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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. How about a psychological evaluation on the entire police and army forces, that would be a start, ooops, forgot where I was.
  2. I would really like to know if these cops go through a psychological evaluation process before being admitted into the force. Discussing this with the wife this morning over coffee, and her reply was, are you serious darling, have you not learned anything living here in all this time, I said, what do you mean. She said you know what's his names son, the cop, I said yeh, she said, he failed all his subjects at school, how do you think he got to be a cop, I said how, she said his father bought his sons way in, i.e. he paid 300,000 baht to get him into the force. Shocked, that said, I don't doubt a word she said, because they are family members. That is the sad reality of Thailand, corrupt as it gets, and who pays the price for this, young innocent children, suffice to say, I would really like to know how this deranged devil got into the force, that should be the first and foremost thing they should look at and then if found out to be as I suspect, heads should roll, but we know that wouldn't happen, because heads would be rolling all the way from the top. Sad for the families who have to live with the loss of their little angels for the rest of their lives, why, because the system is flawed IMO.
  3. Nothing short of deranged and possessed by his drug use. So so sad for the families, heart goes out to them and the little angels, rest in peace. Straight to hell for the <deleted>. The whole cop force needs a good looking into psychologically IMO.
  4. I see your asking for this in Pattaya which I am yonks away from, that said, I buy my Masterfoods Hot English Mustard from Villa Mart, if you have one near you, that would be your best bet, pricey though, I think I paid 175 baht a while's back for a small jar. Going to Oz soon and it is on my hit list as is Vegemite because as we all know, imports here are velly expensive.
  5. Better still do as the Ozzies did after the Port Arthur massacre, no guns, period.
  6. The problem there is Thai's don't want to lose face, so it will be the usual, "up to you" response, whereas I would like to question them as to why their policy is to wear a face mask, are they disease qualified experts, the government has no mandatory policy, what puts them above the law. In other words, I like to have answers to my questions answered, most of the times, people can't deliver, and when and if it comes to well if you don't like it, you can shop elsewhere, to which my reply would be but of course, that is a given, but no before I have your name so that your boss, owner knows exactly what you have said and have created, because it is not only me that you are sending away to shop elsewhere. As you can see, I like a bit of a challenge as opposed to bending over at someone's policy that would have very little substance in holding up why that policy was implemented.
  7. They should be able to pick up any issues, however if your overly concerned, I would recommend you see an eye Doctor (Ophthalmologist).
  8. Agree with you 100%, an example would be tonight, I entered Big C, I had my mask in my hand, when entering the store, there was a security guard there wearing a mask, I walked straight by him, not a word. When in the store, everyone was wearing masks, I didn't, I had mine in my hand, when at the check out, I saw people queued up wearing masks, out of a courtesy, I put mine on as I know how uneducated most here are, I could have left it off, but why make them feel uncomfortable, however my point was made, i.e. I entered the store without a mask on, no one said boo to me, however it was me who chose to cover up when exiting so as not to allow those wearing masks to be Anutin's followers, another dirty farang spreading the disease.
  9. That is where you are WRONG, l have the right to challenge any businesses policy or any legislation which makes the law. Many have won cases against businesses and laws which are then known as precedents, they form the new law. An example that could be the Equality Act or the Human Rights Act and so on and so forth, just because a law says this or a business says this, doesn't make it right and they can be challenged. You have obviously never challenged, but accepted, that is your choice, but don't go preaching to me that the law doesn't give me the right to challenge it.
  10. I cut through a cord about a couple of years back and didn't even realise it, wife came outside where I was and said we have a black out. I went inside and noticed the big switch down, I pushed it back up and the power kept tripping off, I think, I can't really remember to be honest, but sounds right, so when I went back outside to continue cutting after I told the wife to ring the builder who built the place, only lives up the road and is always available for us. When I went to continue cutting the vines, I saw this strange looking vine that I cut through, which was part of what I thought was the other vines, but the vines had grown around this strange looking discoloured white external wire which looked like a vine, which was for the outside gate lights. The wire was put in one of those plastic strips and ran along the wall under the ledge, out of sight, but the part that went from the fence to the street power pole (1.5 metres) is what I cut on our side of the fence, which made me wonder why on earth he would have done it that way, possibly a short cut which could have cost me my life I think, anyway, we called him to come and sort it, he did, and wrapped the live cut part from the wire that I cut to the other power pole wires running to our place, I said why doesn't he just remove it, wife translated for me, he smiled and said my pen rye, no need, yeh right, next guys problem right. This reminds me when I purchased the box and all the circuit breakers and the big tripper, we discussed it with him and he said, no need, same with the smoke detectors, haha, guess I like listening to myself, because the decisions I make are for a reason, suffice to say, I don't have that care free Thai attitude, I like to get what I want because I know better sometimes, ok, all the times, same with the sisalation and ceiling batts, it would be an oven in here if I listened to him, go figure.
  11. Were all getting our nickers in a not here. We are not suggesting a private business cannot have it's own rules, but to go one above the law which says it is not mandatory to wear a mask is what I am on about. An example would be no smoking, ok fine, the law says no smoking so they must comply, but the law doesn't say that wearing of masks is law, so why does the business have the right to make it mandatory, is it to protect it's clients from the invisible boogie man, why not then say only vaccinated patrons with proof of vaccination will be admitted, because that would create a whole new sheet fight wouldn't it. The pandemic is over, it is endemic, no masks are required to be worn as far as the law goes, so all I am saying is because some business says masks are required before entering, are behind the times and I will enter without a mask, and anyone who wishes to stop me will have to hold a damn good reason as to why I am required to wear a mask, that said, I can understand if it was in an aircraft, confined space with air conditioning being recirculated throughout the aircraft, but a Makro, Lotus or a big store like Central, give me a break.
  12. Unlike some who bend over, I tend to like to challenge things when they are not right and 99% of the times, they bend, perhaps it's too hard for some, easier for others who know right from wrong and aren't prepared to bend, obviously that depends on the situation, e.g. if the process is going to be too long and hard, then one can decide to drop the ball before he catches it. You see, unlike you, I would walk in, what are they going to do arrest me, and if they did, what would the charge be, your honour he refused to wear a mask in our store....LOL, your honour my client is triple vaxed, and has had the virus, yeh I can see the judges the face on this one, waste of the courts time. Some get it, some don't, I take it you don't.
  13. I disagree that it is their right, based on what ? The disease has been downgraded by the government, that is my point, in other words, what you are saying is a private business can make a decision on what it feels like, e.g. males entering stores must wear a skirt, get my point, probably not. I have a right to not wear a mask and unless the government says otherwise, private businesses should follow the governments instructions, otherwise they are deemed to be acting to be above the law IMO. .
  14. This is somewhat confusing, one minute it says, masks are still being recommended, and some venues and services based on "business" may still require them, BUT....the mandate has been dropped for months, AND it's a personal decision, NOW if someone wishes to wear a mask. So, if I rock up to Makro or Lotus or Central is some dipstick going to try and tell me that they are above the law and ask me to wear a mask to go in ?
  15. For those that didn't believe me, I can now say, I told you so.
  16. After my 1st marriage ended, with an 18 month daughter, now 25, I swore never again. A few years later and a trip to Thailand, well what do you know, remarried, very happily this time around, 15 years and going strong, two kids, 8 and 13, I was 49 when the 1st one came along, and 54 when the 2nd one came along, now 62, your never too old to enjoy life with kids. We travel a lot, outside of school hours we catch up on weekends and do lots of stuff, do I feel old, nope, I feel reborn, don't know about the young wife though...LOL. To the original poster, do I have any regrets in life or did I waste my life, nope, life is a journey, the better you plan it, the harder you work, invest and enjoy it while going along the planned route, the better retirement has worked out for me. Coming from a poor family, life here is very rich so to speak, take me back to the old country and life would be miserable because of a lot of things, cost of living for one, you can work out the rest. Actually I do have some regrets, i.e. letting the ones that got away, get away, but to be honest, at the time, I wasn't interested, besides, here has made up for it, and no need to chase them ????
  17. She went over existing tiles, best to put a waterproof board down, but she didn't use the LTV or PVC flooring tiles for that, so I don't know how you will go with them, as they say they are for floors.
  18. For her it was easy doing it on the floor, that said, for the bathroom, what she did is put a waterproof board down, put the basin on top of it and then used a laminate type material then a film on top of it, if that helps.
  19. In case you haven't been told, I'm entitled to my opinion, like it or not ! You must like in another world, this place is full of corruption, you obviously live somewhere where you don't get out much, and or have ever exchange money between those so called law abiding cops.
  20. My wife just purchased LVT flooring on Lazada for about 120-130 per square metre and laid it herself on a concrete floor, the same product costs 5-8 times that amount back in the old country. It looks so exactly like those floating timber flooring systems, it really looks good and she has saved us a bundle, just purchased another 10 boxes, each box comes in just over 5 square metres. I think another term for it is PVC flooring, check it out, and you can thank me later, that said, over floor tiles, not sure, as you may have to lay some kind of board down fist (glued) so no lines where the tiles meet show up if you know what I mean. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/hanxi-36-5-pvc-i4142853181-s16293161136.html?clickTrackInfo=undefined&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.38f254880MWLZc
  21. They obviously have a lot of faith in the Thai system, didn't even know they had a witness protection system. Brown envelope exchanging hands, where are they, they are staying at such and such address, ok, ring Somchai and tell him to go for a leak, job will be over real quick. Also, I hope this doesn't turn out to be another Indian chain thing with the ladyboys, because in no time their will be lots of Russians saying the same story.
  22. I was 57 when I applied, that was 5 years ago, so I suppose if I am still kicking my heels in another 5 at 67, I might just go and get my life membership with updated mug shot, that's what it looks like ????
  23. I had no idea it was for 5 years, I thought it was for good, just checked, mine in 10 years, suppose it depends on the office in your province ?
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