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Posts posted by Jonathon

  1. I should prefer the UK to stay in, but matters need to be settled on a general basis.

    Clearly the drive for "an ever closer union" has reached its limits, as has the reckless expansion.

    Romania and Bulgaria should have had to wait at least another 5 years before getting the freedom of movement liberty,

    and generally everybody seems unhappy with what they have to put up with inside the EU when it comes to specific national

    problems and politics.

    The UK and Germany are unhappy about immigration, particularly into their social systems, so are Denmark and Austria. Italy and Greece

    are unhappy about the Dublin agreement, the Visegrad states will never accept being forced to take refugee immigration. Most of western

    and northern European states are dissatisfied with the UK blocking and undermining data protection laws, the UK doesn't want regulation

    of its banking sector, and so on.

    But those problems can be settled, even if it means having to go back on the EU treaties. The EU is the greatest peace-keeping project of all

    times and the only way the multitude of European states -including the large ones like Germany/UK/France- can pack a punch internationally,

    little as that seems to be the case right now.

    In the end, I hope the UK move to have that exit referendum along with what we are seeing in France and the Visegrad states will serve to get

    everybody together and straighten things out before anybody leaves.

    Peace was maintained by NATO, not the EU. The EU is more likely to create a war than stop one, as evidenced by its recent courtship with the Ukraine.

  2. What you perhaps missed is that she was charged at the rate of 150% of NHS costs, as would any other person in her position be. So whereas immigrants can pay 200 Pounds for government insurance against these costs, indeed they are required to buy such a policy, UK expats are not allowed similar and even worse are seen as a resource to profit from.

    It is the scandal of the century and totally outrageous.

    It is all part of their race replacement agenda. Call it a conspiracy theory if you will, but more evidence appears almost every day.

  3. We should not be complacent. Remember Bali and Tunisia? Tourist spots would seem to be a prime target for them as people are too busy enjoying themselves to take stock of the situation.

    Any attack that kills westerners is a bonus for them irrespective of the country attacked. I don't frequent such spots much now but, as I mentioned in another post, the sight of a Muslim woman in her full regalia in Nana Plaza did make me think. That is one place I surely will avoid - crowded, only the one narrow exit and tallish buildings to contain the blast.

    Be vigilant I.m sure I am not the only one to have noticed that possibility.

  4. Easy for them to hide out here in one of the Muslim areas, but that is no different from most western countries. Would be good if we were allowed to bear arms to defend ourselves.

    Be vigilant, be aware of what is going on around you and look for your exit routes. Not been to Nana Plaza for a very long time, but is the Muslim lady still around? Made me uncomfortable at that time.

  5. Good to see some enforcement (if it happens). However I do have some sympathy with a driver nearing the end of his shift refusing a lengthy journey. Not only does it lengthen his shift it also increases fatigue, delays the start of the driver on the next shift and limits the time for any (hoped for) vehicle checks.

    As with most things in life there needs to be some common sense applied.

  6. A good start would be to get the traffic police out of their little boxes where they play with the traffic lights, leave it to the automated systems, and start to enforce the law. Pay them a living wage and sack them if they continue to take their 200 baht bribes.

    Another would be to educate drivers that getting their car blessed by a monk will do nothing to prevent their having an accident; in fact it probably increases the risk as they then consider themselves invulnerable.

    Yet another would be to arrest kids driving motorcycles and fine the parents, with the ultimate sanction being confiscation of the bike.

    Until traffic law is enforced with severe penalties nothing will change.

  7. You have identified a hazard at your home, which is good, however it looks like you are putting the cart before the horse, the first option in the control of that hazrad is Eliminating the hazard—physically removing it—is the most effective hazard control.

    I would suggest you look at something like a sonic deterent http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_nkw=sonic+snake+repeller

    Then look at removing the type of things that would attract the snakes, e.g tall grass, rocks and debris anything that they would hide under, most importantly anything your kids may lift up when they are playng and exploring around the yard etc..

    educate your kids about the danger of snakes and what to do when they see a snake etc...

    You then should look at an action plan, if someone does get bitten then as stated by aussieroaming know what hospital has anti venom.

    this is a good site as posted by expat brit http://www.healthdir....au/snake-bites

    Good luck and lets hope you and your kids dont get bitten

    We have killed more than a hundred snakes on our property in the past 18 years. We live on the edge of the city. The problem is compounded by a neighbor with about 1 acre of yard across the street from our location that has never been cut. I was bitten by a striped bronze snake about 10 years ago. Luckily he struck the end of my big toe that had a callous on it, I was able to treat the wound and it healed quickly. My advice for those with seeing snakes on their property is to purchase a copy of the snake book Ngoo Thai Lai Chanit (sorry but it is Thai only). There are clear photos showing 182 species off snakes in Thailand. Each photo is accompanied by its category and lists the category and level of danger and other such information. The book has diagrams under each photo of the snake species with general locations and regions of Thailand where the species are located. 90 of these snakes are venomous, many are only mildly so. If the diagram indicates front fangs it is highly venomous.Two more are constrictors which kill by squeezing its victims. My friend was a snake handler who did twice daily shows at Ta Klang Elephant Study Center in Surin Province and I spent a lot of time with him. Last fall when I went by to see him I learned that he had just died a week befire from a cobra bite.

    I used to have an English language book on Thai snakes, unfortunately gone missing. Was about 100mm x 200mm with a light green soft cover and a matching picture of a tree viper. Came from Asia books as I remember.

  8. A real nuisance I agree and the issue her in BKK is that the are fed by many restaurant owners on leftover rice etc. and clearly not regarded as the vermin they are. They are prevalent on many BTS stations but sometimes seem to disappear, so I do wonder if someone is shooting them periodically.

    However from what I have read killing them is not effective in the long term as they will just increase their rate of breeding which is related to the available food supply. Also the carcasses can be a nuisance unless there is a good population of cats able to access them.

    Apparently the most effective way is to manage the food supply using a purpose made feeder which is loaded with a chemically treated food. The food treatment renders the eggs non-viable so stops the breeding. However it is expensive.

    Of course the sporting alternative is an air rifle but in many places, as where I live, it would be very obvious who was doing the shooting and likely attract a complaint to the BIB. I have had some success with a soft toy on top of one of the a/c units, but as others have said they do get used to it.

    Ultimately it would be good if people would accept that they are vermin (and worse than rats) and should not be fed, but I cannot see that happening.


    It is possible in the UK to buy cat deterrents which operate with a proximity switch and spray the blighters with water. Maybe something like that would work. I've tried a Songkran shooter but difficult to keep it loaded and ready.

  9. The obvious and unavoidable result of allowing seemingly unlimited immigration, particularly when we see that a large proportion of the illegals are fit young men.

    The enemy does as the enemy is trained to do; the blame lies with our own governments who not only fail to control unwanted immigration, they actively encourage it through their crazy policies.

    A sad time for all, but expect more.

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