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  1. Really? Because their website says "Processing Time The processing time for visa applications through the e-Visa system will take approximately 10-15 working days (if all required documents are complete), from the date the visa fee is paid.", Do you have any empirical data to back that up?
  2. Roadside or culvert IEDs, never buried beneath the road, (digging up the road might be noticeable). Common guerrilla tactics.
  3. Look here; https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?page_id=3202 Item 22
  4. First the op is asking about losing a passport and then getting a new one, so would be impossible to enter the details of a visa in a lost passport to a new passport at immigration. Secondly, I believe that if you lose a visa sticker, a trip to the MFA is required to 'reinstate' the lost visa, as Immigration had nothing to do with its issuance.
  5. Couple of things strike me; Roadside IED was triggered presumably by a person, ergo there was someone waiting in the bushes for the right moment. That indicates that they knew their target would be travelling on that road at that time. Followed by gunfire, so even more people waiting in the bushes? Again this pangs of a pre-planned ambush based on intelligence.
  6. Are you sure? I only ask because certainly my in-person 90 day reports the new due date is calculated from the actual date I report, not the due date.
  7. Yep, as long as you have the 400k on the day of application (2 months seasoning at Jomtien) and at least 15 days remaining on your current permission to stay (21 in Chaing Mai) TM87 if you came visa exempt, TM86 if you came with a tourist visa
  8. As I posted previously, you can do it in person at Bumrungrad. 🙂
  9. Which is why there is an option to do it in person without going to CW 🙂
  10. No, sadly nowhere will now sell you a multi-entry VISA as you asked for in your post.
  11. The OP specifically asks about visas, not extensions, not about being over 50, so my post is totally relevant. Whilst you have given an option, that does not detract from what I posted from being correct. Please stop nonsense. (I must be allowed to say that, because you said it to me).
  12. Still won't be able to get a multi-entry VISA?
  13. To be honest the quoted thread is useless as the OP never said if he was on a visa or extension. However, for the OP of this thread, your simple process should be; Get a letter of termination from your employer, this can be post-dated Take the letter to Labour and cancel your work permit, (it will be cancelled for the post-dated date). Take confirmation from Labour to immigration and they will cancel your extension, (again on the post-dated date). Leave on or before 31 Jan and you are good to go. 🙂
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