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Everything posted by JustThisOnePostOnly

  1. The real issue with these bikes is early morning use. On Jomtien's Beach Rd. at, say, 3AM, these guys pretty much have no traffic to contend with and so they get to open up the throttle and when they do that, double-glazed sliding glass doors don't do anything to mask the noise. At other hours, I just consider it part of the din of the city, and kinda like it. Personally, I think the ideal vehicle is one of those scooters welded to a sidecar, like what a lot of the vendors use to sell their stuff. You could string up a hammock easy on one of those things, put up a little shade, attach a battery with an electric fan and carry around a cooler full of cold beer. Park anywhere and look good doin it.
  2. But I guess what I'm asking is, immigration won't care at that point that I don't have a more formal residence? They want to see chanod and house book and lease and water bill for the non-imm O as well as the TM30 of course, I can roll in with just a monthpy hotel receipt for the extension?
  3. Yes I would do same province, but would want to do something like a hotel room by the month, those one-year leases are too risky is the way I'm feeling. TM30 is a TM30, right?
  4. Wasn't my original plan but I have significant neighbor problems and may not last the two months. And, related to that, the extension has to be applied for in the last 30 of the 90 days given by the non-imm O, even if the money has been seasoned for two months right from the start? I think that's what you guys said but just want to be sure.
  5. But of course they can look at your bank book the next time you renew. So you still need to keep the 800k for the first three months but you don't have to make the special trip to immigration to report that. Got it. Thanks.
  6. Is there a complete list of the forms we get to ignore/throw away somewhere on the forum?
  7. Is there something like, you win you keep everything?
  8. This goes back 25 years or so, but in Australia a group of researchers were so committed to proving that marijuana impaired driving that they actually got their subjects drunk first. And sure enough, they proved that stoned drivers are dangerous. If they're drunk too. This matches my real world experience on the subject. When stoned I'm a slow, cautious driver. When drunk I'm a carefree reckless driver, but still sort of in control. But when drink and stoned I'm an absolute lunatic and I am sometimes amazed I am still on the planet. That said, and by far, the greatest danger I've posed on the roads is when I am sleep deprived. And my experience in Thailand is that this is when I am at the greatest risk of losing my life, when I am in the van that some sketchy agency arranged for me to do the A-to-B and the driver starts falling asleep because this is his fourteenth run in the last 32 hours and you have to resort to all kinds of ridiculous tricks to keep him awake. Grade risk and devote resources accordingly.
  9. Urine tests become obsolete. Unless I am mistaken, that was previously the primary means of enforcement. Is it likely the that they roll out some all-new means of enforcement? Some kind of mobile chem lab where they do the level of analysis necessary to discern THC concentration? I am guessing not. Complicated and expensive and too many false positives. So really, unless you are in retail or are a total muppet who openly flaunts recreational use, I'd say that there is no cause for paranoia. Be kind, be respectful, and above all else, use responsibly and be a better person. The whole world needs to chill. If anybody can show the way it'd the Thais.
  10. An interesting detail is that when you open up the account and the money is being sent into Thailand, the bank officials are happy to fill out all of the forms for you. Not so when pulling the money out and sending it back home. Never did so much work writing with a pen!
  11. Seems this subject is always about using the agent in lieu of not using the 800k, and rarely about those of us who are happy using the 800k but who would also like to use the agent for convenience. But the price always seems the same! Or am I misremembering?
  12. Do the two-month deposit and first month's rent on a condo overlooking the ocean in a non-smoking building with signs everywhere that say "no smoking!" and threatening steep fines and even imprisonment for failure to obey only to find out the next day that the next-door neighbors are furiously puffing away every chance they get with door ajar, and their balcony fair game as well. Reporting them to building management does nothing so far and expectations for a resolution are not good. Meanwhile I have to wear a mask when I go out to protect our lungs from a virus that, relative to the risk I bear from constant exposure to second-hand smoke, poses me little to no threat. Did I mention that Thailand wants to position itself as the health and wellness center for the (cough) world?
  13. The problem is if this strain of monkeypox was deliberately weaponized, in which case all previous experience with regards to virulence goes out the window. We live in a world where the firemen have every incentive to start the fires.
  14. Ok sounds like doing both on the same day then is the way to go. Thanks again.
  15. This is first I've seen the 2000 number, is this just for the conversion or is everything now 2000? 30-day and non-O then gives me 120? And for 4000?
  16. I deposited my 800k on 4/1 and arrived 5/3 visa exempt. The plan was to wait until 6/1 before going to immigration, the idea being that by then the money would have been seasoned for two months so I could immediately receive my retirement not-a-visa and leave all you fools in the dust having paid only 1900 baht for the whole shebang. Alas, I now see I was the fool as you can only receive the extension if already in possession of the non-O, and I am not, moreover you can only apply for the non-O with 15 or more days remaining on your permission to stay, and I now have only 13. So, and this is what I'd appreciate getting confirmation on, what I have to do now is get the 30-day (1900 baht) anytime in the next 13 days, then apply for the non-O (1900 baht) anytime after that but within the next 28 days (13 + 30 - 15), then apply for the not-a-visa (1900 baht) after getting the non-O but within the next 133 days (13 + 30 + 90.) Yes?
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