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Blue Muton

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Posts posted by Blue Muton

  1. ...and public transport outside of Bangkok is often poor to non-existent...

    This part is hogwash. Apparently the poster has never been outside of Bangkok.

    Buses, songthaews, sam-lors, and some motorcycle taxis go virtually everywhere in the sticks outside of medium to small towns.

    In fact, the only downside in going back to my home country (supposedly "developed") to visit, is that public transportation out in the countryside is not as convenient as within Thailand.

    The reason you see these overloaded motorcycles and pick up trucks is strictly due to convenience. Same mentality as throwing plastic rubbish all over the roadsides.

    Most of these people/families could afford the 9 baht to go up to 15 or 20 km. on a local songthaew. Need to go further? The pickup truck driver charges more than what they'd pay for dirt-cheap public transportation.

    What they like is the door-to-door service on their own schedule.

    There is no public transport near our village, to suggest that there is everywhere is nonsense.

  2. Everything is going to change - yes, they're going to stock palm oil instead!

    Please post some proof of them stockpiling palm oil at a cost(not price) of around the same amount they pay for the health budget per year.

    Because that was what was done.. off books a amount of cost almost as high as the health budget for a year.

    If you come up with those numbers Ill tell you I was wrong otherwise.. its a nice diversion.

    Seems when I write something about Thaksin in a Junta topic.. i get .. the ehh.. .but Thaksin from the reds.

    You deserve an Ehhhh but the Junta now cheesy.gif

    (to be honest I find it normal to post things comparing junta and Thaksin in topics like this but it seems to be off limits for some reason)

    Never mind - it was a joke...

    I think probably All Bar One knew that!

  3. ty, any recommendations are greatly appreciated, just looking for something clean, cheap but not too cheap and nearish to the beach, ty.

    Stayed in a few there, have a look at the Bihai, very near to the beach, clean and cheapish.

  4. Anybody ever try those prawns that weigh

    1-2 kilo each ? Only saw them in Hua Hin

    Wonder if they are tough when you eat, they are so


    Not tough at all, they are simply amazingly delicious. Now you've made me salivate, I'll have to head back down there soon. I'll send you the bill.

  5. Not correct on the 7/11. The charge is per transaction, not "per guest", if by "per guest" you mean "per passenger". I recently paid for flights for five passengers, one booking and one 7/11 counter transaction card.

    It actually does say "per guest" on the Air Asia web site, which does mean "per passenger". See the attached screen capture. Maybe Air Asia are showing wrong information.

    Sorry, I meant the processing charge from 7/11, not the charges from AA, looks like I confused things.

  6. Since the spuds last win at the bridge


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Sums up the bitterness and pure hate that the yids have for us quite nicely........and long may it continue........

    Not as long as the list of world class players that Rottenham "nearly" signed. And in the last couple of years they "nearly" won the league cup and followed it up by "nearly" winning the league. Next year they might "nearly" sign Messi then "nearly" win the CL. Or not.

    • Like 2
  7. I can remember seeing this type of Hooliganism before, in Europe, committed by English soccer (excuse me football) fans (let's not forget skin heads and other trash in the west as well). This type of behavior is brutal no matter where it takes place, and it takes place everywhere. For many here to suggest that Thai men are more prone to this type of behavior than others is just stupid. I'm not making excuses for the Thai people involved in this incident but to link this type of behavior to all Thai men or all Thai people is ludicrous. It happens in my own country and in the home countries of the rest of the old, white people who frequent this site.There are bad apples everywhere. Now, what the criminal justice system here does with the case is another story. Thailand has many problems for which constructive criticism is called for, but there is a group of trolls on this site that just hate the country and the people. If you hate the country and the people, leave the country, stop visiting, and leave this site as your hatefulness is not helpful.

    Nonsense, why post off topic rubbish on a subject that you know little or nothing about. English football hooligans have never gone around bashing old women, they tend to keep it among themselves.

    Tell us where you were when you saw this.

    And no, I am not nor ever have been a hooligan, football or other, but I have followed football for forty years across England, Wales and Europe.

  8. Too little, too late, and nowhere near the city centre. Bangkok has about 10% of the green space of most cities of its size, which is one of the reasons why it has the worst pollution in the world apart from a few Indian and Chinese cities. Environmentally speaking, it is an unmitigated disaster.

    I guess you never figured out how to eat an elephant.

  9. I was by there this afternoon, and saw the wheel from a distance. At least at mid-afternoon, it wasn't moving at all, from what I could see.

    Meanwhile, I looked at the YouTube video in this thread for the first time today. And to watch it, it looks like some material in the car is melting and then flaming parts of it are dripping/falling down from the car. Wondering what the heck that was, the plastic or acrylic car casing, or something else melting???

    Most probably the chocolate or if not must have been the marshmallow.post-234944-14621763226696_thumb.jpg

  10. It would seem that many TV posters have forgotten their youth. I am not condoning street racing, but didn't this happen in your locality in your youth? This is what some youths do when the sap is rising and they want show off infront of their mates. Motorbikes are their way of exercising a bit of freedom. Having said this, I still exclaim "Look at that stupid bastard". But then, I am 80 +.

    My older brother ( now 71 ) around the mid '60s had a BSA Gold Star ,he still likes to recall when he used to blast through the tunnel in Reigate ( anyone know it ) the sound of the exhaust reverberating off the walls , walking folk covering their ears. He now says " If I heard that noise today I would think hanging would be too good for the 'em ".

    I hope he used Castrol R in the Goldie so it smelled as good as it would have sounded.

  11. I was with some friends in Bali the other week and the subject of violence of locals against tourists came up. I asked how many foreign tourists got murdered each year. They had to think very hard and thought it may only be 1 or 2 maximum. Quite different to the Land of Smiles.

    Bali has different breed of visitors. Again, these English drunks are trash, and Thailand is popular with trash, cuz trash likes seediness and cheap... The headkick is low (pun intended) but I see an old woman hitting a guy in the face... ? ? ?

    As English seems to be a little difficult for you to comprehend, I'll put this as simply as I can for you.

    They are not English.

    They are Welsh.

    Can you follow that?

  12. Spam egg chips and beans.

    Try buying basic Thai food in the UK.

    My wife lived in Glasgow with me for 9 years.

    We went once a month to a very large Asian s/market to get all her Thai bits n bobs.

    Roughly 60/70 quid... but over here...less than a fiver.

    I remember paying £43 for a Durian in Wing Yip. Because she's worth it.

    I wouldn't pay 4p for a tin of Spam, or baked beans for that matter.

  13. We sell to neighbours (best returns for us and best pricing for locals), the local markets and, occasionally, through a distribution network (middleman. Lowest returns but can be beneficial with unsold produce).

    Same here, word seems to get around pretty quickly and we have people turning up all the time for eggs and fish. Direct sales are much more profitable than going through wholesalers, but it's good to have something to fall back on.

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