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Posts posted by fitnesspm

  1. I've had the same thing for about 3 weeks now. It's slowly getting better so I haven't bothered seeing a doctor about it. I cough up some green shit usually in the morning but during the day, only the cough (my shirt off, fan blowing on me) triggers it. A cold air conditioner usually triggers it too.

    Eat plenty of vegetables everyday to give your immune system a boost and get an extra hour of sleep everynight. Let the body fight this infection off.

    I also thought it could be MERS but i've been slowly getting better!

  2. Sweden military chief is a women, no wonder Russia has no respect for Sweden.

    Sweden is the most mess up country in the world, it's been fully corruption by male hating Feminists.

    * Men have to sit when taking a piss.

    * Men don't get paid if they don't take time off work to look after their child.

    * No such thing as a male or female in their dictionary, men and women are called "hen"

    * Only country in the world where they don't believe a child needs both parents to bring up a child.

    * they have over 50 no go zones cause men have refused the government's corrupted policies.

    The list goes on and on.. It's basically the west in the next 50 years. Men aren't men there anymore!

  3. "One suspects you up for getting a good education for your kids, to give them the best shot in life, so let me ask you this, you up for THB 250k a term in school fees"

    Most uni students back home in Australia have spent 5 years of their lives going to university and are working at 7/11s or some other shitty job. THB 250k i'm guessing is a private school, I wouldn't waste my money! A basic education is enough for starting off. Think about it, half the stuff we learnt at school we don't even need. It's best to work out what you want to do and work your way to that goal. You have to be able to sell yourself at a job interview. I've gotten jobs in accounting in the past where I was against people that spent 3-5 years at university studying accounting (I did a short course), same with Information Technology (1 year of uni). They had basically no social skills where I just sold myself and told the employer what he wanted to hear.

    I refer you to this article (Why Men Should Not Go To College)


    "Thats what it can cost you in Thailand, and based on what you have written, seems the best shot you have is an "English" teacher, so fancy that on THB 30k-50k month ? "

    Thanks, I hear you need to do an English course back in Australia (1-2 years) to become an English teacher internationally?

  4. And you really believe Thailand would be a better place to raise children? Serious? Really?

    And have a daughter that has slept with over 100 guys by the age of 20 years old that's self centred and only cares about herself...

    Most westernised children have no respect in their parents and throw them in a nursing home when they get old. Family is last on their list! It's become a nation of narcissistic people.

    Feminism has poisoned westernised society, it's gone to total shit in the last 20 years... No one bothers with westernised women if they want to get married... I thought everyone here has moved to Thailand (or try to live here as much as possible) for this reason and married a Thai woman.

    I just want a normal family that's traditional. My other option is Eastern Europe but I hear it's been poison by Feminism as well...

    A good article to read...


    Yes, there is better education in Australia but it's the destruction lifestyle that it's become! Partying, drinking, drugs, over eating, narcissistic behaviour, at teenagers, TV addiction, video game addiction, where most will go with 'herd behaviour' when they become teenagers. I have found it to be better in Thailand (2 years here now) but I do admit, the kids are starting to embrace westernised values.

  5. My girlfriend and I are getting serious and I was thinking about starting a family here.

    I don't believe it's a good place to raise children in Australia or any westernise country seeing how children turn out these days!

    I was wondering is it hard to find work for a foreigner in Thailand? I have worked in many fields in Australia from sales, IT, customer service, general labourer, had a business for 10 years and now a personal trainer.

    What are my options if I start a family here and wish to earn an income?

  6. My girlfriend and I are getting serious and I was thinking about starting a family here.

    I don't believe it's a good place to raise children in Australia or any westernise country seeing how children turn out these days! These no good morals any more where it seems like everyone is out for themselves and relationships rarely work out long term.

    I was wondering is it hard to find work for a foreigner in Thailand? I have worked in many fields in Australia from sales, IT, customer service, general labourer, had a business for 10 years and now a personal trainer.

    What are my options if I start a family here and wish to earn an income?

  7. For 1 & 3 for Top 3 Least Favorite, what it leads to is bitching and complaining. In the west, it seems like everyone is having a cry about something and bitching about the government, people, work, etc.... WHO CARES!!! Just live your life the way you want where bitching is playing the "victim," game which doesn't change anything except make you depressed. You hear it all the time from the Feminist media in westernise society fuelling more hate towards men.

    That's one thing I love about Thai people, they seem to get over things easier and are laid back. They narcissistic like in find westernise are back home especially the women!

    My parents told me years ago, just keep your life simple and you will be happy.

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