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Blue Muton

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Posts posted by Blue Muton

  1. 4 minutes ago, Proboscis said:

    The poor pensioners will not be charged as the BBC will continue to pay their TV license. Only the richer ones will have to pay.


    I am not a fan of Sir Cliff - for me he is just another celeb - but he was wrongly arrested, he was left in limbo while the whole world thought he was a pedophile and the BBC invaded his privacy by having the police raid on prime time. What was he supposed to do? In the UK, there is not a lot you can legally do other than sue. It is the only option open to you other than doing nothing.

    On your first point, I believe only those poor pensioners aged 75 or above get the free licences.


    On your second point I completely agree but would add that the BBC might have doen better to admit that they had acted wrongly and made an early settlement thus saving the licence payers' hard earned dosh.

    • Like 2
  2. 9 minutes ago, faraday said:

    Still don't understand how the Police got it so wrong...

    Agreed and it must have been a horrible ordeal for Sir Cliff to have experienced. There is no excuse for the police leaking details of an enquiry to the media.

    Notwithstanding the above, investigating a suspect then finding out that they are indeed innocent is considerably less harmful than letting the guilty go unpunished due to a lack of proper investigation.

  3. 23 hours ago, SinCityGr8One said:

    There are 26,000 gun laws on the books at State and National levers. How many more are needed to curb another incident like this? 1,000, 5,000, 20,000? Enforce the laws in place instead. Chicago has the most restrictive laws in place. However it is Murder capitol in the US due to criminals having guns. Does anyone with some brain matter in their head think criminals would obey the laws? NO, they would not. Gun free zones are the biggest joke in the US as criminals think Yes, this is a Christmas present for them. Gun control to me is a steady aim.

    Never heard of quality over quantity? What is required is simply one piece of effective legislation, which would clearly be one more than there is now.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, mikebike said:

    I've been taking a look at pre-code Hollywood films that I haven't seen or haven't seen for some time. A good list to start here: http://pre-code.com/my-list-of-essential-pre-code-hollywood-films/

    I was going to ask what pre-code is until I saw that there was an explanation in your link. Then I learned a new word, miscegenation. Apparently I am a miscegenationist, who'da thunk it?

    • Like 1
  5. 35 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:

    What constitution?

    The result of the non-binding, advisory referendum has been heard.

    Sticky Wicket, you seem confused by the question. You refered to "the constitution". I wanted clarification from you as to what or which constitution you are refering. Seems a simple enough question to me.


    Or is it the terms of the referendum that has left you confused?

  6. Not sure if anyone's mentioned this one, I've just downloaded season 1 (8 episodes) which came out last week.


    From IMDb: "A human detective and a fairy rekindle a dangerous affair in a Victorian fantasy world, where the city's uneasy peace collapses when a string of murders reveals an unimaginable monster."


    Another review site describes it as "Sherlock Holmes meets Tinker Bell in gritty, sexy fantasy"

  7. 17 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Aren't Canadian licences issued in English?

    Why can't you use it to get a bike licence issued at the same time as your Thai car licence when you take the foreign licence holder's test here, as many people do?

    His Canadian licence is for cars, not bikes. He has a Mexican bike licence. In any event he has decided to get his act together now so all's well that ends well, after all Thailand is renowned for its happy endings.

  8. 11 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     Yet again you claim that many Eastern Europeans live 6/7/8/10 to a house and claim benefits for children back home and don't pay tax.


    I am not going to say it doesn't happen, but all the figures show EU migrants pay more in tax than they take out in benefits.


    One example from a multitude: NHS boosted by EU migrants who pay more tax than Brits, report finds .


    As for large numbers sleeping in accommodation; if you knew anything about the construction industry you would know this is common amongst construction workers of all nationalities on large infrastructure projects where rather than commuting from home, which may be many miles away, every day they live in temporary accommodation, often caravans or portacabins, provided by their employer. I can see such from my window as I type.

    There is no EU law that requires the UK government to pay benefits to children living outside of the UK.

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