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Inn Between

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Posts posted by Inn Between

  1. I can remember that the jetski scam was a huge issue in the late 90's and early 2000's with the police blatantly involved in fleecing tourists. It got to the point where it looked like the things might just be completely banned at certain beaches. Unfortunately, the operators seem to have cooperated and jetskis never were banned. I guess they have their place somewhere in the water but certainly not around beaches commonly used by swimmers. 

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  2. One can only laugh!!! Thailand DOES strive to amaze.  


    10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    "Passengers will not be unduly inconvenienced as flight operators have notified them in advance about the situation."

    How can a substantial number of passengers not be significantly inconvenienced with 151 flights affected? I guess certain officials are ordered to say these types of things, even though everyone knows how ridiculous they sound. 

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  3. With 86,000 bikes seized and over 350,000 people fined for racing-related traffic violations, it sounds like a bike racing venue may be a good business opportunity for someone. It can't be very expensive to build a straight track for young two-wheeling thrill seekers to have their races without jeopardizing others using the roads and in a controlled environment to minimize death and serious injury to the participants.   

  4. 13 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Everything gonna be alright, everything gonna be alright!



    I don't think talk is cheaper anywhere else in the world. I've found that Thais have a strange relationship with "saving face". It's extremely important to them, and losing it has been the cause of many murders, but they can easily shut their eyes to face-losing situations, pretending their integrity is not at stake when it's convenient.  


    "Sure commander, I'll say anything you want regardless of how absurdly insincere it sounds." 



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  5. Perhaps the elephant has poor eyesight and mistook it for a mating opportunity.  ???? 


    It's quite the video, but I'd love to see how they ended up like that. I suppose the road was blocked by the huge beast and it just got cozy with the car before the driver realized he or she was going to be trapped there until the elephant lost that lovin' feelin' and moved on.  


  6. Even regular yellow jacket wasps can deliver powerful venom for some people, and the little buggers can sting more than once -- not like bees. I was working outside a couple of weeks ago and one landed on the nape of my neck. Not knowing what it was, I instinctively swatted and made contact, causing it to sting me. Unfortunately, I only managed to knock it into my shirt where it stung me again on the shoulder blade then twice more on my arm before I finally got my shirt off.


    I got 4 stings in all with the 3rd and 4th being less severe but still very noticeable.  I didn't think much about it and carried on working with the stings burning as expected. The pain went away relatively quickly, but that evening, I felt a strange kind of nausea for several hours and when I woke the next morning I had large welts at each sting location that were very hard and itching like crazy. They lasted for about a week with the effect gradually wearing off. Apparently, I had a localized allergic reaction, so I can now understand the dangerous power of these critters and will respect their personal space more.   

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  7. On 10/19/2019 at 11:50 AM, dafniusDuckus said:

    before you start becoming too comfortable in vietnam, reports are coming in of embassys only giving 1 month visas whereas before the would give 3 months no problem. so hold off on purchasing your transport, white goods, etc till we see how this pans out. 

    That's a very surprising thing to hear, but I wouldn't give it ANY credence without actually seeing embassy notifications and such. It would obviously show a negative change in attitude by the VN gov't to long(ish) stays by foreigners in the country and would have a very substantial effect on many of them, so if anyone can confirm this abrupt and confusing change that has been mentioned, please provide links, etc.   

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  8. 8 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

    and yes there is many posters on TVF who said smoking weed is good for your health

    I hope you're joking because if you really think cannabis is the culprit in making this person go off the deep end, that's just scary. I'd say the "purple urine" indicating something like yaa baa and likely a good amount of lao khao are at work here. Reefer madness was made in the 1930's, and almost everyone of the planet has caught on that it's nothing more than a ridiculous;y absurd representation of the effects of cannabis to intimidate poorly educated fools.   

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  9. According to our friends at Wiki: 


    OneCoin is a Ponzi scheme[1][2] promoted as a cryptocoin with a private blockchain, by offshore companies OneCoin Ltd (Dubai) and OneLife Network Ltd (Belize), both founded by Ruja Ignatova in concert with Sebastian Greenwood.[3] OneCoin is considered a Ponzi scheme due to its organisational structure and because of the previous involvement of many of those central to OneCoin in similar schemes.[4]


    I guess this Asean cooperation between the Thais and Vietnamese was just an offshoot of the real McCoy. I've never looked into crypto-currency but they seem ripe for victims of ponzi schemes, just like the one going on with Onecoin. I guess they appeal to the stupidly greedy or those win money to launder and no other choices. I assume regular people made good profits in the early days of Bitcoin, but is there really legitimate investment appeal now?   

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  10. 9 hours ago, overherebc said:

    And for a 'massive' payment of 20,000 baht.

    I tend not to believe the payment is really that low. I think these foolish and unfortunately desperate mules play the payment down in an attempt to garner some sympathy from judges and prosecutors. Sort of like saying, "Look how stupid and desperate I am. You should give me a break. I wasn't getting much money for what I did." 



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    • Confused 1
  11. 8 hours ago, z42 said:

    Incredible headline ????

    But in all seriousness i hope the bloke recovers quickly and can continue his holiday fun in sin city

    Yes, it's quite the headline. I really have to wonder if the writer of it has ever heard of terms like cultural respect and political correctness.  And as usual, a good shot of hyperbole is injected in the writing for reaction by focusing of the notion of the driver "fleeing" when in fact he seemed to act in a reasonably responsible way -- taking the unfortunate idiot's friends to the hotel to get the documentation they needed then returning them to the scene. Clearly, the driver did nothing wrong, and he probably should have stuck around to answer a few basic questions, if only to confirm what the injured man's friends told the police, but even to the densest people it's obvious that he can't control the idiots in the back and holds no responsibility for their actions. 

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  12. These types of posts crop up somewhat regularly where the doom of Pattaya is pegged to the strength of Brit representation there. Is the city's economy really that dependent on British tourists and Brit expat pensions? I'd have to think it's more ethnically diverse than that, but I have to confess that although living 15 minutes away from it for many years, I spent little time there and took even less interest in the place. 




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  13. Every casino game has odds that are in favour of the house. Of course you're going to lose.


    Learn to play poker or blackjack very well if you want any chance of making some money, although not all casinos run poker tables, and don't forget that even with skill, you still need luck. Stay away from most casino games and far away from slot machines if you want any chance in a casino. There are roulette "systems" out there, but nothing will ever overcome the odds set in favour of the casino. As my friend says when he goes to the casino, "I sure hope I break even; I need the money." 



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  14. 8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Walking in with an entourage like that along with TV cameras, I am not quite sure what he expected to uncover. Does he think that these rip off artists will do it in front of him? He might be super rich, but you have to question his intelligence if he thought this was anything other than a PR stunt.

    That's the first thing I (and I'm sure many others) thought when seeing the picture. I guess his real mission was to "warn" the Thais making extra money from tourists at this location that his ministry is possibly thinking about maybe giving the matter even more thought. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. OH DEAR!!! you poor fellow . Of course you should go to the pol........No, sorry, I can't carry on trying to pretend that I believe this post.


    I can't wait to hear how or if the OP defends it after facing 100% on the TVF Bull<deleted>ometer.  

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