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Posts posted by astor

  1. I make a quick estimate of the yearly costs that an individual has to support do to the new visa rules.

    -Trip to Penang ( average cost of a package trip by air ) between 15 / 20.000 baht x 2 = 30 /

    40,000 baht ,plus all the extra not included in the package.

    -Cost of extension of tourist visa from 60 to 90 days 1.900 baht x 2 = 3.800 baht

    (in the case Penang issue visa only for 60 days and not for 90 days . There is still some

    confusion about that)

    So an individual has to support an increase of his yearly visa costs of about 35 / 45.000 baht , and all of this only for the pleasure to stay in sacred thai soil.

  2. I agree with thai government, (well done) these multinationals has knock it off.

    We have to remember that the multinationals brings poverty not wealth.

    Well said Astor, but we appear to be in the minority around here.

    Maybe the majority in here working for some of these multinationals, under the uman resources voice.

    Maybe they are glad to be considerate not as a employees, but like as a resources, like as the oil, coal,methane etc..

  3. hwest:

    The account should be a baht passbook savings account (which is the local equivalent of a current account) as the money is to be used to support (wife or yourself/both). Money in any other type of account would be at the discretion of the immigration officer I believe.

    You really believe any Thai can settle in the UK with no funds? They can't even visit without funds.

    But if the thai is married with an english national he/she no needs funds, like as in the whole european union.

  4. From my personal experience, please NEVER touch the amount once you have submitted it to the immigration. Don't ask for trouble. Make sure the amount tallys with that from the bank letter.

    For me, I don't touch the money for the entire year even when the application is approved. I am doing this as so that the subsequent extension for next year will be easier.

    Thai's not exat , every year I withdraw the money from my account also going of a lot under 400k, and every year I refill my account . But every year I got the extension without any kind of problems.

    Therefore who maintains that going under the 400k takes some problems supports the forgery.

    Obvious if they want to give some problems can find you 1000 excuses, but this is another speech.

    You must not withdraw the money during the processing time although also on this point there are should be to discuss.

    Because I don't believe that they check all the accounts . Maybe they performs some checks on the suspicions cases , but not wiht those automatism and the methodically as many people think.

    I did the same for last year and I got my extension on the spot (1 year stamp) for this year

  5. And if the wife doesn't possess a house, but she lives in rent ?

    In Thailand farang husband and thai wife have the right to live togehter at condition his wife own a house in his name?

    No! They can live together, wherever they please - no need to own the place!

    You have as bit technical problem with your qoutes, right?

    No, I haven't any kind of problem. But I'm just grieved to see that the money are the only criteria to decided if you have the right or not, to live in Thailand.

    I know everywhere is the same , but in my coutry my wife can stay with me without the lot of problems that I have for live in Thailand.

    So in this case we cannot speaking about of reciprocity of treatment between Europe and Thailand .

  6. They'll want copies of your wife's id and houseregistration.

    And if the wife doesn't possess a house, but she lives in rent ?

    In Thailand farang husband and thai wife have the right to live togehter at condition his wife own a house in his name?

    Well I think I'll look for a rich thai girl. Because the poor girls can never aspire to to live in Thailand with their farang husband.

    The only important thing for the land of smile are only the money.

    As for the name: well your wife is free to take your last name or keep her own. If she wanted to take yours, I'd expect it was supposed to be done as part of the marriage registration, not afterwards (at least that's what we did).

  7. not sure about your two last options

    my wife have business and i work for she with WP because i'm husband and father of 2 baby with she

    my WP is 45000bath(is not company ltd or limited partnership) per months,but for renewal thai wife visa isn't enough,police immigration everytime want to see the same 400k,i show also WP with my salary and income salary tax,but isn't enough,he want to see the same 400k,but not need money come from my country,can come also within thailand because i have WP

    this is my experience and what my lawyer say to me everytime i must to renewal my thai wife visa

    hope this help you

    It's strange. For get an extension based on marriage you must to have 400k in the bank or 40k a mount as a income. (in this case not from abroad because you have a WP)

    You have 45.000 and so I don't understand why they no give you the extension.

  8. I agree nowhere is write that you have to demonstrate that the 400k comes from abroad.. But is just write that you must have 400k in your account. and not says that you must to specify the source of them..

    here is a checklist that immigration sometimes uses. number 6 refers to funds transferred from abroad. as lopburi3 posted, within your bangkok bank passbook FTT is the code for that type of transfer.

    it is up to the immigration officer whether to be a stickler on this requirement. after the first extension, i have been topping off the account without wire transfers and haven't had any problems.

    Well; at number 6 it's write "in case" money in tranferred from abroad . This means that is not an obligation ,but it's only an option.

    Because there are the other options:

    1- The applicant has a W.P

    2- The applicant has set up a business in his wife name.

    I know that somebody says that you cannot use the money of your wife. but it's a very controversial matter on which there would be much to discuss.

  9. Just a thougth I have been told that they will not accept ATM slips as proof even if you have then in Nong Kia. There are very specific guidelines that are used which inludes a letter from the bank that the funds were deposited in.

    Ok no problem if they not accept the Atm splips as a proof I'll make my visa in consulate of my country and I'll close my account in the thai bank.

    I'd want to live in here as a good guy , but they cannot make the diddicult life to the people.

    I know I may seem too much intrnsigent but these things makes me rally angry.

    Astor it's really not hard just look up the requirements and do them, it's worth it. If you have a Thai bank account and you put the money in there, that is what you need not ATM slips.

    Why? I could never touch the money in account and use my Atm card for the daily expenses.

    Are there some laws that force me to withdraw my money in my thai bank?

    The money are mine and me only can manege them.

    The requiremetns are going to be the same in the thai consulate in yor home country. In Los Angeles they actually require more the they do here.

    Sorry but you're be in error. I went in consulate of my country and I asked visa for 8 mounts . They gave me a multi entry visa for one year and no finacial requirements at all.

    Nothing to get upset about just got to cross your T's and dot your I's, like with anyother government.

    Really recommend anyone who is considering a long term visa here to take the time to review the visa section of the forum. there is a wealth of information there.

  10. Just a thougth I have been told that they will not accept ATM slips as proof even if you have then in Nong Kia. There are very specific guidelines that are used which inludes a letter from the bank that the funds were deposited in.

    Ok no problem if they not accept the Atm splips as a proof I'll make my visa in consulate of my country and I'll close my account in the thai bank.

    I'd want to live in here as a good guy , but they cannot make the diddicult life to the people.

    I know I may seem too much intrnsigent but these things makes me rally angry.

  11. ... nowhere is write that you have to demonstrate that the 400k comes from abroad.. But is just write that you must have 400k in your account. and not says that you must to specify the source of them..

    Generally, immigration will scrutinize your sources of income, when applying for a 'support-wife-extension'. If you can't prove, your income comes from abroad, they are likely to believe it comes from within Thailand... and then they are very likely to ask for your WP and your tax-id --- without which you can't possible have a legal Thailand-originated income.

    Let us suppose that someone cannot demonstrate that his money comes from abroad.

    Maybe because he has loosed some of his Atm slips , or because he has carried some traveler cheques from his country but hi has not thought to keep the receipt issued by the local money changer..

    Do what happen in these cases? Do they not give the visa although there are the whole financial requirements?

    It’s possible , but there are many people has start a business in their wife’s name and they got the extension without problems.

    How do you explain that?

  12. It has the be your OWN money, so money from the wife isn't money from you...to support the wife.

    Money from the wife to support you isn't valid.

    Why? Don't you know? Today it' very easy to move the cash assets.

    According to me it's seems a very absurd that I cannot use my wife's money.

    About me no problem because my money comes from abroad, but some rules are very ridicolouses.

    And it has to come from outside the country unless you have a WP and get 40K/month.

    Otherwise I could have easily solved this problem with extension...

    not sure about the money must to come from out the country

    i'm in phuket and i get thai visa wife and is not necessary that 400x come from out the country,but only that i show that i have this money

    i have also a WP and show some 35000bath of salary-months,i'm married here with 2 baby borning here :o

    I agree nowhere is write that you have to demonstrate that the 400k comes from abroad.. But is just write that you must have 400k in your account. and not says that you must to specify the source of them..

  13. I saw in some posts that you need a certified letter fron you trnferres bank abroad.

    I gotten the extensionj for 3 times and no one never ask me this kind of letter.

    Maybe each one have an his version.about the thai laws.

    Because I'd may keep the 400k in the bank without touch them for over the year and use my found in my country by credit card for the daily expenses.

    According this example I no need to withdraw the money in my thai bank and so I no have to demostrate that these money comes from abroad.

    Obviously I have to keep all the Atm slip.

  14. I have heard a rumor that the financial qualification for an O-A visa (currently 800,000bht) is to be increased in June 2006 to 1,200,000 or 1,400,000 baht. :D

    Has anybody got any actual solid information on this or know where this can be confirmed or not? :o

    If they should ask me ,such amount of money for make a visa, I'd don't make any kind of visa.

    I'd go back to my country every 6 mounts. I'd save much money , and no one bath in a any thai bank.

    The axagerate things are never good.

    Anyway same as I said before. Don't care about the rumors.

  15. I went for my visa extension. I had all my paperwork in order, but was refused because my bank account was a joint account with my wife. I had way over the required 400,000 baht and explained that I added my wife's name to the account so that should I die, she would have no problem having access to the money.

    They told me I had to open an account with 400,000 baht in my name only.

    This is not true. I have a bank account in double name my wife and me , I reneval my visa for 3 times and there were not any problems at all.

    I suggest you to go back to immigration with your lawyer.

    This would be ok with me, but my question is: If I do die, and I expect I will some day, would my wife have a problem getting the money from that account? And what about those on a retirement visa, where does thier 800,000 baht go when they die?

  16. If you take care of each rumors ,you‘ll became mad before to get old.

    Anyway I wish to say some words to all them, that to set up, as a judge, and in peremptory way they maintain: “You must not overstay”

    Not ever the overstay is a choice.

    Sometimes may happen that someone may became overstayer for due to, that not depends by his will.

    I very happy to know that the fortune is always on your side . But sometimes the fortune can changes and then, I hope and I wish to you, that you’ll never be in the unfortunate situation to became an overstayer .

    Got to disagree............overstay is always a choice be it by negligence or purposefully.

    Even if you are incapcitated and cannot travel Immigration will listen to your case and help where possible.............providing you have evidence to support your incapacity.

    Surely! I never said that you must not go to the immigration in the case you are on overstay,and/or in the case you foresee to be on overstay.

    But I just said that the overstay could happen to everybody.

    Do you agree about that?

    Furthermore i would suggest from the tone of the original poster that if he is "pulled" off a minibus while on overstay he would only have himself to blame for it.

  17. I heard a rumor that the police are becoming more strict for people who overstay, even just one day. I have heard that sometimes they stop the mini-buses, look for these people, then take them away somewhere?! Then some are blacklisted.. Is this true? A new idiotic rule for Thailand now? If so, talk about incredible stupid things to do. And I thought closing at 1:00am was moronic!

    Hopefully, this is not happening.. :o

    This is for you.

    1. Those having no genuine and valid passport or document that can be used in lieu of a passport; or those having a genuine and valid passport or document for use in lieu of a passport without a visa issued by Royal Thai Embassies or consulates in foreign countries or by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Exceptions are aliens for whom no visa is required in certain special instances.

    2. Those who have no appropriate means of earning a living once they have entered the Kingdom.

    3. Those who, having entered the Kingdom to take up employment as laborers or practice other forms of manual work that require no special skill or training, or who violate the Alien Employment Act.

    4. Those who are mentally unstable or who suffer from any of the diseases proscribed in the Ministerial Regulations. ©

    5. Those who have not been vaccinated against smallpox or inoculated or undergone any other medical treatment for protection against contagious diseases, and have refused to have such vaccinations administered by the Immigration Bureau doctor.

    6. Those who have been imprisoned by the judgment of a Thai court or by a lawful injunction, or by the judgment of the court of a foreign country, except when the penalty is for a petty offence or negligence or is specifically cited as an exception in the Ministerial Regulations.

    7. Those who have exhibited behavior which would indicate possible danger to the public or the likelihood of their being a public nuisance, a threat to the peace or safety of the public, or the security of the public or the nation, including those under warrant of arrest by competent officials of foreign governments.

    8. Those for whom there is reason to believe that entrance into the Kingdom is for the purpose of being involved in prostitution, the trading of women or children, drug smuggling or other activities that are contrary to public morality.

    9. Those having no money or bond as prescribed by the Minister under Section 14. (d)

    10. Those categorized as persona non grata by the Minister under Section 16. (e)

    11. Those who have been deported by either the Government of Thailand or that of another foreign country; those who have been sent out of the Kingdom by competent officials at the expense of the Government of Thailand unless the Minister makes an exemption on an individual, special-case basis.

    c Leprosy, infectious tuberculosis, chronic elephantiasis, drug addiction, tertiary syphilis. d Reference: announcement of the Ministry of Interior, dated 8 May B.E. 2543 (A.D.2000).

    (1) At least of 10,000 baht for a holder of a transit visa or "visa not required" category and visa on arrival (at least of 20,000 baht for a family).

    (2) At least of 20,000 baht for a holder of a tourist visa or non-immigrant visa (at least of 40,000 baht for a family).

    In instances where, for reasons of national welfare or the safeguarding of the public peace, culture, morality or welfare, or when the Minister considers it improper to allow any foreigner or group of foreigners to enter the Kingdom, the Minister shall have the power to exclude the said foreigner or group of foreigners from entering the Kingdom.


    In cases of persons prohibited by the Ministry under Section 16 (foreigners who have been imprisoned for criminal offences involving work in professions or occupations that are prohibited by law, with exception made for minor offences, or offences committed through negligence), the Immigration Bureau will submit their names and histories to the Minister of Interior for a decision concerning the possible prohibition of the person or persons concerned from entering the Kingdom.

    No time limitations apply in cases of persona non grata status, so that in cases where a person who is prohibited from entering the kingdom has died, his or her children may encounter problems upon attempting to enter the country, should they share a common name. In such cases, the full name and date of birth of the applicant must be checked.



    If you take care of each rumors ,you‘ll became mad before to get old.

    Anyway I wish to say some words to all them, that to set up, as a judge, and in peremptory way they maintain: “You must not overstay”

    Not ever the overstay is a choice.

    Sometimes may happen that someone may became overstayer for due to, that not depends by his will.

    I very happy to know that the fortune is always on your side . But sometimes the fortune can changes and then, I hope and I wish to you, that you’ll never be in the unfortunate situation to became an overstayer .

    Bye bye….

  18. I also thought the same initially but she really said that. So to play safe, I will not touch it in case next year they give me problem

    She can says everyting she vants , but I don't believe in her. I never heard that you cannot touch the money during the year . The money are mine , they not belongs to them.

    I think she don't know the true nature of the 400K .

    I think is better to her that go back to remake the professional training.

  19. I went to the immigration today (valentine's day) to extend my visa for the second year

    My wife and myself expected another interview like the one we did on the first year. To our surprise, there was none.

    The officer concentrated on my bank book and the banker's guarantor, after that, she stamped on my passport and everything is done !

    She did tell me however, that I am not allowed to withdraw the funds in my account for the entire year. But this is not a problem for me. So I am through now.

    No; this is not true. You cannot withdraw the money during the consideration time, that usually it tekes about 2 mounts. But when you gotten the visa you can withdraw all the money as you want.

    I done it ,and I don't care what the officer says (the law not speak notting about that) because the 400k need you for keep the daily expenses for one year , and not for sleep in a bank.

    Just waiting for one more year to go and I can apply for PR :o

  20. You must have picked the only 3 banks/branches in the country that dont......(some dont actually.....Secon Sq... but...other reasons)

    If in Bangkok go the the big Bangkok Bank on Suk Road (opposite the Ambassadors Hotel)walk up stairs...1st floor,turn right and speak to the lady there.

    Not only will they open you a bank a/c (savings..NO check book)but will give you a be first card /electron card in about 10 minutes..even as a tourist...(unless they have changed the rules in the last 6 weeks)

    Take the usual stuff...PP-Money..... :o

    That's right ; I have 2 bank accounts and 2 cards visa electron , and I don't have a W.P.

    I think that the banks whould go against own interests if they would refused the foreigners' money.

    Maybe without W.P. you cannot have the cheques , ad credits cards.

    Ps. My previous post are wrong, I not yet gotten confidence with the tools of this forum.

  21. Hi,i tried to open a bank account today at 3 different banks,hmm but could not open it because i dont have a workpermit,after asking why i need a workpermit they said its the rule by Bank of Thailand"foreigner without WP cant open a bank account in Thailand"hmm now i just wonder if u like to extend ur NON O VISA for example the immigrations wants u to show a bank book what shows how much money u have or much u get every month from oversea[pension,etc.]if not u cannot get a visa extension,hmm sounds all very funny to me!!!!

    That's right ; I have 2 bank accounts and 2 cards visa electron , and I don't have a W.P.

    I think that the banks whould go against own interests if they would refused the foreigners' money.

    Maybe without W.P. you cannot have the cheques , ad credits cards.

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