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Everything posted by blackcab

  1. @Lite Beer Thank you. So the retirees applying under this section would now be a minimum of 80 years old for the 50,000/500,000 route, or 85 years old for the 20,000/200,000 route, with a minimum consecutive stay in Thailand of 25 years. This must be a small subset of retirees.
  2. So those guys would be something like a minimum of 77 years old now, with at least 27 consecutive years of extensions in Thailand. I am sure there are some, but there can't be many, and their number will be decreasing every year.
  3. As I mentioned above, you could be convicted in your absence. Some people are convicted in their absence of serious, historic crimes that they committed many years ago.
  4. People can be convicted in their absence, in which case they would probably be on the run or a fugitive from justice. Exactly the sort of person a criminal record check would be designed to catch.
  5. Moved to the Banking forum.
  6. There are many SCB customers on this forum. If you post your question here they may be able to help.
  7. You were discussing a police acro certificate. I was discussing a DBS certificate.
  8. A bit off-topic, it's the same in the UK. You can online authorise people to view your certificates online, however that isn't going to be any use in Thailand. Immigration here are going to want a paper certificate. No way immigration are going to deal with every criminal record system from every country, online logins, etc. They will place the onus on the applicant to provide the correct paper documentation to them.
  9. You can also order a basic DBS check online for 18 pounds, however you will need a UK address and the paper copy will be posted to your UK address, which is only going to suitable for some people.
  10. You receive an almost instant email when you leave the store listing all your items, the amounts, etc. If you spot a mistake they refund your money. If you want to return anything they refund you and tell you to keep the item. It's not worth employing someone to deal with a returned yoghurt or whatever.
  11. In a very few new format stores. The reason they don't accept cash is that there are no tills, and there is nowhere to scan your purchases to pay. You just pick up what you want and walk out of the store with your items. Your bank card is automatically debited without needing to present it. It's not new - Amazon Go already has stores like this. https://retailtechinnovationhub.com/home/2023/8/1/aldi-uk-checkout-free-store-at-centre-of-cash-row-as-piers-corbyn-pays-for-strawberries-with-coins It's a fair likelihood though that in the future more shops will be like this. The business will need very few staff; you can hire people on zero hours contracts to stock shelves as and when needed/gig economy work only; there is zero cash risk; no need for expensive computerised tills, cash collections, etc.
  12. You can name the Bangkok Post, but unfortunately you cannot link to it or quote from it. Those restrictions are set by the BP, not by us, and we try to abide by the BP's wishes.
  13. To be honest I would have done the same as you. Normally if both parties are sincere you can find a way forward. In this case, I'd look elsewhere. If they are this difficult to deal with now then they could be a nightmare further forward in the relationship.
  14. A lot of it depends on you. If you are an established limited company and they can see this by checking with the DBD then they will be more likely to say yes, subject to a simple contract signed by both parties. If you are not a limited company then it's unlikely they will work without some form of payment in advance. For the first month you might want to break down what they are providing and what you expect delivered into 4 x 1 week blocks and see if they are willing to be paid at the end of each week.
  15. Potential upgraded requirements were discussed in the Bangkok Post, which unfortunately I cannot link to, as the BP do not allow links to their publication. If you search for "Bangkok Post Driving out the gangs" you will find the article/quotes from Big Joke.
  16. The issue as I see it, is that pronouns (he, she, they, etc.) are normally used when the person is not present. When the person is present you would normally use their name. What this means is that a person who wants you to use their preferred pronouns wants to compel you to use their choice of words whenever you are not in their presence. Not even most governments compel you to use words that are not your own choice. As such preferred pronouns are always going to be on the opposing side to people arguing for their own US freedom of speech or EU Article 11 rights.
  17. Download or save the photo to your device (not to drive), then try and upload it from there.
  18. A defamatory comment and a reply to it have been removed.
  19. You don't have to go through this. You are a volunteer.
  20. Sorry about that. The security check is there to stop forum abuse. Nobody is exempt - I go through the same check you do.
  21. There is no forum app. There used to be one many years ago, but it was discontinued.
  22. What you are suggesting does not align with the way we run the forum. To be fair, I don't know any other large format forum that works the way you mentioned.
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