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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. Hmmmm.Interesting. I pay an agent to obtain my extension of stay and the agent then pays off the I.O. and I am issued with the requisite stamp in my passport. As I see it according to the new law I, along with the agent and I.O., will all be guilty of corruption and subject to the death penalty. In addition consider all the other Government services and whatever that have to be "paid for" because of corrupt officials. If all these corrupt people are put to death there will be nobody left.

    No, the death penalty would only apply to the Thai Official at Immigration, not your agent, not you.

    "Under Article 123/2, state officials or foreign officials or people working for international organisations"

    There would still be a mass exodus. If you get my drift.

  2. Fact is that this is a huge improvement that there is no statute of limitations this is huge. Anyone saying the current government isn't making meaningfull changes is sleeping.

    Compare this with the previous government who wanted an amnesty for 26.000 corruption cases (one still has to wonder why they were under the blanket pardon).

    Sure people can moan that the courts still have to apply this but at least it changed its a step forward.

    It leaves room for improvement but its a good step.

    In my case, the statute of limitations applicable to an arrest warrant having been issued against the b@stard who stole my property is 15 years. However. He managed to bribe a police captain, a local prosector, and when the attorney general removed the pair of them and ordered his capture, he bribed an immigration official to allow him to fly out of the country. This under the present 'government'. Don't make me laugh.

  3. Anyone with any experience of this/can provide link to UK department responsible? I'm done with the idiocy that passes for the Thai, well, anything really. But having spent an hour and a half at my local branch of SCB this morning after my ATM card had been rejected from ATM 'suspended/invalid', it transpired 'passport has new number'. Yes, but that was a year ago and shouldn't make any difference as no problems with Immigration. 'You mus' come Bangkok an' chain you card'. 'But I'm in an SCB Bank NOW (yes, I KNOW they're stupidly not interconnected), can they fax you a signed copy of my passport?''Cannot', 'How do i get to f@#&ing Bangkok if I cannot withdraw my money?' 'I let yoo take ou' moneee but you mus' sen' signed copy of you passport'. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh.

    I was not alone in having a meltdown, there were many others present having been blocked as skimmers are yet again at work on Phuket. So who are they now? first it was the Russians, then Middle Easterners, read reports of Thailands new and welcomed with open arms Chinese getting in on the act too.

    So, back to my original point, I need to change my bank details at HM UK Pensions, but search throws up plethora of options. Anyone? And how difficult was it. Thank you.

  4. For anyone with opinions.

    Coup is a flawed democracy.

    Democracy without regarding rights and wishes of others is nothing but rule of mob or Anarchy.

    I have been waiting for this Coup for 6 months before it took place.

    I don't think my Human Rights are abused or trampled on by what you call "Hunta".

    When it so happens that present Leaders put their foot in the mouth - I remind myself of the others before them.

    When the present Leaders do some things I disagree with - I remind myself of the others before them.

    At least I can go where I want, I can drive where I want and be not afraid.

    Only after you have some kind of Law and Order you can start demanding it to be the same for all.

    For this kind of Democracy Thailand is clearly not ready.

    For this kind of Democracy there are many prerequisites Thais must learn first.

    One of these prerequisites is for your Academics be academicians not only in name, title and salary.

    Ya see, where all these 'I don't see any rights being trampled on' posts fall flat on their faces is exactly that, you don't see them because you're not allowed. There are little bits that slip through, the landless poor being systematically thrown off their generations held land plots to give to wealthy mates, being just one. Villagers hunger striking to protect their environment from a little publicised coal fired port in the Andaman another. There surely must be more. And 'Haberkorn said this included the junta passing orders that were treated as law and adjudicating civilian cases within the military judicial system' which is what some of us posters have been answering to those who bang on about 'obeying the law' keep saying. There isn't any. They are dictats, look up the difference.

  5. We have people here from many different countries. Maybe we could offer up some suggestions based on what attracts tourists to our home countries. Does Thailand have any museums? I used to live a few blocks from the Smithsonian in Washington DC and that is always a huge tourist draw.

    Nope. Nor Theaters, art galleries, concert halls. Lots of tart bars though. Which the 'new tourists' don't frequent. Hence the flailing around for something else to flog them.

  6. Most of us were tourists.

    But now since we have become expats and staying longer and spending LOTS of money we all of a sudden become gost guests with absolutely no rights and even less attention.

    Madame finds herself on dangerous terrain with this bullshit.

    better she go home and stay there.

    That's because we're STILL 'tourists', whatever upgraded status you delude yourself with having.

  7. I cannot see why people are discussing retirement visas. In case those posters had not noticed, retirees are not tourists.

    The other reason of course is that tourists don't stay long because they've been here.

    Again. We are ALL tourists. Retiree/Expat/Marital status are not recognized. Having to extend your EXTENSION OF STAY for whatever reason, should give you a clue. Compounded by the 90 day Parole.

  8. His encounter with the dog ended up with him kicking and then stabbing the dog.

    It was not made clear if the dog was attacking the Russian at the time or not.

    Not made clear cheesy.gif:cheesy:

    My view:

    A pitbull rerrier. what a "nice little puppie"!

    This bad Russian man killed the nice little puppie rolleyes.gif

    Encounter with the dog:

    It just wanted to lick his foot wink.png

    One of these lying Thai crooks wanting to pressure some money from the farang for oneselfs reckless behavior (walking a fighting dog without a rope and a muzzle).

    Two of these monsters almost killed one my peaceful dogs while walking past a house.

    I hit them with a thick bamboo stick as hard as I could. It broke,

    You can't stop these killers, except with a bullet or a knife.

    I have two pit bulls in my soi. One barks at anyone who passes and has attacked several dogs in the area. The other is a very sweet friendly dog who plays with the local dogs when being walked by her owner. The first is owned by a limp little man and his equally ineffectual wife who know nothing about how to keep any dog, let alone a pit bull. He has two other dogs (not pit bulls) who are equally badly behaved. The second is owned by a guy who has trained his dog and in particular, socializing with other dogs and never lets her wander unaccompanied.

    There's no such thing as a bad dog. Only bad owners.

    Feeling good about a puppy being stabbed to death is quite possibly way up there on the list of indicators of those prone to psychopathy.

  9. Between the actions Thailand has taken in sending Uighurs back to China and in some cases to Turkey and all the complaints from other countries, especially Muslims around the World. I predict Thailand will be the next target of Muslim terrorist attacks. Thailand and it's bigotry toward others not just Muslims, will come back to bite them on the a--. Karma will always win in the end.

    Given this, and the ongoing problems in the south, I fear you are correct. And I also fear that future bombings will be in BKK.

    Not if all the stepping up of police road checks on Phuket now are anything to go by.

  10. They will harvest what they are seeding...

    The normal Thai has absolutely no stake in this Chinese tourism.

    Further or later, they will realize that the same is happening to them as happened before in the Dominican Republic: International (in this case: Chinese) chains syphoning off all tourist money to abroad, erecting a oligopoly and destroying the smaller local tourism industry. These Chinese tour groups come here with all inclusive offers, already paid in China, the hotel, the transport, the innercountry tours and shows all paid to the Chinese companies in Renminbi, staying in hotels,which are more and more PRC China owned.

    Even the employment rate is not benefitting: most tour guides are Chinese from the mainland, only 1-2 "token Thai" tour guides employed...

    And the next desaster with the next group of quality tourists is just around the corner: Especially in Pattaya, more and more Indian tourists flooding the city, walking in groups of at least five in the middle of the street, as if there is no other traffic. ... And looking down on the Thai, because they consider themselves superior. - their behavior in shops and restaurants is accordingly...

    However, Kobkarn's recent visit to Phuket was stymied by a bunch of tuktuk/taxi(?) drivers who were protesting many local businesses - gem shops, latex outlets, spas et al, were now supplying their own drivers. So the question is, did the Dominican Republic have anything to match the fearless saber toothed Phuket tuktuk driver? biggrin.png

  11. Just another drama queen.... life outside is like prison, what an idiot. Try living in Norway... the govenment controls everything you do. Thailand is a very free country to live in.

    Yeah, you're right! Except of course, no political free speech of any kind, and no right to vote. Duh.

    And you are right too... Except a lot of people aren't that bothered about protesting against everything they dissagree with, they are too busy getting on with and enjoying their lives.

    And they are 'getting on with and enjoying their lives' because someone at some time protested their right to do so. Duh.

  12. The military government's deportation is yet another incentive for the Malay-Thai muslim insurgency in the South to continue.

    How can the Junta expect to get the insurgents to peace talks when it shows such a strong bias against muslims?

    Prayut just delivered a message to the South that his government cannot be trusted.

    Quite. And for any posters on here who believe the Thai In The Street will neither know nor care, this was a hot topic (in Thai so no 'farang's present' appeasement) at my local physio clinic last week.

  13. Sadly, as is often the case in this kind of situation no matter what country it is, the initial information coming out is not clear. 172 women and children were sent to Turkey because they apparently had a genuine claim to go there. Of the 130 or so left, 100 have already been sent back to China and around 30 are still being processed. My question is this:

    What about the husbands / fathers of those sent to Turkey?

    I find it hard to believe that these women and children traveled to Thailand unaccompanied. Could the Thai government have done the unthinkable and split up families by returning the men to face Chinese "justice" and please their masters in return for trains, submarines, etc. I don't expect the Thai press to follow this up but hope that someone does.

    Well they didn't give a rat's about sending Vietnamese husbands/fathers back to Vietnam during the US invasion of SE Asia so I'm guessing they won't give a toss about the Uighurs either. It's simply that there wasn't the international exposure via international media then as there is now.

  14. I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

    Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut

    Pattani ring any bells?

  15. So cavalier as he delivers desperate people who trusted in Thailand as a free country to deliver them securely to Turkey. Instead he bows down to Chinese pressure ($) and they will most certainly be killed and jailed.

    Well to be fair, the US did bow down to China when they refused to entertain the Dalai Lama at the White House ..

  16. Maybe Prayuth spoke a bit harshly and maybe used crude analogies, but I think his point was they are immigrants that were not granted asylum, they don't bring anything unique to Thailand, Thailand is not going to subsidize them or spend money or resources supporting them. Granted this comes across as a hard line immigration approach, but all countries have immigration laws, quotas, criteria or reasons for allowing or harboring immigrants. The USA gets yelled at everytime some poor illegal immigrant family is expatriated back to Mexico, but never gets mentioned on the positive side about the literally millions of illegal immigrants that are allowed to stay in the USA every year from that country.

    This may be a timely reminder that ALL us citizens are illegal immigrants. The indigenous people did not invite you to their country. You're trespassing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90U2IqXEvSM

  17. Completely agree my dear friend..Completely agree.

    When it involves dehumanising people Amsterdam is the man to turn it around...I never mentioned thaksin, but you are correct my friend. He is one of the biggest human rights abusers in history and Amsterdam turned it around for him..

    Thank you for reinforcing my point my friend... Much appreciated.

    But he was still 'one of the biggest human rights abusers', it matters not how some PR guy 'turned it around for him'.

    You just don't get it, do you huh.png

  18. I don't think your BP is so high yet, and white coat syndrome is a common cause.

    When BP is high, posters come on advising eradicating salt but this is not good advice in a hot country imho.

    Besides any change effected by diet is likely to have a small effect, and BP does naturally increase with age.

    I've heard this from a health food supplier who works with the local muay thai camps here.

    As to diet, I do believe it has a substantial effect on BP. Mine went down from 166/94 to to 144/74 in just five days after I'd stopped adding salt. I don't eat convenience foods and always check the labels for sodium content, the higher up the list it is the more content. However, had to substitute Japanese and Indian food for Thai, Thai needing sodium in the form of nam pla to make up the essential four ingredients, sweet/salt/hot/sour to make it.

    However, cutting out booze probably helped also. I recently watched a documentary whereby two young doctors, identical twins so no genetic bias, underwent an experiment on binge drinking. One twin drank the suggested 3 units per day, the other drank the entire allotment in one sitting. Their hearts where then monitored and showed the one binge drinking had a substantially faster heart rate. They'd both drank the same amount of liquid, the twin drinking moderately drank fruit juice to match quantity of binge drinking twin and both urinated into bottles which showed they'd both excreted the same amount of liquid. Which proved the 'dehydration' effect a myth. The drinking of fruit juice or water with the alcohol simply waters the alcohol content down.

    Therefore, cut sodium intake by half together with alcohol intake and have your blood pressure taken again.

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