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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I wonder what the abbreviation "CV" means in this instance! ????
  2. I think I know the answer but I will ask anyway! Why?
  3. I do not see the word "Qoran" (Qur'an) in the piece I quoted! I am not a mind reader! Why would an observer of Ramadan even use "The Bible"?
  4. Doesn't that apply to all PM's around the world?
  5. In your mind with your IO! As we all know there are NO hard and fast rules that pertain to every IO! I suggest you give people a break and stop pretending that you are the "authority" on Immigration/banking etc, etc!
  6. It does not matter what the age is! The results are the same!
  7. How many pints have you had? The point is whether it is a statement of fact by you or your opinion! You implied that the "lie" statement was a fact! It is not know at this time if that is so. At no point did you did not state that you were speaking on behalf of "voters" and their " perceptions"! Were you lying in your post about it being a lie or just misleading us?
  8. Have you read the contents of your link? "to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by deliberate deceit" The Oxford English Dictionary definition is; "mislead" "cause to have a wrong impression about someone or something." You are being pedantic!
  9. Exactly my point so you do not know if he lied. It is only your unfounded opinion!
  10. Even IF the "Incidents of violent crime are fewer" where is the correlation to state that related to drugs or whatever the cause is and where is the link to that case(s) study? Just more unprovable BS from weeders.
  11. You do not know that at present. Innocent until proved guilty. The committee (lynch mob) are supposed to be there to prove or otherwise!
  12. He’s before the committee to defend his lies statements to Parliament. A big difference!
  13. I don't think the observers of Ramadan live by "The Bible"!
  14. Not the people/electorate! Nothing will change for the majority of the people.
  15. We know that the Irish raiders raided the western shores of Britain, mostly Wales. Unless you have proof to the contrary I would suggest that they did more raiding/cross country movement with Scotland as the NE of Ireland is much closer than Wales! It should also be noted that he spent most of his time in Ireland in the Northern and western Ireland and was Bishop of Armagh. There is of course no proof either way!
  16. Why not? I have, maybe not so far on a weekly basis, but have been driving here for over 25years.
  17. So you agree that your repeated complains about complaining on the other thread are not actually worth complaining about?
  18. Who do you claim is committing treason and why raise this topic anyway?
  19. So it is OK for you to repeatedly complain about others complaining about the problems they see in an imperfect country but others are not allowed to complain about living in an admitted imperfect country or complain about you complaining about you complaining. Making complains in most cases does not mean that the complainant is miserable but I can see that there are a few exceptions! Maybe look in a mirror! You are illogical!
  20. So Thailand is perfect and there is nothing happening in Thailand that anyone should make adverse comments about! Is that your position or is free speech allowed if someone has something to complain about?
  21. And your rant above makes you sound like one also! It is called free speech and he probably feels better for getting it off his chest. Also as it was only 5AM perhaps he has not been to bed and is letting his natural exuberance show! PS; Note to self "do I now sound like one also"?
  22. Don't do the transfer in one lump sum. Transfer 400,000 first time and once in the new account do the second transfer. Do this during the period you only need to keep 400,000 in the account.
  23. Is that where the phrase "Rock hard" comes from?
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