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Blue Muton

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Posts posted by Blue Muton

  1. This explains why we've been asked to buy ice cream for the local schools. I hold a fund donated by my Mum to help the local kids, we've fed them a few times and bought books, musical instruments etc.

    When we do food for them (about 160 from the small rural school at the nearby temple) the whole extended family get involved in preparing, cooking and serving it. Life can be pretty tough around here and the occasional provision of good food is clearly appreciated. I must say that even for a grumpy old git like me it is very rewarding.

  2. You also need the marriage documents certified by the THAI embassy in your home country.

    That is not required to register a foreign marriage. The MFA certification takes care of that.

    Hi UbonJoe, I had our marriage certificate legalised by the UK FCO, then had certified translations done.

    We were advised at our Amphur to take these to CW for processing before taking them back to the Amphur.

    At CW we were quite rudely told that we had to get them stamped by the British Embassy in Bangkok. This seemed absurd as they had already been legalised by the FCO, so I called the Embassy while I was still in the CW office.

    When the Embassy assured me that we were being wrongly advised by the Thais, I asked them to speak to the officials at CW there and then, which they did.

    The officials at CW then insisted that we have to take the already legalised and translated marriage certificate to the Thai Embassy in London.

    This was around September of last year. Can you confirm that they are wrong and help point me in the right direction please?

    Thanks in advance.

    You did not even have to have your marriage certificate certified by the UK FCO. You can do a statement to do a self certification at the embassy.

    Did you have your certified marriage certificate translated to Thai and then have it certified by the MFA? That step is enough to satisfy the Amphoe.

    We started the process when we were living in the UK. We were told by the Thai embassy that we had to get the FCO to legalise our certificate then get it trAnslated, which we did.

    We originally brought the legalised certificate to Thailand in 2014. The a amphoe told us we had to take it to the MFA, which was locked down at the time.

    We're now living in Thailand. When we went to the MFA they told us we had to take it to the Thai embassy in London first.

    Thanks for your advice. It looks like it will be easiest for us to start again with an affidavit at the British embassy.


  3. You also need the marriage documents certified by the THAI embassy in your home country.

    That is not required to register a foreign marriage. The MFA certification takes care of that.

    Hi UbonJoe, I had our marriage certificate legalised by the UK FCO, then had certified translations done.

    We were advised at our Amphur to take these to CW for processing before taking them back to the Amphur.

    At CW we were quite rudely told that we had to get them stamped by the British Embassy in Bangkok. This seemed absurd as they had already been legalised by the FCO, so I called the Embassy while I was still in the CW office.

    When the Embassy assured me that we were being wrongly advised by the Thais, I asked them to speak to the officials at CW there and then, which they did.

    The officials at CW then insisted that we have to take the already legalised and translated marriage certificate to the Thai Embassy in London.

    This was around September of last year. Can you confirm that they are wrong and help point me in the right direction please?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. OP were you married in Thailand or Australia as that can make a difference.

    Could you please elaborate. We were married and registered in Australia.

    If you have a foreign marriage you have to bring that foreign marriage certificate to Thailand and go to your embassy in Bangkok and swear an affidavit on the certificate. Then you have this affidavit and certificated translate from your home country language to Thai and then these get registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or MFA for short. Now you can go to any amphur and have your marriage recognize and on fill in Thailand. For proof and you have to submit this to immigration for a marriage extension you need a Kor Ror 22 this you get at any amphur and cost about 20 baht. You normaly need a new one ever year. If you were married in Thailand it is a KR 2.

    You also need the marriage documents certified by the THAI embassy in your home country.

  5. It seems most posters here are pro Barcelona in a Thailand based forum, hmm a bit odd,

    Has it occurred to you that not all of us who live in Thailand live in Bangkok? I love living in Suphanburi but have no desire to live in Bangkok whatsoever. Given the choice between Bangkok and Barcelona I would opt for the latter, but neither would have any chance of tempting me away from here, indeed nowhere else on earth would.

  6. Not good news for Thailand when UNHRC is investigating the rights abuse in Thailand. Today they slammed Thailand for handing over Chinese fleeing from conflict. More to come.

    "Not good news for Thailand when UNHRC is investigating the rights abuse in Thailand."

    You mean, the UN Human Rights Council chaired by <drum roll> Saudi Arabia???

    Ha ha ha cheesy.gif

    Saudi Arabia which, just like Thailand, is a "Tier 3" rated country in regards to Human Trafficking violations!

    Tier 3 being defined as: "Countries whose governments do not fully comply with the minimum standards and are not making significant efforts to do so." That Saudi Arabia? What a joke. clap2.gif

    Or the one that's based in Geneva and has a German president?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. There are several topics about this.

    Some offices are enforcing the existing rule a home owner must report the presence of a foreigner staying in their home. This is done by submitting a TM30 form.

    I note you say some offices, which I haven't noticed before. This is quite reassuring as I've previously asked my wife to call the office for our area to check and they have told her a couple of times not to bother as they already know where I live. The last time was last week as I wanted to know if we had to report when we return from our holiday in Bali in a couple of weeks. The answer was an emphatic "No".

    Whilst responding here I'll take the opportunity to thank you for your seemingly tireless attempts to help people understand visa/extension of stay laws, procedures and interpretations. I haven't posted much but I have been reading plenty on here over the past couple of years. We moved here in February, prior to that my Thai wife lived with me in the UK.

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  8. he is most definately being sarcastic! biggrin.gif

    nice to see there is a thread for the champions at last, good work

    Do you mean men's champions of England or Women's champions of England?

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  9. A lot of you seem to be assuming that the Thai driver with the dashcam is a man. This is not the case according to my wife, who read the original, Thai post. This IMO makes the clown not only an uncouth idiot but a cowardly uncouth idiotic bully.

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    Cowardly? I wouldn't want to get a Thai woman p!$$ed off laugh.png

    Well I can certainly think of one that it's better for me to try to keep on the right side of!

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