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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. A recent study has shown that a sodium free diet can be as harmful as a high one. It was suggested people with high blood pressure simply cut their sodium intake by half. Along with exercise stopping smoking and reduction or elimination of alcohol, of course.

    Another study into the Japanese diet showed that those eating around two servings of Miso soup were 3.5 times LESS likely to suffer a heart attack/stroke than their Japanese counterparts. The scientists concluded that although Miso has a high sodium content it also supports the ingestion of potassium, calcium and magnesium essential to maintaining healthy levels of blood pressure, whilst anti HBP meds simply flush everything out.

    Living in Thailand is impossible to eat the local food unless prepared by yourself. Bottle of nam pla in everything, and I love their takeaways sad.png

  2. This will get out of control soon, if the junta don't release the students they can forget about their long term plans to stay in power.

    Undoubtedly. What the junta gonna do? Social media will have at them if any force is used. These students and their supporters aren't armed to the teeth with Molotov cocktails and machetes/popcorn guns are they?

  3. Why do Thai people need to be told to eat extra eggs?

    Surely there are more important things to focus on?

    I can see the one chicken campaign looming where everyone has a chicken or several

    Followed by an oversupply of eggs and the price hitting the floor.

    This is Thailand.


    As an aside, Tesco were recently handing out a dozen eggs free every purchase. What's going on? Oversupply of chickens along with rice now?

  4. Panitan said: "It is necessary now for Thailand to have submarines, as we need to handle increasing and possible traditional maritime threats, like maritime territorial issues.

    The current 'maritime territorial issues' appear to be coming from the source they intend to buy these ridiculous subs from.

  5. "Nuntawan Sakuntanaga, director-general of the International Trade Promotion Department, came to that conclusion after a meeting with the Thai Frozen Foods Association, the Thai Tuna Industry Association, the Thai Fishmeal Producers Association, and Charoen Pokphand Foods."

    Yeah, might want to check with the EU first before sounding so confident…..although, to be fair, the fishing boat owners are having such hissy fits about what they are being told to do, the govt might be on the way to solving the issue.

    Long way to go though, long, long, way to go.

    Somewhat alike the 'hissy fit' the tuk tuk/'limo' drivers and beach vendors threw and now everything's back to how it was before? Be assured this will happen with the trawlers.

  6. in reply to eliot ness I am neither ignorant or a fool I think you are a pompous prig to presume so I am not concerned what will happen in 20 or 30 years from now because I will no longer be on this planet ,the present situation is very dire and it needs a quick fix and at the moment ground water wells are the answer .

    Like many here, I have an artesian well as there's no alternative water supply. When a neighbour told me he wasn't going to lash out on a water filtration system for his proposed well as the water is 'so pure', I'd told him that when yet another construction was started to the rear and side of my property, my water turned white from the cement being dumped. So no, mass water well boring is decidedly not the answer.

  7. Planting peas (a legume) could have soil quality benefits (??)

    Legumes are nitrogen fixing plants ( they add nitrogen to the soil). They can rejuvenate depleted soils and decrease the need for chemical fertilizers.

    They require far less irrigation than rice.

    This is a practical plan.

    Someone is thinking.

    I agree. But how many Thai dishes do you see with legumes in them? They're not popular with the Thais. Even in their vegetarian restaurants which would be the staple of a Western equivalent, whereas the Thais use tofu only, which of course is derived from just one type of legume.

  8. Will this not put him on the sorry not able to fly list for a lot of countries if he is charged. No matter what i think Japan is now off his list of tourist destinations t meet big brother.

    Good point but all he needs to do is officially change his name and apply for a new passport in that name providing officialdom allows it.

    I know someone who was deported from LoS for running a company without the appropriate documentation so in Britain he change his name by deed poll, obtained a passport in that name, came back.and put the company on a legal footing.

    Having worked in UK law, it is my understanding that you must register your former/birth name when applying for a new passport, along with Certificate of Deed of Change of Name.

    However, there's nothing to stop you from using a good forged one, except knowing the right people ..

  9. If they let these so called Thai activists go it will lead way to more red and yellow rallies. If the Thai government lets them go it will see many more illegal and larger rallies in Thailand. Test this law with the no important people and sacrifice them for the wealthy.

    And if they don't let them go this country will be under the heel of the illegal military junta ad infinitum, who's so called 'laws' are just that. So 'called'.

    I hear North Korea's nice this time of the year. Perhaps more your type of place?

  10. Colleague was talking to a Thammasat student yesterday. He wanted to demonstrate and feels almost guilty for not doing so. Has 2 young sisters and Mum is the sole breadwinner. She works for the civil service, but most likely not for long should he join the demonstrators.

    I'm sure there are many others like him. The laws may be oppressive but they only tell half the story.

    Here we go, just noticed this in the newsfeed.

    The Nation July 2, 2015 4:31 pm

    Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan Thursday denied that troops had been dispatched to intimidate families of 14 student activists, who have been arrested and remanded for violating rally ban.

    Their lawyers alleged that troops had visited and intimidated the families.

    Might be a coincidence, but could that be the reason why today's BP are reporting that the students 'welcome' talks with Prayut?

  11. That's a bold statement. Can you point us to any reliable sources to confirm this "fact"?

    Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

    People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

    But it's all about appearances and saving face.

    If it were a representative sample of the majority of TV members I believe it would be closer to 99%. Thankfully, it's not.

  12. Can someone explain to me why the Thais don't expand upon their cassava derived eco products such as disposable bowls/bags? This is supposed to be a Thai innovation and a very good one. Too expensive?

    Other than that, I suggest everyone deluge P with snaps of the bloody litter every damned where. It's disgusting. A Thai neighbour went along to the local OrBorJor here in Rawai to complain about just one ever increasing garbage dump in one of the beautiful sois here and they told him they'd 'put up a sign'. Pah. That was three months ago and still no sign and no one to enforce any fine anyway. Same as before. Don't they see this shit every day? Are they blind as well as bloody stupid? angry.png

  13. No problem calling them selfish if you apply the same descriptor to a straight couple doing the same thing.

    Of course such couples go to lower cost countries to save money or find a country where it is legal.

    I suppose you could call it an extreme form of medical tourism. I don't think medical tourism per se is selfish especially if you can't afford to care any other way.

    I really don't believe you can lump people seeking cheaper medical procedures with renting womb space. I find both gay and straight couples' exploitation of the world's poor equally distasteful.

  14. He should have been charged with crimes against humanity. Legalization and harm minimisation programs is the only way to curb the drug problem, not government sanctioned murder. Prohibition of alcohol in the USA in the 1920's and 30's was a resounding failure, crime and coruption became rampant and more people died from alcohol, just like with the war on drugs. When will people wake up!!

    This page 2 re drug legalisation http://alcoholism.about.com/od/pot/a/bldea050426_3.htm

    http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/debate/myths/myths4.htm cites experience of countries worldwide and the results of legalising drugs.

    Coincidentally, today's BP has an article re the current proposal to legislate casinos here, citing experiences of countries who have legislated and their deleterious affects on society and comparing it with Holland's failed drugs legislation, to wit, it merely encourages those who already do to do more of it and attracts newcomers, not to mention the increase in drug/gambling cartels and money laundering.

    I'm not 'moralising', however this has been my personal experience of giving people enough rope to hang themselves. They invariably do. Especially here.

  15. Any one get the impression that the Japanese authorities are professional, determined and ready to follow this through to the end where ever it may lead.

    No. How long has he been under arrest, a week now? And the prosecutors are just now going to interrogate him to determine if he should be prosecuted? Something isn't right here. Even in the U.S. (although there are horrendous exceptions) prosecutors normally make the decision within a day or two after the arrest. I'm not counting the 16 year old kid who was kept in pretrial detention at Rikers Island for three years before the prosecutor realized he had no probable cause to charge the kid. Or the hundreds (thousands?) of cases of poor people who are held for months because they can't make bail.

    Something is going on here besides the charges that are being talked about. He has to have done something to offend a powerful person in Japan.

    You're letting your imagination run away with you. Japan's nothing like Thailand. Their idea of 'face' is built on 'honour', here, it's simply a get out clause.

    Their original explanation for the delay was that it was difficult to translate into English and then, presumably, into Thai. I personally think, knowing Thailand's reputation of 'bigwigs' believing they can do whatever they like, they're just having some fun laugh.png

  16. Hi Billd766

    Thank you for you feedback. Please be informed that InvadeIT also sells on Lazada with a discount price just in case you are interested in buying more in the future smile.png

    Ah ha! I see you've taken my advice and looked at the complaints re your service on this forum! Perhaps you could now go about addressing them ..

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