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Happy Grumpy

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Posts posted by Happy Grumpy

  1. On 11/11/2019 at 8:29 AM, RocketDog said:




    The only way I shop online. ????


    Quite an easy rule to follow.



    When I go to the ATM I also withdraw x,900 thb, so if a local doesn't have change, I don't lose my sh!ht and start a diatribe on Thai Visa about them not having change for a 1,000thb note. ????


    A small bit of intelligence and adjustment really would help so many farang here. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Scott said:

    That will be up to the Thai gov't to decide by regulation

    So we don't know if the teachers will be:





    Or from England with B.Ed!


    Or how much contact time they will have with the students or in what context - as Homeroom teachers or as subject teachers.



    Simply impossible to form a conclusion and vote on such a poll that's lacking such vital information. 

  3. On 11/17/2019 at 2:14 AM, Scott said:

    In your opinion, do you believe this move will significantly result in better English skills or will it be a waste of money?

    One can't honestly answer such a question with such limited information.


    Who will be the English teachers? Thais? Native English Speakers? Non-Native Speakers from South Africa? NNES from the Philippines? 

    What qualifications will they have?

    How many hours per day will they spend with their class?

    Will they be homeroom (one class teachers, shared with one Thai teacher) or will they teach different lessons to different classes everyday?


    Answer these questions please so we can properly vote. 


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