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Everything posted by Mansell

  1. I have many friends who moved to Arizona to retire from California because it’s cheaper. If you live around the mountains it’s much cooler in the very hot summers.
  2. This is what happens when you elect a sociopath. They have no conscience or guilt, and only care about one person….themselves. They will lie about anything to anybody. My brother was a sociopath, and he was recruited by MI5. Why? Because he would do anything they wanted, including killing people. And that type of person lead the USA. We are lucky he didn’t get us into a war. Putin is another sociopath….doesn’t care about anybody, and that is why he was a perfect KGB operative. And he has got them into a war. Also why he threatens the West if they physically interfere in his war. He would have no problem going nuclear, only his military could stop him.
  3. I’ve always maintained they have another country to store all the paper. I did one annual report and it was 66 pages, they then told me to go across the street and make copies of everything…..absolutely ridiculous. There should be one piece of paper with my address, copy of visa, I sign it, and BINGO!
  4. If you really believe that Putin has nothing to do with the chaos in food markets across the world, nothing to do with no gasoline in some countries and rising prices in others, nothing to do with with the chaos around the wheat exports from Ukraine, screwing up the banking systems in Russia. This one man has disrupted the world economies, and if you don’t believe this, ask China, ask many European countries low in gasoline and natural gas…..this all came about because he invaded a peaceful country. You believe Putin had nothing to do with imprisoning Russians who call this a war and spending ten years in prison. If you believe all the garbage you are spouting maybe you should move to Russia and Putin. A disaster much like the hatred Hitler spouted. This man is a sociopath. But your welcome to him.
  5. People drown in England with rips in the sea. It’s basically a lack of education about being in the sea, especially in a rip. Even people on here stating “A rip drags you down” which it does not do. As a ex surfer rips can sometimes be your friend. Surfing in Morocco with a rip on one side of the beach. We’d surf in and paddle into the rip which took us out through waves very quickly, then we paddled out the side back into the lineup to surf in again. People in a rip tend to try to fight it and get tired because you cannot fight the rip, then they panic and drown. If they just floated in the rip it would carry them out at worst half a mile, then then they could float back in on the waves heading to the beach. Or just swim away from the beach angling out of the rip at a forty five degree angle, and it will push you out pretty quickly, probably around a couple of hundred yards from the beach….an easy swim. Sadly with no water knowledge they drown fighting it pretty quickly. Remember an 18 year old lifeguard on a beach in Cornwall. Three people got into difficulty. He swam out and saved one, back out again and got the second, but by the time he reached the third one it was to late. Then this brave young man had to attend a coroners hearing and explain what happened. Extremely traumatic for him, and especially as he had lost one person. These days in Australia on some beaches they can send a flotation device out on a drone and drop it to the person in trouble, This allows the lifeguard time to get there on a board or jet ski.
  6. Would that be the houses the Russians are shelling?
  7. Has anybody had the lens inserts installed for Glaucoma locally? What hospital and the costs involved? And were you happy or not with the results? Thank you.
  8. Take the Skytrain to Ekkamai bus station…..literally walk down the stairs and it’s fifty meters away. Easy Peasy.
  9. Where is this phantom enemy they would need submarines for? It’s like the hi-tech fighter planes they own….for what? The only country that could be a threat is China….and they could buy the country cheaper than fighting Thailand.
  10. I have two passports. I am curious why it might be a problem using the other one?. When I went to Vietnam I used the British one, mainly because they would have charged me sixty dollars on the American one, and the Brit one was free. But returned on the one with the visa in.
  11. Back to the Land of Smiles. Great to see those beautiful women’s faces again.
  12. One guy in the states was in another city and had CCTV footage in his hotel proving he was there. But he had actually flown in, killed five people, then flown back and appeared at the hotel desk asking for mail…..very clever. But he’d had his nephew rent a car at the airport and he picked up in the parking lot, and dropped it back later. Around three years later the police suspected him and figured he’d flown on a fake ID. The airport parking took pictures of all cars license plates with time and date, but not the person. Police asked parking if they still had the parking tickets used to exit the lot, and after three years they still did. Checked the ticket for that day and time, and found the man’s fingerprints on the ticket. Bingo! He fled the country, but was extradited back to the States. He was very clever, but he didn’t wear gloves when handling the parking ticket….obviously never figured they could get him that way. True story. Police were very happy they nailed his ass.
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