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  1. my friend used to charge it up while I was away but she tried today and it was not working.... what options do I have? Can I say goodbye to number? If I call the number it says the number does not exist.... my friend used to put 20 bht every few months to keep the number active
  2. so you can go 1 week early and it will count as if you go last day?
  3. so is there visa on arrival for 2 months? Or is it 1 month now?
  4. so if i buy rent a ticket....isnt it valid only for 48 hours? and they will ask me wow that is weird you came to bkk and want to stay only 1 day?
  5. so lets say i use https://dummyticket247.com they are valid only 48 hours? they cost 12 usd which is really nothing....
  6. also isnt throwaway ticket illegal? Can they check if it is valid?
  7. in last trip to thailand i used throaway ticket and they did not ask me...but i will do it for sure so what can happen if they ask you and you dont have it? They wont let you leave the plane? I mean it is ridiculous....
  8. i think i will visit phillipines for 3 months then go home.. so 3 months thailand and 3 months phillipines
  9. i visited thailand at least 10 times and never did airline on the plane ask me to show the ticket....never seen that
  10. i dont need visa... i am from eu so I get 2 months plus extension right? total 3 months?
  11. I will use 1 way ticket and then buy return ticket after few months. Do they check in airport your return ticket?
  12. your kids will come tomorrow to visit you and they will say....look there is a bacon sitting on the sofa
  13. he he..same here kramer...to lazy to go smewhere else
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