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Posts posted by Jonathon

  1. something else I've noticed is that the Chinese made extension leads with multi sockets switch the neutral so when you think something is switched off the live connection is still powered up.

    There is so much crap comes out of China, whether it be electrical goods, cars or steel, that all their products are best avoided to be sure. Of course there are exceptions, but usually only where a Western or Japanese company is in control.

    I once bought some UK plug to European socket adapters which were in constant use - until one day attempted withdrawal of one from the wall socket resulted in the body coming adrift and leaving the live terminal exposed. Fortunately I was the one to find out rather than my kid. Needless to say they all went in the bin the same day.

    No doubt the same product is still on sale in many countries including here....

  2. I see checks virtually every day in BKK, no evidence that foreigners are being targeted. The only complaint I have is that the offenders are being let off with a "fine". Is it so different elsewhere?

  3. I've seen much worse; at least the load here is not so heavy. I've seen some loaded so heavily and unbalanced that the pickup frame has bent in the middle allowing the the back end to rest on the ground.

    However, the worst I recall was seeing one in a filling station loaded with a large tree. The rootball was at the back of the bed and the trunk / branches way over the cab, almost touching the filling station canopy. A gust of wind would have seen it on its side...so I made sure that I was back on the road before him.

  4. If her parents are decent reasonably educated people then nothing will be demanded nor expected. They might like to save face by showing respect for old traditions by accepting a gift then returning it later.

    On the other hand if they are still tied to old traditions then best walk away; it will only be the start of many more demands for money whenever they run short.

  5. I found the bridge. Right there, about ~500m from Sukhumvit. It wasn't open when we walked by at 1:00, but then again... it was 1:00 in the afternoon on a Sunday. Will try another time.

    Opens around 4pm so the owner tells me and closes late.

  6. it's again amazing and shocking to see how expats abandoned their culture where there were raised up in. Where is your christian culture gone?

    Or is it already DEMENTIA what is to be seen here?

    It is intangible for me to understand you all who were voting for murder....!

    In this way you are not better than the attackers....Take an eye for an eye. Disgusting for me.

    It is a practical and necessary solution, particularly where fanaticism is involved. Would you rather they were freed to do it again?

  7. Interprovincial public vans in Thailand are notorious for their frequent accidents.

    Road rage and threatening behavior occasionally make it into national news.

    I try to avoid traveling with minivans.

    Would estimate that more then 50% of them are not able to drive a car reasonable.

    Driving too fast, no safety distance, changing lanes without turn signals, overtaking in the wrong lane,

    cornering, ignoring traffic lights, etc.

    Also many are overtired or incited with energy drinks or tablets.

    Much of these are short fused, aggressive, unfriendly and well armed.

    From everything that drives, swims or flies, these are the worst drivers.

    To be avoided like the plague.

  8. No surprises here; the nature of these guys is to be seen every day in their aggressive driving. Many people here seem particularly adept at changing into Mr. Hyde when they are in charge of a vehicle, much more so than I have experienced in other countries. The lack in enforcement of traffic law certainly doesn't help, particularly when combined with the sense of invulnerability gained from having the vehicle blessed.

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