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  1. With the greatest respect you don't appear to be solvent enough to move to Thailand your tax Burdon I think is the least of your worries . even a modest house with land would cost 1 million baht . So I would look for a plan B
  2. I found driving in Udon Thani and Phen quite exilerating I just watch in my passenger side mirror all the time looking for pesky food delivery bikers . Driving around my village and town is ok except for the idiots that come out of small soi's without looking . I lived in France for 10 years and Paris is way more dangerous driving than Thailand . I've driven for 52 years so I expect the unexpected and use my experience to go accident free. HOPEFULLY
  3. Buy you canoes at Big C before the price shoots up
  4. Hi guys we have just had a great house built in Udon Thani how do I get a house book in my name the land is owned by my thai wife. on a large family plot. the aim is to get bank account and retirement visa
  5. From being born to death the Palestinians are indoctrinated to hate Jews and Isreal. Even the aid workers and doctors were hammaz or sympathises. The numbers are inflated by Hamnas but if they really loved the Palestinians they would release the hostages and lay down their arms . The otherside of the cion which Arab state would take the Palestinians in guess what none . They are despised by the Arab world because of the trouble they cause. I rest my case .
  6. Hi I've had one built in Issan near undon thani on my families farm the only regret is I didn't do it double skinned but used bricks not concrete blocks . I will be getting solar panels installed by myself at some point as I can mount them on the vast piece of land that are plot is purely for the aircon. The builder I used built my sister in laws house and factory and on the whole very good . I also checked out his other builds and they were good . It's important that you get a proper company. It costs a bit extra but piece of mind is worth it
  7. Perhaps it's a master plan entice him here then arrest him under the international warrant . Or would thailand be so stupid and cosy up to him
  8. Let him come then issue international arrest warrant and hook him back to Ukraine. He won’t leave his bunker just like hitler history repeating itself. who will give him the cynide capsule I’ll donate the petrol whoever takes over from him can’t be as stupid and ruthless . and hopefully peace can be restored.
  9. Quite simples you can buy wind up radios that don’t need battery replacing they are about £10 in uk
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