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Posts posted by VegasVic

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Trigger Happy folk in United States. Dangerous place. People armed with high powered weapon, with little or no training and complete ignorance in how to handle potentially volatile situations. Yet another needless death. Firing 4 shots into the dark, reckless and indifferent. Somehow the American spin doctors for the right to carry arms (or whatever it's called) will see no harm with these types of actions.

    I remember years ago, a drunk teen stumbled into my yard, completely oblivious to the fact he'd entered my property and not his friends (next door). Of course I challenged him verbally and th situation was resolved without even a harsh word, imagine if I came out blasting and asking questions later.

    About time the right to bare arms is revoked and the gun lobiests rounded up and shot! I shall now take cover as the wackos unleash. tongue.png

    First of all comparing a drunken teenager accidentally wandering into your backyard to an intentional break in to someones garage (especially after this house had been burglarized twice in the past 3 weeks) just goes to show how clueless you are, as for the comments about "trigger happy folk in the U.S." goes, well lets just say your complete ignorance is on full display here thumbsup.gif BTW should you ever want to see a true wacko you needn't travel any further than the nearest mirror my friend whistling.gif

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thankyou Suthep for all the protesting that has virtually ruined my business.

    Alfred, the NOT SO Great, (businessman) you are not the only one... But I am more than willing to suffer my losses in silence... When Suthep succedes and Thailand rids itself of the Shinewatras all will not have been in vain... Rock on the Thai peoples... wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif width=20 alt=wai2.gif>

    haha problem is the Thai People don't support Suthep - only the BKK elites!

    don't believe me? WAIT for the next election... and the next... and the next - it ain't over just because the judiciary find a way to get get rid of Yingluck (going to happen soon unfortunately).

    The Thai People will not tolerate being ruled by the yellow elites anymore... watch and see (but it may take years) wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>

    The Bangkok elites and the southern troublemakers! What you have said here is very true, suthep can organize protest after protest, and make proclamation after proclamation, but no matter how many people he gets to blow their whistles it all comes down to an eventual election that suthep will never win thumbsup.gif Sutheps only chance is for a military overthrow and for him to lead a fascist state, which of course would be disasterous for Thailand and thus will never happen wai2.gif

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  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    On another note, I agree Suthep seems to have lost the plot just a bit, however what suggestions do people have to choose an interim PM/Govt when that time comes? Ask HM to choose and appoint an independent body who then choose the rest of the temporary Govt? Or would that not be acceptable also?

    Give power to the Army on the back of the courts dealing to the current brothel of a mess. Thai politic parties and most they contain are are mostly morally and politically corrupt - they are a basket case. They need stood down for several years. Only this time around, (and I think the Army are now wise enough to understand the basic principles of democracy), the One who will decide should direct the Army to act as facilitator while thai's from all spectrums and not just politics, select some leaders from their mists, nut out their Constitution, laws for equal meaningful punishment for unlawful activity including corruption, reforms of justice and police divisions, process by which elections will be held when ready...etc.

    Thaksin's continued incompetent and corrupt circus's or Sutheps's delusion grandeur. One is as bad as the other no matter how right Suthep is regards the Shinawatra soi dogs.

    Roadman, Wrong idea at the wrong time! A military coup now would do far more harm to Thailand than this nutcase sutthep could ever do thumbsup.gif

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Been waiting for that "victory" day since December 4th.! whistling.gif alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>

    Four plus months later and many VICTORY days have we passed? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif This guy suthep cracks me up biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    OMG ..

    all I hear nowadays is how polluted the air and water is in Chiang Mai !

    Happy E-Coli in your ear from the splashing of crappy water...while you are choking on the traffic pollution and smoke.

    Yeah, it is totally miserable here in Chiang Mai. Everyone cancel your trip and stay away. TRUST ME smile.png

    Global, Please get the word out, between the air pollution, water pollution and the Chinese tourists squatting and crapping in the parks and sidewalks, Chiang Mai is not the paradise that all the travel blogs make it out to be sad.png One can hope that the growth in Chiang Mai can subside for a while at least thumbsup.gif I read a post here on TV that the Russians were going to boycott Thailand, now if the Chinese and Koreans would only follow suit then we could turn the clock back 30 years to a time when Thailand was really a fun place smile.png

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  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Now hints of recession from BOT since they are now beginning to explain recession. Personally I don't think Thailand will go into rescission but I think the GDP will go lower than the current projection of 2.7% which has already been revised downward once or twice by BOT.

    The standard definition of economic recession is two consecutive quarters of declining GDP, since the impact of these protests did not really begin to effect the Thai economy until very late last year, we will not know if Thailand is in recession until 2nd quarter GDP figures are out perhaps sometime in late July or early August wai2.gif My hunch is that Thailand could very well be in a mild recession, but as long as the political situation calms down this will pass almost unnoticed. On the other hand should the political situation escalate then a more steep recession would be a given. Longer term, Thailands economy will udoubtedly be effected by the slowdown in China so it is imperative that Thailand get its political house in order, or else the impact of the coming China slowdown could be magnified in the Thai economy sad.png

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    However, the deputy prime minister significantly noted that Thailand is quite ‘uncompetitive’ in becoming regional logistic centre, as the nation drives on left hand traffic’

    Singapore seems to cope quite well and they ARE the regional logistics center, it seems to Deputy PM has forgotten the other reasons Thailand has obstacles in its way, namely corrupt business practices, repressive customs & excise polices, lack of proficiency in the international language of commerce and trade, ie English, repressive business formation polices for foreign companies etc

    Singapore may be regional logistics center for airlines and shipping, but the topic here seems to be roadway logistics and Singapore is an island country so you point does not make any sense rolleyes.gif

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

    The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

    Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

    Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

    So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

    Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

    Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

    Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

    Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

    Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

    Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

    Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

    The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

    Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

    Good post. A reminder of how much the US meddles all over the world, instead of putting its own house in order.

    Would Thailand be administered from Vietnam or China if the USA hadn't meddled into the region a few decades ago.

    Thai at heart, C'mon you know that stating the obvious is going to ruffle some feathers here on thaivisa forum. As far as Thailand goes it was the U.S.'s invovement in Vietnam that built up the infrastructure in Thailand and made it possible for Thailand to be transformed from an isolationist 3rd world country, to an economic force to reckoned with in SE Asia. As far as the U.S. "meddling" in SE Asia goes, if the U.S. were to not "meddle" in SE Asia then most if not all of SE Asian nations would become economic vassels of China eventually. Here's some advice for our "America haters" out there on thaivisa, be careful what you wish for because you may very well get it!

    What is wrong in protectIing China's interest? Brazil becomes part of the BRIC, an emergent economy, after getting some independence from the US monopoly and export's control. In the new Cold World in process, between the US and China, Russia, North Korea.....what Thailand will gain getting the US "protection"?...NOTHING......Just wait Thailand...China is preparing the big hit to the US economy...It is better to be with the winners, not with the losers...

    Chinas economy is slowing, they have a massive real estate bubble (not too mention the shadow banking system) that has yet to unwind and their air and water pollution are at extremely high levels. As the Chinese economy slows ever further there will be wide spread layoffs, not in the hundreds of thousands but in the tens of millions, then China will have its hands full fighting internal strife and the pollution problem for many years to come. Like I said, be careful what you wish for (or who you place your bets on) young man thumbsup.gif

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  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    One has to question how this popular sensation has taken off, do these youngsters really know who , what or why about Hitler, supporting , promoting this evil person has to be discouraged, with the standard of education in Thailand , they all probably think Hitler is the current leader of some country, generally these sort of events are public denounced by the leaders of the country concerned , not much action from the leaders of Thailand , this includes the Major opposition party ,the democrats, the silence is deafening bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif width=19 alt=bah.gif>

    I have no doubt that these kids likely do not know who Adolph Hiltler was and the evil he purpotrated on this planet, it is just like a fad a number of years back when the kids were wearing Che Guevara T shirts and mud flaps on their trucks, back then the thai kids wearing the Tshirts had no idea that Che was a homocidal maniac, it was just the cool thing to do! In the U.S. from time to time you will see Charles Manson Tshirts being worn by some kids, these kids are likely wearing the Charles Manson T shirts to be rebellious, they certainly don't revere him, same thing like with this Hitler or Che thing. Now when these kids start wearing Obama t shirts then you really need to start worrying laugh.png

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  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    He does have it backwards but the Thai military are not unified concerning China or the United States.

    The Shinawatra grouping is aligned with Washington while the DP and its backers are aligning with Beijing.

    Abhisit was quoted in the Nation in 2012 that he objected to the U.S. proposals to use U-tapo naval air base as "trying to contain China." (I can't find the quote but am still looking.)

    Consequently, Abhisit and the DP in 2012 blocked a NASA study there and a Pentagon plan to store "supplies" there as a part of Prez Obama's "Rebalancing To Asia" policy (which keeps getting dragged back to Europe, Eurasia, Russia, the ME, Afghanistan etc etc). Asean wants the U.S. to balance Beijing's influence but of course would never say so publically or as Asean.

    So most individual Asean countries have moved quietly and cautiously toward either Washington or Beijing.

    Pres Aquino of the U.S. treaty ally the Philippines is the exception, saying a few months ago the president of the PRC reminded him of Hitler in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

    Vietnam defied a direct publicly made nstruction from Beijing to instead go ahead to award drilling rights in the SCS to an Indian government owned energy corporation.

    Malaysia has been conducting naval maneuvers with the United States as it raises its own beefs against Beijing encroaching on Malaysian territorial waters in the SCS.

    Myanmar has shut down numerous CCP projects, welcomed a 2012 visit by Prez Obama and is preparing to accept Aung San Suu Kyi running for election as president.

    Last year VP Biden visited Brunei to offer assurances to the kingdom in its disputes against Beijing's claims over Brunei's territorial waters of the SCS.

    Conversely, two years ago when Cambodia was chairman of Asean Hun Sen ran around the region as Beijing's errand boy.

    Singapore, which says Obama's rebalancing will result in conflict, has built a new port facility so U.S. aircraft carriers can dock rather than have to drop anchor in the bay, and has accepted two new hi-tech U.S. naval destroyers based there - Singapore wants the U.S. new Raptor fighter aircraft but so does everyone else (only Japan is scheduled to get the Raptor, next month)..

    The Thai army, by far the largest component of the country's military, remains wedded to the Pentagon. Most of the Navy's ships were purchased over time from the PRC by Chavalit so the Navy remains closely connected to Beijing. The Air Force depends heavily on the Pentagon.

    Ambassador Kenney, a career diplomat, was once Political-Military Affairs Liaison Officer to Nato, later the director of the State Department Operations Center. It's interesting how a lot of people around here fall for the public showmanship of it all.

    Good post. A reminder of how much the US meddles all over the world, instead of putting its own house in order.

    Would Thailand be administered from Vietnam or China if the USA hadn't meddled into the region a few decades ago.

    Thai at heart, C'mon you know that stating the obvious is going to ruffle some feathers here on thaivisa forum. As far as Thailand goes it was the U.S.'s invovement in Vietnam that built up the infrastructure in Thailand and made it possible for Thailand to be transformed from an isolationist 3rd world country, to an economic force to reckoned with in SE Asia. As far as the U.S. "meddling" in SE Asia goes, if the U.S. were to not "meddle" in SE Asia then most if not all of SE Asian nations would become economic vassels of China eventually. Here's some advice for our "America haters" out there on thaivisa, be careful what you wish for because you may very well get it!

    • Like 2
  11. "That election was nullified due to disruption by protestors" blink.pngblink.pngblink.png So let me see if I get this right, suthep claims he represents what the majority of the thai people feel, and yet it was suthep who did not want the election, did not want U.N. poll watchers and it was his thugs who disrupted the elections at those polling places rolleyes.gif So I guess the moral of the story is, if you think you may not win an election all you have to do is disrupt 20% of the polling places so that you can get the election nullified thumbsup.gif What does this nutcase suthep think he will achieve with all this nonsense outside of a recession and loss of investor confidence in Thailand as well as a loss of tourisim Dollars?

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The yanks cannot even talk to the republicans (and viceversa) back home. What makes them think they can mediate Thailand's circus? blink.png.pagespeed.ce.AQgCnSOpp_.png

    Where did it say that the United States was to mediate???

    Nowhere in the article does it say anything about the U.S. wanting to mediate, somtam is just another ignorant thai visa poster who has "America envy" disease thumbsup.gif That illness seems to reach epidemic proportions here on thai visa frequently wai2.gif

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  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What a load of unadulterated rubbish. The Americans in unison with the British are behind this and backing the overthrow of the democratically elected government to replace it with their own puppet. They have done this in many countries and still doing it today. The New World Order want to have a foothold in SE Asia before ASEAN commences, Thailand is their bunny and will be followed by Cambodia. Unfortunately the moronic Thaksin and his equally intelligently challenged sister and senior MPs of PTP are making it easy for a takeover. To all you plastics who have previously posted in support of the most stuffed up country in the universe, do some research on your beloved deranged American politicians and see what they are up to. So far all the events and happenings in Thailand has followed the NWO script perfectly. Think I am wrong, history has proved it in the past and history will again prove it in the future. So all you bar stool academics, take your red or your yellow monkeys of your back and get with the program, Thailand is heading for a holocaust.

    Don't take off that tin foil hat or else those cosmic rays will get you cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    When will Suthep stop creating fake grenade attacks on himself? If anyone wants to launch any grenade at Suthep's house, it would not do so in the ditch near his house, but a direct hit on the house itself. All these so called grenade attacks seemed too conveniently occured near or close to the house but never really cause any damage or injury, which is amazing. From all real attacks of grenades that are launchable, 90% hit their targets. In the case of Suthep, zero percent hit its target, so one has to conclude that all alleged attacks are fake or attempts to bring publicity to Suthep and nothing more.

    That was exactly my thought when I read the article. Even a novice who has just been trained to use a grenade launcher couldn't miss something as large as a house thumbsup.gif As I have said before I think that sutheps days are numbered wai2.gif

  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    i live under a rock and haven't been watching the news recently. is bangkok becoming rather dangerous for tourists at this point? we have our trip planned for 30th may, and will be staying at sukhumvit 20, which im guessing is close to the hotel which was shot at. As a first time traveller (of any country) im oviously uneducated in regards to what areas to avoid etc. Are their some places more dangerous than others? Any particular places best to avoid? Also after reading that dog meat article, im an extremely against eating "mans best friend". which places are known to use this type of meat as i would like to avoid them - do street venders use dog meat for their dishes?

    Think of Bangkok as one big Disneyland, but with both a red Mickey Mouse and a yellow Donald Duck and a heck of a lot of Goofys and packs of dwarves running around. Minnie Mouse is PM.

    Dog meat not an issue, it's for export only. Try the rat meat.

    Dog meat is more common in Laos and Vietnam. Even in Laos, it's the Vietnamese running such shops with signs like "thit cho". Apparently north-eastern Thailand near the Lao border also features some dog meat in their diets but I haven't seen any such shops. Perhaps because I'm too used to seeing the aforementioned Vietnamese signs, which you don't see in Thailand.

    Dog meat use to be very common in Korea, but that was many years ago perhaps now that they have a prosperous economy they upgraded their tastes ?

  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    All this violence is playing into Sutheps master plan perfectly. Its what he has wanted all along. Blood, violence, chaos. Basically enough chaos and blood to give the military an excuse for a coup... and then he gets back in power. What a slimy individual. Police need to cut the head of the snake, there is already an arrest warrant out for this alledged murderer, they need to act on it

    You are very confused, Sir. It is precisely the contrary of what you have said. It is the Thaksin's Red Shirt army who is provoking violence because they need a coup to cover all their corruption, disrespect of law, and abuse of authority with a curtain of smoke, and then use it as an excuse to regain power with blood and terror followed by populist elections, like they did in 2010.

    MGP, Take off the blinders my friend and you will see what this suthep is really all about rolleyes.gif Kaos and anarchy in the streets is exactly what suthep has tried to accomplish, it is the only way that he and his ilk could ever hope to regain power, they certainly do not have a chance in an election that is why they tried to disrupt the recent electoral processthumbsup.gif The sad fact is that suthep has likely turned more people against him as he has ruined the tourist high season and done serious damage to foreign investor confidence in Thailand, and the economic downturn has just begun. Ironically sutheps actions have likely paved the way for the return of thaksin as a conquering hero, which may or may not be a good thing?

  17. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    How bloody sad is that story? Six months ago this country was the envy of most of the region and now? Yes I know the "man from Dubai" chanters will try and say the rice deal was the turning point but the simple fact is Thailand would have moved past that. What's destroying this country is the rogue Suthep, his puppetmasters (who all have their millions offshore anyway - this is about power not money) and those who are dim enough to support him. PDRC flagwavers can - each and every one - say proudly "I did my little bit to destroy Thailand".

    Thailand has long been this way, it has succeeded in some respects despite itself not because of itself.

    The thing that has happened in the last few months has stripped away the thin veneer that portrays what Thailand would like people to see, and revealed what it actually is.

    Thad, There is a great deal of truth to what you posted here, however the economic downturn that Thailand is about to go through is directly related to this idiot suthep and his followers! Yingluck must take a much stronger stance and clean this mess up once and for all or else investor confidence in Thailand could take a long term hit. Burma is not yet an open society, Cambodia has many pitfalls for investors and Vietnam has become increasingly more expensive, so if Thailand gets its act together they could "run the tables", instead they are shooting themselves in the foot sad.png

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  18. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    FINAL PUSH NO. 9 and counting.

    I had this as final push #11, in any event the forecast for Saturday is 37 degrees, but hopefully there will be a warming trend later this week and Saturdays highs will be more like 41 or 42, that way there will be a figurative and a literal meltdown of this nonsense thumbsup.gif It sounds like the suthep graft machine has raided the till so the loyal followers will have to bring their own food and drink this time, that in itself should put a damper on the turnout whistling.gif

  19. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date()

    Why do you silly little red people never read a story before you comment. Is it the slash and burn mentality.
    "The Democratic Party, in that case, would not participate in the new general election even if the party had to be dissolved as stipulated in the constitution. It will instead find another way to reform the country."

    They were in power long enough ! Why did'nt they introduce these "urgent reforms" them............Because they thought they would be there for ever as they are born to be, thats why !

    They did make some changes. But being part of a coalition, they couldn't make all the changes that they wanted to.

    Meanwhile Khun Suthep feathered his nest...............Palm Oil Scam, Gave government land on Phuket, set aside for poor farmers, to rich Hi-So friends, Enroached on government land on Samui, seconding land on to his own. You know , just altering the boundary's. And people actually think that he is just an honest farmer from the south. How did he become a millionaire ? I feel sure that Abisit did not do these things, but the rest of the DEM's mob.........say no more ! They saw what the master corruptor was getting and wanted a piece of the action. Back in those good ole days, reform never came into their heads.

    Please do not confuse the issue here with REAL FACTS, after all then the suthepites here may have to take off those rose colored glasses with the blinders on the sides cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  20. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Why would they want to take part in an election?

    Show again they are unable to win a majority? Embarrassing. They need ot get back to their bread and butter - Unelected Peoples Councils for all

    Go Team Yelllow

    Fight Team Yellow

    Win Team Yellow

    biggrin.png width=20 alt=biggri

    Quite right! It comes as no surprise to anyone that they do not want to have elections under any circumstances, as they would never win an election and of course elections go against sutheps fascist tendencies thumbsup.gif It is time for this nonsense to end and get on with suthep and abhisits murder trail!

  21. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    sounds like play money

    Yep play money that has made many of my friends Millionaires that didn't have a pot to piss in 2 years ago

    many more Millionaires will be made with Bitcoin as it becomes the way to pay online and transfer money around the world. Western Union will be history as will Paypal (although paypal is working to integrate bitcoin)

    Those that dismiss it as in the guy above will be the ones kicking themselves they missed yet another boat coming in.

    I invested and have made a ton of money so far

    Those who invested with Bernie Madoff early on did very well also, the bitcoin is just another ponzi scheme and like any pyramid play a few who get in early on make money and the thousands who follow are left holding the bag sad.png

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