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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. Interesting article today on BBC website about just how hard it is for the obese to return to a healthy weight.

    Over the period of a year 1 in 210 men and 1 in 124 women actually achieved this.

    The figures did vary according to type of obesity though so maybe it is possible for children to achieve more.

    It's not difficult at all. It's simply that when they've reached their target weight they go back to eating exactly the same as that which made them obese in the first place. Stupidity not the sole preserve of the Thais. They should simply adopt a different diet. I would imagine here would present an uphill struggle as most outlets appear to have copied the American mode of rack after rack of 'snack' 'food' and 'slushies' - coke and ice. Not the drugs. Which would lower their weight dramatically biggrin.png

  2. So Thailand was exporting during the West-led idiotic sanctions? Why would the exports increase now and why only 1%?blink.png

    Iranian rice is better, anyways! gigglem.gif

    Exactly. I've completely given up on Thai rice and now buy 5 kilo bags of Basmati from my local Makro. The difference! I did once buy a bag of Hom Mali from a local supermarket and it had lived up to it's reputation. However that was ten years ago and never had the same again. I'm wondering if they sell the good stuff overseas and keep the crap for domestic consumption, rather alike India and their tea.

  3. what's wrong in thailand is the driving education system and the education in general...

    in europe/usa zebra crossing are seen as a safe place for pedestrian to cross, here in thailand they are just some fancy drawing on the roads where a driver has the chance to see someone walking.

    two days ago I was driving and a little girl was waiting to cross the road. I slowes down ans stopped to let her cross. a car behind me, tried to pass me on the left... he stopped in time.

    and this sort of things happen to me almost everyday.

    I am quite sure there is no country in the world with a tv adv to tell people to give free road to ambulances... and this sort of explain all the driving situation here.

    Nothing to do with education and everything to do with the 'me first' attitude.

  4. A group of condo owners I know sent a letter to management complaining there was no maintenance carried out on the property in line with their contributions. They were sued for defamation and each owner had to pay 5000 baht to get the charges dropped. Lesson is don't mess with the locals.

    Rubbish. They should have gone to the Ombudsman. This constant 'don't upset the natives' meme is truly irritating and spurious. I've personally run the entire gamut right up to the AG's office and won. Stick up for yourselves for chrissakes. Dear God .. coffee1.gif

  5. In Canada we've had Police Chiefs (top cop for a major city Police force) resign because they had a glass of wine at a function and then got caught at a check point. Even though they were only slightly above the limit they, of all people, should have known better. There was never any suggestion that they shouldn't have been checked nor any attempt to use their position to try and avoid the check.

    I'm kind of surprised that no one in a higher position hasn't come down on this guy and told him to "reconsidered" his position (and statements). He's blatantly and publicly telling people that senior police officers are above the law.

    You shouldn't be surprised. I know from personal experience that you'd be met with a blank stare as of course, anyone of perceived higher social status is not bound by any law here. Together with jailing these people (except for political reasons) is 'rude'. This is and never will be a Democracy. Patronage is the culture here and any attempts to open their eyes as to the damage this system does to them as a society are futile.

  6. What happens if the rainy season ends and the major dams are not stocked up with water? Will the irce farmers have to tighten their belts again next year?

    Today's BP headline reports farmers in Pathum Thani having set up 60 pumps along the river and have pooled money for fuel to operate them in defiance of Prayuth's order. There again, Prayuth did give them the green light for yet another crop in May. There is currently a stand off. But you have to wonder at a country reaching this impasse with gazillions of overpriced rice still sitting in warehouses blink.png

  7. Here's an idea...rather than shoving the government vision down the throats of the people, why not let the people write in, call in or send emails with their questions, problems and suggestions. Start making it pertinent to the people they are governing.

    ...or is that too progressive for the starched shirts in charge.

    Given that today's BP reports yet more nationalism to be introduced into the national curriculum by reinforcing the '4 pillars' of Thai history/Monarchy and 'Moral Values' (whatever they may be deemed to be but I'm guessing it won't be the West's version), and all this to be implemented in 2017 (so that's a couple of years more of the junta like it or not, despite all their talk of democracy and reforms), regression is and has always been the order of the day. Happy smiling peasants is Prayuth's dream and the populace's nightmare. The world's version of The Stepford Wives, with added Stepford Husbands and Stepford Children. Ugh.

  8. Yes, Credo nailed it .. we are all hopeful and light up when it rains, or we hear of some.

    But as he pointed out, it is spotty, and not the type to do much real good.

    Better than nothing? Yes?

    Good enough to reverse this problem? No.

    I don't. I loathe the monsoon season. It's been raining for weeks here on Phuket and the past week has been nigh on tornado strength wind and rain with some respite just today. I'm a climate refugee, there's little else to mitigate against having to do without any cultural activity and having to deal with bureaucracy/locals can drive you insane. Fortunately I have a strong sense of the absurd. If I thought torrential rain and not a glimpse of sun was going to be the de facto climate here in LaLaLand I'd be on the next 'plane out. Fortunately the reality is it can turn on a dime and be hot and sunny tomorrow smile.png

  9. Getting a minute into this was tedious.

    The world economy has slowed. I was in Vietnam and Cambodia last month and it's slow everywhere.

    Relying on the Chinese to save you? Really? They are the worst kind of tourist for the local tourist economy.

    I see the positives. Maybe the housing construction market that continues at a furious pace will finally stop. The infrastructure, water and sewage, is completely overwhelmed now yet the building continues. In any Western country there would be a building moritorium but not here. They continue to build units that have no prayer of selling. The inventory of available housing is ridiculous. Maybe this slowdown will put a damper on new construction.

    By the way, never buy property in Thailand. It's always a bad financial decision.

    Being an expat here I see the slowdown as a positive but I'm not in the tourist industry.

    You managed an entire minute? As soon as he said 'Bill Barnett' I was out of there.

  10. https://www.gov.uk/contact-pension-service

    Calm down. Eat a bar of Snickers. Better now?

    [An epithet that will fly over the head of anyone who has not seen a couple of long-running recent adverts on UK TV]

    As posted, mist lifted and heart attack averted. I had been expecting huge hassle and mountains of paperwork/blood sample having to have been DHLr'd to the UK, but no! One 'phone call +44 191217777 and brief chat and done! How refreshing smile.png This of course will not be repeated when I must travel personally to TOT tomorrow with everything bar the kitchen sink to explain to assorted cretins my standing order must be changed and that no, I am not a thief who wants to divert money from my own account. I've cancelled all other appointments for the day.

    I don't eat junk 'food' and it doesn't calm you down. Raw food diet. Give it a go.

  11. Events have moved on a bit since I posted the OP

    My thoughts have certainly changed a bit, maybe I am a little more positive about what is happening around me personally and the way that I am affected by the lives of other people who I have come to love and respect.

    A few days ago we got a phone call from one of Wans aged Aunts telling us that her Dad is in hospital in KK with a serious problem.

    Wan and I are the only younger people left within the close family who are available to help ( We are on the outskirts of pattaya) we were contacted because Wans sister and brother are all in Oz being married to Ozzies.

    So dutifully and worried we went off to the small village north of KK to do what we could do.

    Wans family are a lovely group of people, Papa ex Bangkok Thai Chinese and Mama an Issan lady, they have never ever took one penny off me in nearly ten years of marriage to Wan and are amongst those I consider to be my closest family and I love them very much, needless to say Wan feels the same way but much more so.

    In essence this visit, where we were needed but not asked to go other than by another Aunty was the chance that I could do more with Wans mama and Papa then I did with my own Mam and dad when they were getting old and infirm.

    We are at this time taking care of them in the village.

    Papa is getting over a very bad infection in his "gout" twisted feet and the emergency was a severe and toxic infection and massive swelling that burst a few days ago causing him to be admitted to hospital for emergency treatment.

    Yesterday morning we brought him home on the proviso to the Doctor that we could look after him and change his dressings until He can get about again himself

    It was and is typical that He didn't ask for any help.

    Anyway back to the topic.

    Having the chance to be of some good use this last few days seems to have improved not only my depression but also maybe my self esteem.

    I seem to have fallen into a trap living in Pattaya and surrounded by so many similar people as me who are totally self centered and self obsessed.

    Papa will soon be back to his old self, I know that from his demeanor when I am changing his dressings and so we will be back to sin city soon but this time I hope that the current or should I say previous thought processes that instigated this thread will no longer stay with me and maybe I will be able to find a niche in pattaya where my presence will help maybe those who need some practical help instead of passing the hours away either on my bike or in front of the TV keyboard.

    I hope that I can maintain this positive attitude long enough to find somewhere in Pattaya that I can both help myself and others at the same time.

    I always found that work was and is the best therapy, its time to find some.

    Very nice for you and glad you've cheered up. However, not all of us have nor need a bunch of Thais to take care of to make us feel good about ourselves.

  12. Pattaya isnt Thailand to me, I have never lived in Pattaya although visited the place a few times, I don't like it all... I wouldn't really call it 'proper Thailand'

    Seems to me your friends need to experience Thailand for real and not just some scummy seedy area sat on a bar stool supping beer with bar girls, that's not a dig by the way. How about trying somewhere else out in Thailand away from the tourist zones?

    I have lived in Thailand for 3 years and since moving up NE Thailand I am much more happy and relaxed with my wife and son, I don't think I could stay in Pattaya etc for more than a week, I also hate the seedy places in BKK. Up here I have met so many proper friends Thai and non Thai who are genuine.


    Just to say, not all of us living in 'tourist areas' are sitting on bar stools all day. I'm getting tired of the assumption that all of us are. And to reiterate robertthebruce's post, I too would go out of my head with the boredom, at least after a week. Even Bangkok becomes boring after a while, at least on Phuket everything you'd need is just around the corner and you don't need an hour's taxi drive to buy a second hand book on the sole outlet on Sukumvit!

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