't matter to me if the TRT gets dissolved or who wins the next election or any other national election. Actually, there is comfort in stablilty. Many of my friends will argue vehemently against this, but then they don't live in this zone and won't benefit.

  19. Re; post #630

    OK im going way out on a limb here but:

    If the King asks you to do something and you don’t, that’s a bad thing to do in Thailand right?

    John, as a general response to your question, I asked a similar question (relating to something else) to some Phu Yai's. Their response was that if HM The King tells you directly, then you must obey. It is a black and white issue. However, if HM The King tells someone else, it could be in a different context and then it is up to you. While this isn't how I would have looked at it, since their answer defended an action of a particular political party I know they don't support, I figured this is how the issue is viewed in Thailand.

  20. I seem to recall Thaksin wanting a one party system in the last general elections. The reason was something about the not wanting the annoyance. It stands to reason he does not want a democracy.

    On the airport as a separate province, interesting point about the government in that it will be Thaksin’s own private government. I wonder what others will think when they discover not only is Thaksin destroying all the laws for his own personal gain, he is carving up the country too.

    The Nation referred to it as a separate province. It will be an economic zone that will be governed and controlled completely separate from the rest of the country. Hence, it is really not similar to a province.

  21. This morning George posted info on the new airport city plan in the Bangkok Forum. This new plan from the PM will create a 500 + sq. km. province which will incorporate the new airport and surrounding areas. It will be supervised directly by either the PM or his deputy.

    Think about it. A new province in Thailand with complete control by the PM over the new airport and surrounding Bangkok areas. Checks and balances? From where?

    Airport city plan to be rushed to Cabinet

    It is planned to eventually cover Bangkok's Lat Krabang and Prawet districts as well as Bang Phli district and Bang Sao Thong subdistrict in Samut Prakan.

    The area would be equivalent to a province but supervised directly by the prime minister, or a

    selected deputy.

    A 10-member governing body is planned to administer it.

    Old man river, no need to worry.

    There will be checks and balance as the article clearly states that a ten-member governing body will administer the area.

    In fact, in keeping with the articles title to "rush" it through, the governing body has already been appointed:

    Airport City Governing Body

    10 members

    Potjaman Shinawatra - Chairperson

    Bhanapot Damapong

    Yingluck Shinawatra

    Priawpan Damapong

    Panthongtae Shinawatra

    Pinthongtha Shinawatra

    Chaisit Shinawatra

    Paetongtarn Shinawatra

    Yaowaret Shinawatra

    Pawruthai Shinwatra

    Now you understand what has had people in Bangkok concerned for the past several months. Note that the airport opening was put at September 28th (two weeks prior to the election), with this bill being taken to the cabinet next Tuesday.

    There are airport municipalities in many countries, but normally not directly governed by the Prime Minister of President of those countries.

  22. This morning George posted info on the new airport city plan in the Bangkok Forum. This new plan from the PM will create a 500 + sq. km. province which will incorporate the new airport and surrounding areas. It will be supervised directly by either the PM or his deputy.

    Think about it. A new province in Thailand with complete control by the PM over the new airport and surrounding Bangkok areas. Checks and balances? From where?

    This is draft bill that I alluded to a week or so ago.

  23. I hope you are not under the impression that in the provinces the Democrats are one bit better than anybody else, they are as corrupt as the next politician.

    Please, let's try and stay away from generalizations. Nobody knows for sure what goes on in the provinces nationwide.

  24. I have said the before, he only bites if you hit a nerve of reality. The fact that the Finland plan is such a tender subject with him leaves no doubt in my mind that in fact it is being implemented.

    It is very worrying that utter lunacy such as the "Finland Plan", or "Royal Powers" are even part of earnest conversation not only by some weirdos, but by very powerful people in this country. These theories show in what sort of trouble Thai society actually finds itself.

    Similar accusations and demands have in the not too distant past roused the emotions and caused the death of uncounted people.

    Personally, i am extremely concerned about what might be happening after the 60 year celebrations are over.

    Colpyat, the Finland pact as reported is not real, but there is something out there that has people concerned.

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