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Posts posted by fitnesspm

  1. Discrimination against someone's religious beliefs. Why don't they just go get married somewhere else?

    Religion was the only thing keeping families together in the west. Once you take away religion the only thing reminding is the corporate game hence why the west has gone to shit today and countries that keep the family values like Thailand are a whole lot better to live!

  2. I've been in Thailand for about 6 months now and have dated many Thai women where most have told me it's ok if I want to sleep around, as long as I come home to her. I've been told it's apart of Thai cultural but I hear mix feelings from different people. They don't seem to like talking about what other Thais do...

    What about with Thai women? If a guy is supposedly allowed to sleep with other women, are women allowed as well?

  3. Your house your rules. I explain to people all the time if i'm out with them that they are being rude being on their phone all the time.

    You need to take their attention away onto something else. Get some kids toys so they are in reality.

    Explains it's bad for their health and they need to get at least 30 mins of sunlight a day and exercise. This is true by the way. Once you have gone out and played you can use your I pad again.

    Video games and TV make people stupid. It's a fact... Tell them do you want to be stupid. Even put a clip on YouTube of stupid people, get them to laugh and say that is what happens if you on it all the time.

    Limit their time to only in the evening. Use some tough love!

    I kick people out of my house if they are on their smart phones all the time. I tell them to come back when they are ready to socialise with me.

    Kids today lack basic social skills and it's causing obesity to sky rocket.

    We live in a society in the west which is bases on addiction. Kids that are highly stimulate by these gadgets will looks for more and more as they get older. Peace of the mind requires no emotion. Teach them Buddhism would be a good substitute.

  4. Can you take a loan out from your bank back in your home country?

    When my friend had a motorbike accident here and had to pay through the roof, I'm very sure he contacted his bank back home and got a loan. Could ring up a number of banks back home where one might give you a loan. It's a wild shot...

    How about contacting an old ex on Facebook? You might be able to find an old friend on Facebook that you forgotten that could bail you out?

    I read an article that a street beggar can make a bit of money. I'm sure if you made a sign regarding your problems you can get some money. A farang beggar... It sells! The cops might bust you tho!

    If all else fails... You might have to sink low and become a freelance pro :(

  5. I didn't have a problem leaving my suitcase for a week at different hotels around Thailand. They never charged me. Helps to build rapport with staff.

    If they say no, say you are coming back and pay in advanced on return arrival.

    If the people that say they might steal... I never travel without locks on my bags no matter what country I visit!

  6. Southern cross is the best one in Australia.

    I've claim twice

    Food poisoning : receipt and hospital details

    Motor bike : hurt my wrist, had to get a police report and they wanted a medical history from my doctor back home.

    Stress free and very helpful

    I also do Muay Thai where if i was seriously injuried, I was going to claim under a fight on the street. I'm guessing they will need a police report. Shouldn't be hard to get, just make it up!

  7. For a start... Paedophilia are people attracted to children before they go through puberty. Not after (12 year old)

    Attraction is biological, where the most attractive age of a woman to a man is 15-16 cause she is the most fertility at that age. After that age she puts on fat. It's basically illegal to admit it if your westernised cause men in the west are shamed for being men.

    At what age does a man not like a young women??? This is why they are labelled as dirty old bustards in the west.

    Read up on history... It only became illegal in the last 50 years! Paedophilia (before puberty) was always looked down upon in history while soon as a lady got her period, she was married and had children. This was life for the last 100,000 years.

    Due to education finishing at 18 today, the age has been increased from 13 (start of puberty) to 18 years old for sex.

    If you ask me, going to jail for life due to our nature biological functions (consent from both parties) is a joke! Men and women are the most horny when they are teenagers.

    Resource: learnt from study and reading history

  8. In Sweden, if the condom breaks and you cum it's rape.

    If you don't have sex without a condom it's rape

    A man and a prostitute has sex, it's rape.

    All of the above... a man is charged but the female is NEVER charged.

    This is Swedish law where Sweden is a feminist run country. The only country in the world that believes a child shouldn't have both parents to bring up a child.

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