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Posts posted by VegasVic

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</scr

    There are such an abundance of Thais that have no understanding of that concept. It makes so much sense. I would really go out of my way to keep the expat customers happy if I had a bar, restaurant, or hotel here. Many do not get it. And I have asked them, and they say they just do not care. I think it is the inability of many Thais to consider their future, much less next month, or tomorrow. I need the profit today, so my decision is based on that. That alone. Leave me alone. Do not make me think about something abstract like my future. You are a fareng. How can you offer me suggestions about my business? There is absolutely no way you are smarter than me. That is impossible.

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand
    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You have summed it up not only very well but (You knew that was coming) do you understand it?

    Give me the money and F...O.. Don't even try to understand. Give me the money and F..O.. and never come back.

    Now you know...but do you understand? NO. F..O...

    It has always struck me as odd reading the comments from the usual basheroos that with all this lack of business acumen that the Thai Baht is stable and land prices in recent years have doubled and tripled.

    Rayong, Chiang Mai, Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Phuket, Pattaya, Hat Yai and Khao Yai. - Land prices double.


    Land prices on the Bangkok-Nonthaburi road have tripled since 2010, on the back of construction of the extended Purple Line mass-transit rail line from Bang Sue-Bang Yai, which is set to be completed next year.


    Yup, coups and rice disasters and bad government and the economy keeps chugging along. Tourists keep coming and the bashers keep bashing. Funny that.

    Land prices doubling and tripling, I sure hope you bought low and have the sense to sell out before the crash, because something about this has the feel of the dot com bubble around mid 1999 smile.png Remember when the music stops run for a seat because there will only be a few available thumbsup.gif In case you hadn't noticed the mainland Chinese real estate market has dropped for the past two months and should this continue then the next shoe to drop will be the shadow banking system, of course this will have little or no effect on the Thai economy right rolleyes.gif

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  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Hard to miss when bars empty, shops empty, hotels empty.

    Will be interesting to see how many business will close down shortly.

    Interesting not the excitement but rather curious.

    Few hours ago I was the only customer in bar in soi buakhao

    What you need to consider is how many of the local businesses rely solely on tourists

    compared to how many rely on Thai's and expats?

    I think the majority rely on Thai's and expats.

    I've also noticed more Thais visiting Pattaya from other areas than in previous years,

    especially during the weekends.

    And there's still quite a few of our Russian & Indian speaking friends roaming around.

    Given the type of oppressive government that most Russians grew up in, a military dictatorship is no reason not to go to Thailand smile.png It is quite different with tourists from North America, Europe and Australia thumbsup.gif Gen Prayuth may very well be a brilliant manager and may have the best interest of the Thai people at heart, however if he does not move the electoral process up I fear that as bad as this past tourist high season was that this coming winter season may be even worse sad.png The world economy is still not very robust, and there are chinks (sorry for the PUN) in the Chinese armor with the second month of declining real estate prices just released yesterday, as well as massive inventory buildups in the Japanese economy, the European economy is flat at best, the U.S. is only marginally better and with china faltering the Aussie economy could be in for quite a hiccup as their economic boom over the past 10 years or so was directly tied to the Chinese economy. Given that tourisim accounts for around 10% of the Thai economy, the good General had better figure out a way for the Thai export sector to increase substantially very soon to make up the difference, and the only way that will likely occur is if the Baht is devalued so that products produced in Thailand are more competitive in the world marketplace wai2.gif

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    General Prayuth, YES YOU CAN...Go for it!

    Jan, He has already gone for "IT" , he is the head of the military dictatorship that the Republic (I use that term lightly these days) of Thailand currently finds itself governed (I use this term lightly these days as well) by sad.png The real question is will there ever be free and fair elections in Thailand or will the military infuse itself in the government for good???

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Do people really have a choice? If they're against the military etc then they're not allowed to legally speak out about the main reasons why. Don't forget these things. Plus all the news is good news when the military controls the news.

    No choice right now, hopefully they will have a choice sooner than Oct of 2015 thumbsup.gif Of course with a shredded constitution and a military dictatorship appointing a ruling council, it will be interesting to see if those in power will allow any dissenting voices sad.png

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  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Well Us needs to get their heads out of their <deleted> and look a little harder at the ramifications of imposing sanctions.. With China so near it would only take a meager offer of support from them to sway Thailands political relationships with foreign countries... Does America want to lose their place here in Thailand to the Chinese? It very well could happen if the US tries to interfere more in Thai politics and with this coupe... The Us should bow down to the Army for stopping a civil war and for trying to end the corruption here but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen.... The Us has it's own idea of Democracy and if it does not benefit them they refuse to accept change...

    "but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen...."

    It is the 'New World Order'/Globalist faction within the US government that supports Dr. Thaksin as he is their representative/agent in Thailand. Unfortunately, under the current administration, Banksters and the NWO/G have inordinate influence.

    Why you folks are so preoccupied with former PM Thaksin Shinawatra I will never understand, I guess it gives you a bogeyman to blame all your troubles on alt=rolleyes.gif> I can assure that the U.S. government or your bankster conspiracy has no concern for Thaksin whatsoever, if they did they would have given him political asylum long ago! The U.S. government along with the U.K., the European Union, Australia and most other countries around the globe merely want what most Thais want, and that is for elections unfettered by the military dictatorship and the drafting of a new constitution by these elected leaders that can not be "torn up" every time the military gets the inkling to overthrow the government- in other words they want some stability in Thailand alt=thumbsup.gif>

    Dr. Thaksin is a member of the Carlyle Group, based in Washington D.C., and that organization is a key player in New World Order globalism. The bankster/globalists do no control the U.S. government, yet, but Dr. Thaksin has been allowed to freely visit the U.S.. Dr. Thaksin cannot control the Thai government from the U.S. so he hasn't moved there, He doesn't need political asylum anywhere because there is no international arrest warrant for him (straw-man argument). You can assure me all you want, but it doesn't change the facts on the ground that Dr. Thaksin is responsible for the red/yellow divides and most political violence since he was ousted from his illegitimate position as (twice) caretaker PM in 2006. You are also mis-characterizing the NCPO by calling it a 'military dictatorship' when it will install a non-military government in September and hold new and improved elections within 18 months. I'm guessing you are a dyed-in-the-wool Thaksin apologist and nothing I write will convince you otherwise.

    Rame, The Carlyle Group is just another large international asset management firm that specializes in PE investments, the fact that former PM thaksin has some relationship with them is not surprising given his extreme wealth. I am no fan of these large PE firms, massive hedge fund firms or the HF trading arms that they all seem to have, they have singlehandedly ruined the market for the retail investors over the past 10-15 years sad.png As for Thaksin and his influence within Thailand, I really have no idea if he has a large influence or if it is a small but vocal group that he influences, any former PM that is deposed and is absentia would likely have some degree of influence in his native land. I am not now nor have I ever been a Thaksin apologist so your guess is dead wrong there my friend, if the Shinawatras all left Thailand tomorrow for Dubai or Switzerland it would be fine with me. The only thing that I hope for is that Gen Prayuth will call for elections sooner rather than later given that power corrupts anyone and the total power that the General wields is very dangerous and quite addictive wai2.gif BTW I hope you are not a supporter of this fellow Suthep as he is the biggest hypocrite in this entire soap opera thumbsup.gif

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What a surprise, China seeks to make political capitol out of a rift between LoS and the US and if the roles were reversed the US would be doing exactly the same thing.

    I wonder how many Thais will think it's wonderful to be the centre of attention from major powers without considering the potential consequences of being a pawn in an international game.

    This may help the US government stop it pretentious 'moral high-horse' behavior and behave a little more pragmatically toward Thailand and the rest of the world. The US, in the past, has supported some of the worst dictators on the planet and now they are blind to the benefits of temporarily taking crooked politicians out of power in Thailand? 'The Emperor (US) has no clothes'. The world knows the US says one thing and does another. Hypocrisy personified.

    Rame, Hypocrisy is part of the human condition no one person or country has a corner on the market for hypocrisy I can assure you, with that said the U.S. certainly should spend more time turning their gaze inwards and begin to solve problems within its borders (one of which is they need to secure their own borders!) . As far as the suspension of military aid to Thailand goes, it was a very nominal amount and it was automatically triggered when the elected government was overthrown, in other words there was no conscious decision that "we will show Thailand how much we disapprove" it was automatically triggered by Federal laws in the U.S. alt=thumbsup.gif> Sadly you are correct that currently in the U.S. we have an emperor that has no cloths, however we will begin to rectify this situation in November of this year and fully rectify the situation in November 2016. You see in the U.S. we do follow the rule of law (as convoluted as that may sometimes seem) and do not revert to governmental overthrow every time we disagree with the government we simply vote them out at the next electionwai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

    I admit I may have gone a little overboard in my criticism, but the current US administration, IMHO, has one of the worst foreign policy teams I have seen since I began keeping up with politics (1960s). POTUS BHO has zero foreign policy experience/aptitude and Sec. of State John Kerry is a pretentious ass, whom no one takes seriously.

    Polish Minister: Ties to USA 'Worthless'... http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014/06/22/Report--Polish-minister-calls-US-ties-worthless

    To answer your last point, in theory, armies should not overthrow democratically governments. Thailand has very little experience with democracy since the end of absolute monarchy in 1932 and democracy has been twisted to mean 'winner takes all' and 'we have a mandate to do whatever we want, including modifying the constitution to keep us in power'. I wish this weren't so, but I am a pragmatist and so far, the NCPO has outperformed any previous government, military or civilian. I'll take a benevolent dictatorship over corrupt democracy any day. I'm not proud of that sentiment but I am so disgusted with so many previous civilian governments in Thailand who put themselves and their cronies ahead of the people they are supposed to help. Many of the previous military government have been even worse but the current chief, Gen. Prayuth, seems to be the right person in the right place at the right time. Thailand needed a 'time out' and the US should understand. The same with Egypt.

    Rame, I find myself in complete agreement with you that there has been one foreign policy blunder after another in the Obama administration, but sadly we here in the U.S. are saddled with these amateurs for another 2 1/2 years, although this administrations power will be greatly diminished after the November elections when the Republicans take control of the Senate and kick Harry (the hypocrite) Reid out on his arse biggrin.png As far as General Prayuth goes I certainly hope that he lives up to your lofty expectations, keep in mind that there are very few examples of a "benevolent dictatorship" in world history wai2.gif

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  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Well Us needs to get their heads out of their <deleted> and look a little harder at the ramifications of imposing sanctions.. With China so near it would only take a meager offer of support from them to sway Thailands political relationships with foreign countries... Does America want to lose their place here in Thailand to the Chinese? It very well could happen if the US tries to interfere more in Thai politics and with this coupe... The Us should bow down to the Army for stopping a civil war and for trying to end the corruption here but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen.... The Us has it's own idea of Democracy and if it does not benefit them they refuse to accept change...

    "but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen...."

    It is the 'New World Order'/Globalist faction within the US government that supports Dr. Thaksin as he is their representative/agent in Thailand. Unfortunately, under the current administration, Banksters and the NWO/G have inordinate influence.

    Why you folks are so preoccupied with former PM Thaksin Shinawatra I will never understand, I guess it gives you a bogeyman to blame all your troubles on rolleyes.gif I can assure that the U.S. government or your bankster conspiracy has no concern for Thaksin whatsoever, if they did they would have given him political asylum long ago! The U.S. government along with the U.K., the European Union, Australia and most other countries around the globe merely want what most Thais want, and that is for elections unfettered by the military dictatorship and the drafting of a new constitution by these elected leaders that can not be "torn up" every time the military gets the inkling to overthrow the government- in other words they want some stability in Thailand thumbsup.gif

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Right, with the junta, Thailand has moved more towards China in one month than it did during the fifteen years of Thaksin and Abhisit in charge.

    Actually, is becoming more aligned to China rather than America a bad thing ?
    Thailand IS actually a Far East country, is it normal and natural for a Far East country to be linked to America rather than a massive nation that's actually in the area ?
    And when we bear in mind that the bulk of the Thais who are prominent and have money, (we're talking about people like Thaksin, Abhisit, Sondhi, Porntip, etc), they're actually Chinese. Is it that surprising that Thailand is moving towards China ?

    Thaksin and Abhisit were already steering Thailand towards China. The junta is making far quicker progress in this, because the USA is actually un-intentionally forcing this through !!

    Why is allying with China a good thing? So Thailand can join the likes of North Korea? Look at how horrible the Chinese government is (Tiananmen Square, Tibet, Falun Gong, the continuing suppression of free speech, to name the first four things that came to mind) ...

    Well, if Thailand does become more aligned with China, it will still stay an independent nation. It becomes aligned, in the sense that Thailand will have greater trade and diplomatic links with China rather than America or Europe.

    Tiananmen Square happened 25 years ago, that doesn't make it right, but it was a quarter of a century ago. And I really do think that Falun Gong's popularity was massively exaggerated by the media.

    And Hong Kong, Hong Kong IS controlled by Beijing. And Hong Kong does have a lot of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc. People might actually claim that Hong Kong has more freedom of speech than Thailand !!

    sorry to interject but the Tiananmen Square massacre never happened...it was the western media lies..remember Iraq...the West was trying to make China look bad...& if you repeat it in the news enough times...people believe it.

    Wikileaks: no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square, cables claim Secret cables from the United States embassy in Beijing have shown there was no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square when China put down student pro-democracy demonstrations 22 years ago.

    Keep on drinking that koolaid there iphad, you know if you drink enough of it you will actually begin to believe what you are posting is true biggrin.png

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What a surprise, China seeks to make political capitol out of a rift between LoS and the US and if the roles were reversed the US would be doing exactly the same thing.

    I wonder how many Thais will think it's wonderful to be the centre of attention from major powers without considering the potential consequences of being a pawn in an international game.

    This may help the US government stop it pretentious 'moral high-horse' behavior and behave a little more pragmatically toward Thailand and the rest of the world. The US, in the past, has supported some of the worst dictators on the planet and now they are blind to the benefits of temporarily taking crooked politicians out of power in Thailand? 'The Emperor (US) has no clothes'. The world knows the US says one thing and does another. Hypocrisy personified.

    Rame, Hypocrisy is part of the human condition no one person or country has a corner on the market for hypocrisy I can assure you, with that said the U.S. certainly should spend more time turning their gaze inwards and begin to solve problems within its borders (one of which is they need to secure their own borders!) . As far as the suspension of military aid to Thailand goes, it was a very nominal amount and it was automatically triggered when the elected government was overthrown, in other words there was no conscious decision that "we will show Thailand how much we disapprove" it was automatically triggered by Federal laws in the U.S. thumbsup.gif Sadly you are correct that currently in the U.S. we have an emperor that has no cloths, however we will begin to rectify this situation in November of this year and fully rectify the situation in November 2016. You see in the U.S. we do follow the rule of law (as convoluted as that may sometimes seem) and do not revert to governmental overthrow every time we disagree with the government we simply vote them out at the next electionwai2.gif

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I wonder what the member sumtingwong thinks of this? for weeks he's been calling anyone who he deemed appropriately because they didn't support Suthep or the Junta, "red commie lovers" ... and here we have the Junta having the praise lauded on them by Red Commies ... oh the irony!!! cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

    Don't encourage Sumti to get off his barstool since he will just start posting more illogical rants biggrin.png

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  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Baerboxer, You my friend are obviously clueless as to what is going on in Issan currently, the Thai army is not just searching the homes of leftwing red activists looking for "weapons cashes" they are going through every home in the village, village after village and seizing legally owned weapons from poor farmers. Let us objectively take a look what has transpired in the last few months- (1) The Military overthrows a democratically elected government (2) The military then declares martial law and sets curfews (3) The military then tears up the Thai constitution (4) The military makes it be known that there will be severe penalties for questioning its motives and actions (5) The military marches through Issan entering house after house and confiscates any and all weapons weather they be legally owned or not. If you can not see the parallels between what is occuring in Thailand right now and what the Nazis did in 1933 then you are blind my friend wai2.gif Or as Santayana once put it "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" thumbsup.gif

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Well Us needs to get their heads out of their <deleted> and look a little harder at the ramifications of imposing sanctions.. With China so near it would only take a meager offer of support from them to sway Thailands political relationships with foreign countries... Does America want to lose their place here in Thailand to the Chinese? It very well could happen if the US tries to interfere more in Thai politics and with this coupe... The Us should bow down to the Army for stopping a civil war and for trying to end the corruption here but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen.... The Us has it's own idea of Democracy and if it does not benefit them they refuse to accept change...

    Where does it say that the U.S. has imposed sanctions??? Is this someything that you are hoping for or is it just your wild imagination at work alt=rolleyes.gif> All the U.S. did was cut back a few million Dollars of military aid that they were forced to do becuase of the military overthrow of a Democratically elected government. I see you think that the U.S. should bow down to the Thai army, BTW this is the same Thai army that is curently going from house to house throughout Issan and seizing legally owned weapons, sounds a lot like Germany in 1933 to me alt=thumbsup.gif> Sieg Heil my clueless friend

    So you think all those weapons cashes that have been found and all the weapons in Issan are legally bought and registered with the correct permits?

    And you think others are clueless. Dream on if it makes you happy.

    Ps, can you find any reference citing a reliable source that says legal weapons were seized from people in 1933 Germany? Talking of wild imaginations,

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thailand is already on the verge of being a Chinese satellite with the massive influx of all those quality Chinese tourists that seem to be literally everywhere these days.

    Chinese influence in neighbouring countries has being growing rapidly, so Thailand makes a great prize for them.

    Be careful Hawk, speaking the truth isn't always popular here on thaivisa biggrin.png You are 100% correct though, Thailand could easily fall into the Chinese trap and wind up becoming a vassel of the Chinese state wai2.gif

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Well Us needs to get their heads out of their <deleted> and look a little harder at the ramifications of imposing sanctions.. With China so near it would only take a meager offer of support from them to sway Thailands political relationships with foreign countries... Does America want to lose their place here in Thailand to the Chinese? It very well could happen if the US tries to interfere more in Thai politics and with this coupe... The Us should bow down to the Army for stopping a civil war and for trying to end the corruption here but since the US supports Thaksin and Yingluck this won't happen.... The Us has it's own idea of Democracy and if it does not benefit them they refuse to accept change...

    Where does it say that the U.S. has imposed sanctions??? Is this someything that you are hoping for or is it just your wild imagination at work rolleyes.gif All the U.S. did was cut back a few million Dollars of military aid that they were forced to do becuase of the military overthrow of a Democratically elected government. I see you think that the U.S. should bow down to the Thai army, BTW this is the same Thai army that is curently going from house to house throughout Issan and seizing legally owned weapons, sounds a lot like Germany in 1933 to me thumbsup.gif Sieg Heil my clueless friend smile.png

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  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I guess the USA forgot that they became an independent country thanks to a coup and the General of that coup became president.

    Do you really think that the overthrow of a foreign government colonizing a country is the same as the overthrow of a domestically elected government?

    You will have to excuse sumting, he rarely thinks things through before he posts, sometimes he doesn't even bother to set the glass of beer down while posting his drivel smile.png

  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Excellent summary, well done! As I stated earlier, if you only support democracy when you agree with the election results, your not a supp

    Actually it is a stupid statement.

    It neglects to say that you may support the election but you do not have to support it when the government openly in your face robs you blind admits they lied and then say it is OK to lie because a lie makes you feel good and the truth you would not like. That is not what the people elected them for and the people have a right indeed a moral right to demand an end to it. They tried peacefully and the government just sent their PM on a shopping trip and called a convicted criminal on the run and living Dubai to escape a two year jail sentence impose on him by his own party. He instructed them to ignore the people.

    Just dropping in again to see if the whiners and snivelers were still here. They should move to Miramar the corruption is worse there than it was under the PTP and they are a democracy. That way they would be able to have their cake and eat it to.

    a win win situation for them.wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif width=20 alt=wai.gif>

    NJ, I think the country you are searching for is Myanmar not Miramar, if memory serves I believe that Miramar is a Naval Air Station between LA and San Diego that holds the top gun fighter school wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20> For the record everyone I know both Thai and Farang still calls the country in question BURMA! I have talked to 3 individuals in different parts of Issan over the past week and they have all told me the same story about the Army going through everyones house and confiscating any and all weapons, sounds like Gen prayuth is continuing page by page right out of the NAZI playbook circa 1933, overthrow the elected government - tear up the constitution - declare martial law and set curfews - and the piece de resistance send the soldiers out to the countryside and disarm the farmers of their shotguns and pitchforks (I wonder if the good general is sending his troops throughout the southern provinces doing the same???) OK enough whining and sniveling for me, I hope I didn't knock you off your barstool there NJ alt=biggrin.png>

    Hmmm, I wonder if we will ever see a thread or story here on thaivisa on the illegal search and seizure of the folks in Issan???

  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    On the contrary, It would appear very little has been learned from 1997 as a country because Thai people have had two-hands in the cookie Jar and very little show from it while “90% of the land is owned by not more than 10% of the population” ( Pareto's Principle).

    As I recall Paretos principle was more along the lines of 80/20 ratio, with that said Thailand is far from alone in this as over 80% of the wealth of the U.S. in owned by far fewer than 20% of the people thumbsup.gif

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  17. I wonder if the army has the balls to do the same house by house search in the southern provinces as they are currently doing throughout Issan, confiscating legally owned firearms rolleyes.gif Lets see now, overthrow a democratically elected government, tear up the constitution, declare martial law and set curfews, send soldiers marching through innocent farmers homes and confiscating their legally owned weapons, what could be next for Gen. Prayuths gang, perhaps reeducation camps turning children against their parents - oh no that would be a step too far, right? whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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  18. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    They wouldn't be 'my' government. I don't have a vote. But if the Thai people choose to elect a government that I disapprove of, so be it. I don't much like David Cameron and the Tories, I hated George W. Bush and Obama has lost his way. No one is claiming that democracy always results in good governments, but arguing that a military coup is preferable is naïve.
    Excellent summary, well done!

    As I stated earlier, if you only support democracy when you agree with the election results, your not a supporter of democracy, you're an opportunis

    Actually it is a stupid statement.

    It neglects to say that you may support the election but you do not have to support it when the government openly in your face robs you blind admits they lied and then say it is OK to lie because a lie makes you feel good and the truth you would not like. That is not what the people elected them for and the people have a right indeed a moral right to demand an end to it. They tried peacefully and the government just sent their PM on a shopping trip and called a convicted criminal on the run and living Dubai to escape a two year jail sentence impose on him by his own party. He instructed them to ignore the people.

    Just dropping in again to see if the whiners and snivelers were still here. They should move to Miramar the corruption is worse there than it was under the PTP and they are a democracy. That way they would be able to have their cake and eat it to.

    a win win situation for them.wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif width=20 alt=wai.gif>

    NJ, I think the country you are searching for is Myanmar not Miramar, if memory serves I believe that Miramar is a Naval Air Station between LA and San Diego that holds the top gun fighter school wai2.gif For the record everyone I know both Thai and Farang still calls the country in question BURMA! I have talked to 3 individuals in different parts of Issan over the past week and they have all told me the same story about the Army going through everyones house and confiscating any and all weapons, sounds like Gen prayuth is continuing page by page right out of the NAZI playbook circa 1933, overthrow the elected government - tear up the constitution - declare martial law and set curfews - and the piece de resistance send the soldiers out to the countryside and disarm the farmers of their shotguns and pitchforks (I wonder if the good general is sending his troops throughout the southern provinces doing the same???) sad.png OK enough whining and sniveling for me, I hope I didn't knock you off your barstool there NJ biggrin.png

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  19. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Yes, it could be argued that the ideology of the southern tip provinces and the northern red-shirt provinces have both been at civil war against the rest of Thailand. They each want to impose their version of totalitarianism. I hope neither achieves it.

    Right on partner! The only group that should be able to impose their version of totalitarianisim are the Thai-chinese Bangkok elite clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif You are an effin hypocrite there sumti, but then again anyone who has read any of your posts already knows this thumbsup.gif

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  20. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The food price rising here in Thailand
    Is very little, comparing to the eu with over 40 Procent the last 10 year
    Thailand food price still cheaper
    Then many other Asian country's! So no need to worry!

    Very true sandman! Many of these increases are one time increases in the pipeline and not a trend of consistent inflation MOM or YOY wai.gif The Thai middle class has an amazing control over inflation in Thailand, if something gets too expensive they will just stop buying that item and substitute something else thumbsup.gif The disposable income that most Thais have will not support any substantial inflation!

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    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "If you feeling froggy then leap"

    "if you feeling froggy then leap" This coming from the lead frog alt=clap2.gif> There is no need for me to leap my friend, I am very comfortable here in Sedona, I travel to Thailand whenever the whim hits me, however I don't think the whim will hit me for quite some time now, at least until they clean up the political mess and have elections again alt=thumbsup.gif>

    VegasVic, I'm glad you are comfy wherever you are. I'm happy to see you being occasionally hit by your whims. I'm sure you are welcome to Thailand whenever you're whimmed.

    One thing I'm curious about - in which way the 'political mess they are in' impacts on your pleasures in Thailand?

    Does the sea water gets too hot for you?

    Is 'Tom Yam' too spicy?

    Are you only using for sex girls with 'Liberal Libido'?

    Or maybe the ladies here select you for a night in a strictly Democratic way?

    As I said, - just being curious. facepalm.gif alt=facepalm.gif>

    ABC, I have yo say that I am quite relieved to know that I am welcome in Thailand anytime I wish to venture there rolleyes.gif The political mess impacts every aspect of Thai life, and I think that most people feel as I do when a democratically elected government is overthrown by the military. There are plenty of countries to vacation in where the military has not imposed martial law on its citizens and tourists thumbsup.gif As for your questions on the "seedier side of life" , well you seemed to have tipped your hat there my friend, no worries though you should find a good many friends here on thaivisa who are drunkards and whoremongers, carry on there young man wai2.gif

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