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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Trump wall - Wikipedia The U.S. built new barriers along 455 miles (732 km),[6][7][8] 49 miles (79 km) of which previously had no barrier.[7][8] Much of the remainder consists of 30-foot-tall (9.1 m) steel bollard wall where previously there had been fencing or vehicle barriers.
  2. So if the Monarchy was dissolved you are suggesting it would not be replaced with anything, is that your wish and how would it work?
  3. But is what you read true? e.g. ; "without any unburnt oxygen" as stated above!
  4. Is there mushroom for doubt about that?
  5. How do you know? Have you been in both places at the same time and breathed the so called "non oxygen"?
  6. Another "Rice Subsidy Scheme" in the making?
  7. Not being a square I bet you can still feel a right t!t in or out of class!
  8. What a stupid statement! If there is no oxygen, as the phrase above suggests, then there would be no people alive in Chiang Mai. I have lived here for many a long year in CM and cannot understand the over-reaction that idiots people like you push. Yes there is pollution, as in most areas of the world, but there is also oxygen in CM, as there is in the rest of the world, for all of us to breath! I suggest you stick to facts and quit the dramatic hyperbole!
  9. That is my point. I, or my rep/agent have to go to the office! The CM IO will not accept either online or mail in with a new passport! Anyone know of a way round this to get back to online reports. Eventually only retirees who travel abroad will be able to do online reporting. It will be cheaper for me in the long term to just stop reporting, due to the costs of round trip attendance, and pay the 1900 baht fine for non reporting at extension time. PS; It is not in the agent's best interest to solve this as they get paid to do my reporting! PPS; This is the first of the 5 refusals to actually state why!
  10. Received a new UK passport in country last year, transferred all the stamps etc but the last four attempts to do Online 90 day reports have failed with no reason. Applied last week on line and yesterday got an email rejecting my report stating; "Dear ---------------, Your application for "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS" has been rejected. The online service not support if there has been a change of new passport." Does anyone know of a workaround that does not involve either leaving the country and returning or using an agent? Have tried talking to CM Immigration but I just get a stock reply of "new passport".
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