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  1. Maybe the tourists thought after reading "Bang Lamung Beach" that they were required to have sex there.
  2. I love the Thais! They are polite and respectful and always well-behaved. In fact, I could not ask for better neighbors. Also, in the little over six years that I have lived here in Thailand, I have never felt unsafe, like I did in downtown San Francisco.
  3. I have a problem with stuttering.
  4. Don't make me laugh. The English-speaking world doesn’t know the first thing about proper spelling. If it did, there wouldn’t be a need for pronunciation keys in every English dictionary.
  5. Don't make me laugh. The English-speaking world doesn’t know the first thing about proper spelling. If it did, there wouldn’t be a need for pronunciation keys in every English dictionary.
  6. We don't even know at this point in time if she knew she was carrying those drugs. So, why not get all the facts first before jumping to conclusions?
  7. That should be seriously considered. If I were to fly into Singapore, it would be with carry-on luggage only, which was never out of my sight.
  8. In Sweden most rapes are committed by non-Swedes, but if you report that fact you might get thrown in jail there.
  9. I've never had a problem with the Thai police and have always had a high opinion of them. I do remember more than 60 years ago hitchhiking down the Thai-Malay peninsula with an Englishman and the police allowing us to pitch our tents in the front yard of the police station. The police even brought us breakfast in the morning. Anyway, just be polite and respectful of the Thais and you will never have any problems.
  10. I'm from San Francisco, a politically corrupt city, so I'm in no position to do any finger-pointing at others.
  11. Or among San Francisco's homeless population.
  12. In my backpacking days, I hated staying in the same youth hostels with Germans because they always had to get up at some ungodly hour of the morning and disturb every civilized person still in bed.
  13. Ah, so after making a personal attack, you now play the 'let’s not argue' card. Convenient. But sure, let’s pretend this was about avoiding bickering rather than dodging accountability.
  14. Ah yes, when backed into a corner, change the subject entirely. That’s one way to avoid addressing your own contradictions.
  15. Ah, so rather than addressing your own hypocrisy, you shift to a personal attack. Classic deflection. And since when does mentioning life experiences equal arrogance? Seems like you're grasping at straws.
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