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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Mob attack leads man needing nearly 100 stitches I still don't get the heading above, and didn't see a guy getting his head smashed into the ground, looked like a woman to me. The above said, utter cowards, the lot of them, 5 years solitary should do the trick, and as for the female, put her in a male prison, sorted !
  2. It's already started, have a neighbour (Thai) who married a Laos girl 15 plus years ago, she has to go to immigration every month and pay 1,900 to be able to stay, used to be free, just go over the border and back same day before.
  3. I had to stop half way through because I couldn't stop...... need some coffee now
  4. Why don't they just mind their own business and look at how best they can increase tourist numbers and leave the hotels to decide what they should charge, Jesus, do these clowns have to try and control everything, not that it effects me as I will have the wife book the hotel in her name (Thai).
  5. I would suggest that it depends on where you live, personally living in Isaan, I will not go to my local government hospital for treatment, I find parting with 700 to 4,000 baht at a private much quicker, even though I have to travel 2 hours return, the wait is 10 minutes at the most, the environment is much cleaner and the Dr's speak English and have also been trained overseas. If I really had to visit a public hospital it would be a university training hospital which is about a 2 hour + drive which was for day surgery.
  6. What a sheet fight. Lesson to be learned, trust no one with your passport and money, do it yourself or weight up the risks, companies do fold for all sorts of reasons and giving your passport to a so called visa agent is a risk vs not giving your passport to a visa agent, simple math in my opinion. We all know lawyers, accountants, visa agents have split before leaving people in the sheet, so if you want to expose yourself to these people, then don't cry when the milk is spilt.
  7. So was lecturing leading hoteliers, businesses and private hospitals who have suffered major losses over the past two plus years thanks to his governments inept ability to turn things around for them, and this is the way to pay them back, i.e. shift the blame onto the tourists, charge them more to make up for your losses. I am sure he lost nothing and is making a killing on his gunja plantations. Someone seriously needs to remove this clown, I can only feel for these organisations that were present at airport when this guy opened his mouth.
  8. Do you feel better now ? Fact of the matter is I'm right and you know it, otherwise why would you even bother, oh by the way, good luck with agents in the future, who knows, you might be back home sooner than you think, hopefully ????
  9. Where they hell do these Somchai's get their hand on hand guns. The guy on the bike must have been terrified, and pleading drunk doesn't cut the mustard with me, I really hope they throw the book at him, 10 years minimum, that should clear any future hangovers, plus a million baht to the motorcyclist for unwarranted stress.
  10. It's never been about me, and I have never had an issue with a single Thai, nor do I feel persecuted, that said, I was merely explaining a given for those who can take off their blinkers and can see what I was talking about, i.e. Thailand has had a selective multicultural and ethnic pluralism since the 80's. The above said, it has never been an assimilation model. Cultural rights for ethnic minorities are still outstanding and are exoticized and of course used for tourist purposes.
  11. Unfortunately these guys in my opinion don't get taught occupational hazzard and safety, I can touch live wires at basically any electricity pole that are not covered, I know that because my cousins an electrician and had his screw driver thing with him when he visited and said I don't believe it, come here and look at this, put his screw driver thing on it that sparky's carry and the light came on, it's live he said, anyone touches that and their dead. Dangers are everywhere in Thailand, can't expect the uneducated to do any thing, common sense is also out the window. Reminds me of a time the wife had family and friends over for a New Years celebration, everyone sitting on the floor mats with beer glasses and bottles laying everywhere, I said to the Mrs, that's dangerous, kids running around, her reply was you worry to muk, so I put an end to it quick smart, brought out plastic cups, poured everyone's beers into plastic cups and put the beer bottle in an elevated wheelie tray, and just as the sister-in-law said, you worry to muk, a 3 year old fell over with a glass cup in his hand, fortunately he only cut the inside of his hand and required 12 stiches, to which I replied, yes I worry to muk, because I can see what is going to happen before it happens, lucky it wasn't one of his main arteries I said. Did you think they learned anything, nope, when I used to go to their place for a dinner or some event, not often, glasses all over the floor, beer bottles all over the floor, suffice to say, I don't go anymore, as I don't want to be present to witness another accident which can easily be avoided. There is no safety here unless it's taught is enforced and people are held accountable. What a waste for this poor fellow.
  12. Like I said before, in my opinion it is for tourists, that said, when I exit and return later in the year, I will complete the TM6 and make sure that it is stapled in my passport for when I apply for my extension in January. I will enquire before I get on my return flight to see if I can get one at the check in counter, if not then on the plane, if not on the plane then at the arrival airport. Until I see something saying on the lines that TM6 is no longer required as it was gazetted on such and such a date, I will continue to keep mine stapled in my passport as it gives immigration the date I entered the country, that said, they are not linked into the main frame which tells them when you returned, i.e. unless you show them your passport and TM6 card so they can confirm which port you entered. Remember, Thailand is way way behind the rest of the developed world when it comes to technology that we are accustomed too.
  13. Why would you think that, do you believe everything the cops say/think here. I have heard of people falling off balconies that high and not having bad injuries, depends on how they land/fall. Like I said before, she should have gotten him drunk and then thrown him off of it, but then again, maybe he would have survive it too.
  14. Not a very smart girl, should have pushed him off of it, after getting him intoxicated. More than one way to skin a cat.
  15. As long as it's moderation like most things, because I am sure you are aware that there are loads of fatty livers out there from drinking alcohol, which of course we all enjoy, (every now and again for me), why, because our bodies have a hard time getting ride of the substances created that are even more harmful than the alcohol we consumed, i.e. once our liver has removed it, those substances are the ones that damage the liver cells and cause liver disease over a period of time, excessive drinking accelerates this, ever wonder why most drinkers have a beer gut ????.
  16. 1st time I ever purchased one about 6 years ago, won 4,000 baht, nothing ever since, that said, I only buy one every now and again if one of those sellers pops in to a bar selling them, i.e. won't go out of my way to buy one, would rather invest (loose) a little more for bigger dividends back home, still waiting for the big pay day though ????
  17. Boys will be boys and of course they do silly things, we've all been there, done that, well I haven't actually walked on the edge of a wall, 6 stories up at 19, as I would have bee too busy trying to get into other things, besides, I am now scared of heights. That said, I do recall when I was around 10-12 that I used to scale tall trees in the huge park near our place, and if I fell, well it would have been all over, not thinking twice. This is a tragic accident that his mates with him on this trip will feel for a long time coming, not to mention his devastated parents/siblings/relatives back in Oz. RIP m8, nothing negative to say, except a young life cut short, probably from board.
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