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Everything posted by blackcab

  1. One post has been edited and a second post has been removed. Please stay on topic.
  2. Yes, but the unlock would be controlled by the fire alarm system, not the security system. That's a very important distinction. You can't lock a fire door with a security system.
  3. Easy solution would be to add a magnetic lock to the emergency fire door that is wired into the fire alarm panel. If the fire alarm is activated the magnetic lock opens. Add an emergency glass break box on both sides of the door to override the system and the door is both secure and compliant. If people break the glass and use the override then further add a very loud alarm that can only be reset with a key held by security.
  4. Don't use access cards on all the doors. Use facial recognition/fingerprint in the lift, for example. That makes it very difficult for the average short term renter to get to the correct floor.
  5. You don't install a turnstile. You install an access gate similar to what the BTS uses, where panels retact into the sides of the gate. Quite nice options available in glass.
  6. Do you have an existing building fire alarm system? Do you have an existing building access control system? Does the door ever need to be used other than in an emergency?
  7. The first thing would be to use a security seal on the fire doors to see if there is actually a problem. There are lots of options available online, but the main idea is that the seals do not stop operation of the door in the event of a fire. If you do have an issue then it depends on the exact type of door you have. An inside and outside photo of the complete door and frame would be needed for advice as doors and hardware differ greatly.
  8. Sukhumvit 15 Residences in Bangkok use a pedeatrian access gate with an access card and automatic barriers for vehicles to enter the ground floor parking garage, along with proactive security staff. There is no squeezing past the barriers as they take up the entire width of the available space. After this you need facial ID or fingerprint to enter the main lobby, then your access card to use the lift. It's an excellent system. The juristic manager will not enrol short term tenants and security will not just let you in. It is the facial ID/fingerprint system that defeats short term renters.
  9. Go back to the District Office that married you. If possible try and see the officer that married you. There is a good chance that they will quickly correct the error for free. Be super polite and relaxed and let your wife do the talking (assuming she is Thai). Keep smiling and it should all get sorted out.
  10. Yes, no problem at all. Don't do that. Put your property in your name. It's a better way forward.
  11. I'm sorry to be blunt but there are no workarounds. Firstly, the vehicle will belong to whoever is listed as the owner in the blue book. Secondly, your organisation is not a juristic person, so it cannot own property. Importantly, it also cannot bind itself to a contract, so any kind of document or contract used as a workaround would be invalid as one party (your organisation) doesn't exist in law. If your organisation is not recognised in law it cannot be listed as the owner in the blue book. Any other legal basis that you might try to use to work around this fact will almost certainly fail because the organisation will not be able to sue in its own name.
  12. You can't. Instead register the vehicle in the name of the Foundation.
  13. Moved to the Health and Medicine forum.
  14. Civil and Commercial Code Section 1347: The owner of a piece of land may cut off and keep roots of a tree or bush which have penetrated from the adjoining piece of land. He may also cut off and keep overhanging branches after giving the possessor of the adjoining piece of land reasonable notice to remove them, such notice not having been complied with.
  15. Welcome, and thanks for posting.
  16. Posts contravening our Community Standards have been removed. As the OP has a solution this topic is now closed.
  17. Lucky he is not dead.
  18. I'm afraid not. Currently at 88.16 per cent.
  19. No problem at all with the notes and coins. Even now it is not unusual to get the occasional Rama 9 banknote. Coins are a mixture of Rama 9 and Rama 10.
  20. The ahievements rebuild is now at 79.98 per cent. So that was about 6 per cent completed in one day.
  21. The entire database is being re-indexed, and that is taking considerable time due to it's very large size. The re-indexing is currently 73.99% complete.
  22. Update: Re-indexing is at 72.32% complete. It's going to take a while longer than I estimated.
  23. Post(s) contravening our Community Standards have been removed.
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