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Everything posted by Tarteso

  1. And enjoying nightlife venues, legally open until 4am…Before visit Temples.
  2. Mastroianni
  3. Violoncello
  4. I once chased away a Cobra that had taken up residence in the kitchen…with a broom. as I pushed her out into the garden she turned her head defiantly towards me, but I managed to handle the situation. I must admit that my blood pressure and adrenaline rose during the fight. After that, I found information in Google and this is what you need to know if you try to fight with a Cobra; They direct the venom by analyzing the movement of their victims and predicting where they will be next. The Spitting cobras first defend themselves by following the movement of their attacker. However, at the moment of the taunt that triggers the expulsion of the venom, the reptile predicts where its attacker's eyes will be in the next 200ms and points where it is sure to hit its target. 200 milliseconds ! Simply incredible. ????
  5. I Don’t understand this “point”..Elephant dung is an incredibly energy-rich organic fertiliser. The waste products of herbivores can be used to generate gas for stoves, heat and even electricity. ????
  6. Happened to me long time ago in Soi Cowboy????
  7. Damage to the gills, eyes, or internal organs can be fatal..And much more serious if the fish is hooked deep in the throat or gut...Your honor. ????
  8. Premeditated murder of fish with a hook. Assassination with treachery and cruelty. First-degree murder…Criminal case. Go figure!
  9. 4 minutes of movie looking, waiting, boring and finally…sleeping. ????.
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