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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Add to that; when at a T-section turning left into a road that has 3 carriage ways which are heading in the same direction you will be going when you turn left, don't only look right for when it safe to turn left, look left as well as right because there will be those motorbikes who are on the wrong side of the road (your side) wanting to turn into the street your coming out of, and sometimes passing right in front of your front end when your about to turn left. I have come close a few times.
  2. That's a given, doesn't matter what country your in, same applies at Pedestrian or Zebra crossings, your life is in your own hands, trust no one who drives a car/truck or rides a bike as they are all lethal weapons on the move so to speak. RIP
  3. Amazing Thailand, don't these clowns ever learn, guess they enjoy their free board and meals in a crowed cell with 30 others.
  4. I never hold more than a million baht in my account in Thailand, that is usually enough for my annual budget and I draw down accordingly. The timing of the transferred amount also satisfies the annual extension (marriage). If I ever got into dire straits, I could transfer from my overseas account to my Wise account and have the money here in my Thai bank, usually within a day or 2 the most. I have 3 accounts overseas, each one protects me to the sum of 6,250,000 baht, that said, as the protection here with the Thai banks is limited, I would be crazy to shift my money here.
  5. Covid will be around just like the cold and flu, and will also have many variants which will be tracked, same as the flu. People, older people and immunocompromised people would be wise to get their annual jabs, like the flu. I can't see a variant kicking up like it was before, as they usually start off lethal and then wane, but on the rare chance, can become deadly again, that said, while the sun is shining, we should make hay of it.
  6. Umm, in case you haven't heard, the pandemic is over and Thailand is joining the ranks of other countries, so I wouldn't call it greed, it is timing more than anything. Lets all move along now, nothing to see here.
  7. Yeh but can she cook ? My mum told me that before I marry a woman, she must cook like a chef, be a handy person to do all the repairs around the house and a whore in bed, not to mention be at least 20 years my junior. Mum was spot on, but I didn't tell her I found mine at a bar ????
  8. I know of a guy who would say that he can see those get out of jail cards doubling now, last time he was done his reading was about 60 allegedly, the legal requirement being 50 and under, so technically speaking, he was over according to the officer. He said the policeman told him you go to jail and pay 20,000 baht fine, or pay 10,000 baht now and you go home, apparently drove him to an ATM and he paid the 10,000 baht. I guess here there is no way of arguing your not drunk, spend the night in jail and see what the judge says, if you prefer. Don't know what I would do in such a situation, certainly wouldn't want to spend the night in jail, and how would I prove my case ?
  9. Agee with your and Sheryl's estimate, myself for example, I have well over that amount in the bank & in investments which I could sell at the press of a button, however my point was to put money aside annually to build up a self insurance plan @250k baht per annum vs paying constantly increasing private health cover policies. Naturally it will take time to get to that 3 million baht amount, but one hopes that they don't have to visit a hospital at all and that the 250k baht put aside annually is back in their pockets as opposed to the eye gauging insurers, that said, if I am still alive in the 12 years that, it takes to reach that amount, (one year down), I will have to celebrate knowing the wife and kids will have 3 million more for them when I am departed.
  10. So one vendor spreads this news so everyone else can follow the lead to stick it to us, well you could have fooled me, all my friends in abroad are complaining, but here in the sticks where we are, we are still unscathed IMO.
  11. Isn't it strange how something like this always happens after the death of the poor innocent individual/s, then as things settle down (time passing), it's back to business as usual, however the money is still changing hands in the mean time, different boss stepping up from under his old boss who is rubbing shoulders with his superiors in BKK.
  12. Same to you. As for the meds, you can get them here very easily, although they are more expensive than back home as I used to get them government subsidised. Depending on where your staying, and the meds of course, I found Siam Pharmacy Korat on LINE to be very efficient with delivery and price when I compared them to others. Courier delivered to my door and English text, money transfer, next day delivery. Best of luck and many more happy health years to you.
  13. Your very lucky to be alive and tell your story. Heart attacks come in many forms, for me in my mid 40's, it was a crushing pain in my chest, it felt as if a female with stilettoes was standing on my chest, not that I have experienced that, but best describes my pain at the time. I couldn't breath, was gasping for air, both arms tingling, new something was way out of wack, couldn't talk, wife looking at me and saying she will call an ambulance as I sat on the floor naked with my head in my knees. I got up, put on my jeans and headed out the door, I was waving my wife on, she wife followed, got in the car, she said you can't drive, I took off as she barely made it in the car....lol, nothing was going to stop me, hospital was a 2 minute drive up the road and I knew I was in serious trouble, parked the car next to the emergency bay, motor running, lights on, door open, it was around midnight, so lucky there was no traffic, I was there within 60 seconds, speed might have been a factor, can't remember, walked in and it was busy being a Friday night on a long weekend. I said to myself, there is no way I am going to sit down and wait, so I tapped on the glass at the counter as the nurse wasn't looking at me as her head was down writing something, she said just a minute, I tapped real loud next straight after she spoke as I couldn't speak, grasping for air, she looked up, I was holding my chest trying to explain to her I was in trouble, she got on the mic real quick and said something like a code, door buzzed open and there was a crew running towards me, they put me in a wheel chair, spun me around and sped towards the emergency area, and then they all swung into action, ahh, looked like my persistence got express, wife managed to get into the emergency area after she parked the car, they were giving me some pills, doing an ECG and the rest while asking me questions and me nodding yes or no. The pain then went away and after being able to speak and breath normally again, I providing them with everything they needed to know, the main guy said, it's more than likely you had a heart attack, we've called the Cardiologist and his team who are on stand by, won't be long, the guy then said to me, is that pretty young lady with you, I said, yes that my wife who gave me the heart attack, he chuckled and said I could imagine, way to go, we both then chuckled as if schools boys ???? 10 minutes later, Cardiologist and team rocked up and after a brief discussion with him I was in the theatre, stent was inserted (95%) blockage in the proximal left anterior descending artery. Cardiologist said I was lucky the ambulance got me to the hospital in time as there was no damage to the walls, I then explained to him that I drove, and he said, I would never recommend anyone drive while having a heart attack, but you might not have made it if you did wait for an ambulance, I said, that's what I was thinking, my dad died waiting for an ambulance which took 45 minutes to get to him, call me selfish, he said, you did what you did, your here now, that's what's important. I spent 3 days in hospital being monitored, no issues since, that was 14 years ago, if there is valuable lesson from all of this, it's 4 times in one day is a death wish. RIP to the young man, too early to speculate, but I know Greek cuisines are very high in cholesterol and not the healthiest of foods choices, if you over indulge, love Greek food and unless he kept his weight under control and didn't smoke, he might have ended up as many Europeans do, with heart attacks, that's my take on it as other have also speculated.
  14. Regardless, she killed a little kid that was entrusted to her, she used the child for money, the child suffered for years before dying, and this evil woman deserves her life be cut short. If it were up to me, I would treat her the same way she did the little girl, serve her poison, let her die a slow and painful death. The above said, an eye for an eye, is an eye for an eye, regardless if it deters others, justice served, a life for a life, why because it was a deliberate, callus act on an innocent child, no doubt she cuddled the child when she was suffering, which would have made it worse, showing the child that she was caring for her when in fact she was killing her. Death by low doses of poison till her intestines can't take it anymore.
  15. Each to their own. Personally living in a big comfortable house that has no neighbours surrounding it, with lots of greenery around from every window makes it all the worth while for me, I am relaxed, stress free, not a care in the world. Town is a country 20 minute drive with no traffic, the city is an hour away and no need to go unless doing a big grocery shopping, that said, I do go away twice a year for a week or two to touristy places and can't wait to get back. Drinking in moderation when out at the local twice a week is just enough that I can tolerate from certain heavy drinking expats who think that is all life is about, drinking. Like I said, each to their own.
  16. Good luck with that one, I too can't stand smoke from other people's cigarette's, but it's part and parcel of being in a social gathering. I tend to sit outside, it is better, i.e. until the useless <deleted> come over and stand right next to you, cigarette in hand or ashtray just lit and not smoked until the end when it's ready to be put out, but putting it out is too hard so they just toss it in the ashtray, seriously, some people !
  17. Not to mention, if your lucky enough to have lived in a country where real estate prices were/are a minimum 10 times that amount, at the bottom level, after selling up and building here, you would have lots of left over $'s to invest in tax free vehicles to live a comfortable life in Thailand, just saying.
  18. I corrected that. Don't have time for people with blinkers on, I have moved on as I have basically wasted enough time, and should allow the topic to get back to what it is about, not trying to convince those who don't get what is good value in Thailand.
  19. Seriously, you forgot, or deliberately left out that it: 1) Was built in 1967 2) Is semi-detached (not freestanding), is timber and adjoins a neighbouring dwelling, i.e. it has a common wall between it. 3) Has 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom 4) Below from the advertisement The main floor offers an eat-in kitchen and bright living room. Upstairs offers three bedrooms and a full family bathroom. Lower level is unfinished with lots of usable space. This house will require some TLC to bring it back to a higher standard When you convert CDA $68,000 to baht, you end up with just under 1.881,500 mil baht, that said, like I said in my previous post, a brand new 6 bedroom 3 bathroom 320 square metre (freestanding) brick ant tile, steel roof, concrete slab house built on a 1,000 square metres of land in 2015 cost me 2,120,000 baht all up. The land size is similar 1,115 square metres vs 1,000 square metres, but we would be clutching at straws/ Come to think of it, what would the cost be to bring it up to scratch and of course, what would the cost of living be there ? Now if you can't see the difference in value, then you just don't get it, and trust you me, I will NOT try to convince you, New Brunswick awaits you.
  20. Just on the building costs, that should be realistic on it's own, regardless of where you build, that said, if I was to build in the sticks, like where I live, then the building cost in the 1st world country would cost more, because you have to find builders which are scarce where I come from and those who do stay and live in the sticks, charge like wounded bulls.
  21. Where else in the world, (1st world country) do you get to build a 6 bedroom 3 bathroom 320 square metre house for 6,250 baht per square metre or loose change, 2 million baht ? Last time I looked back home some 7 years ago it was 75,000 baht per square metre or 24,000,000 baht. Oh, and then you have to buy the land which would be about the same, but half the size of the 1,000 metres I bought her for 120,000 baht. Who care if it's all in the wife's name, it's all hers when I'm gone anyway, and we split beforehand, she earned it for just putting up with me all of these years.....LOL
  22. What happen to the emoji smile we used to be able to click, well here's mine ????
  23. I did like designer suits back in the day, e.g. you couldn't go better than Yves Saint Laurent unless you wanted to go the full Monte with Zegna. It all boils down to your wallet and the feel your comfortable with. As for paying $300 bucks back in the 90's for a pair of Italian jeans vs Levi's or Lee for a third of the price, I'd go for the L brands. T-shirts I like A2Z here, around 300-400 baht and they are a good cotton, fit and last. Shoes, always pay more for shoes or sandals as comfort and back support are important to me. The above said, designer clothes are really good, usually in material used and fitting, a bit like a Porsche to a Ford, you can get comfort in both, but we all know the difference. If I was very very rich, I would buy designer brands, but only if they fitted the purpose. That said, I can afford them now, but I prefer to get a better deal, value for money type of shopper with money left over, no one needs to see my label ????
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