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Everything posted by Tarteso

  1. Come on boy ! Liberté ! Vive la France! Now,,You can. All flowers in the garden ready for u.
  2. Must to die people to talk about it…? Happened before..Too late, and will happen again.
  3. I was been living there for years.. Rainy season. Is not the best month for swimm. Looks like you will need a umbrella for at least next 2 weeks???? https://www.wunderground.com/forecast/th/ko-chang
  4. Swimming ????
  5. Good! PM; Would you give me please the winning lottery number for this Christmas.. Please?
  6. Thai government established a 300 baht fee (or $12) for visitors. At least Thailand will get 600 Baht of benefit????
  7. These Chineses things..????
  8. The insurance company says there is no coverage for hospitalization due to any Chinese rocket landing on my head. Sad.
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