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Posts posted by funfun

  1. I bought it the other day and finished it just before i put out the lights to go to sleep, couldn't put it down. Cracking read, for what it is. It's got the John Rambo seal of approval....

    good man, now that is a perfect answear, someone reads it and gives an opinion, rather than giving an opinion without seeing it!

    now if you take this book to the next tv pub meet, and lend it to a few people, who dont want to "line his pockets" theres no reason to think of, why they should not browse it, or even read it, esspecially after you gave it a good write up!!!!

    maybe im wrong again, maybe some people will not look at it on principle!

    well im qouted as bieng a "dipstick for wanting to read it", so read it, i must! and make myselfe a bigger one (if possible)

    btw john rambo, can i borrow it first, cos im biggest cheap charlie i know! :o

  2. The Frank Feldman story!>>>> A man walks into the street and manages to get a taxi just going by.>> He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says, "Perfect timing. You're>just> like Frank.">>>> Passenger: "Who?">>>> Cabbie: "Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything right all the>> time. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened>> like that to Frank Feldman every single time.">>>> Passenger: "There are always a few clouds over everybody.">>>> Cabbie: "Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have>> won the Grand-Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang>> like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you>> should have heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy.">>>> Passenger: "Sounds like he was something really special.>>>> Cabbie: "There's more... He had a memory like a computer. Could>> remember everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods>> to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not>> like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Frank>> Feldman, he could do everything right.">>>> Passenger. "Wow, some guy then.">>>> Cabbie: "He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid>> traffic jams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But>> Frank, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a>woman> and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was>> in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly>> polished too -- he was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No>one> could ever measure up to Frank Feldman>>>> Passenger: "An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?">>>> Cabbie: "Well, I never actually met Frank. I just married his f***ing>> widow.">

  3. Jake was dying. His wife sat at the bedside. He looked up and said >>weakly,>>>>"I have something I must confess.">>>>"There's no need to," his wife replied.>>>>"No," he insisted, "I want to die in peace. I slept with your sister,>>your best friend, her best friend, and your mother!">>>>"I know, I know," she replied. "Now just rest and let the poison>>work."

  4. Aside from all of you with those wonderfull sarcastic responses, Mid, you all seem 50/50 about is it ok or not. No I am not pulling a heavy load, it's just me, and an empty truck. Does anyone have any scientific data , or actually study result other than banter?

    I'm not asking for much...... :o

    well i posted earlier and thought it was a fair reply,

    and as for scientific data??? would you look up weather to wear a hat today or not!!!

    he, he, time ya spent on here you could have changed gear 100 times!!!

    why dont you just use it!

    can see another post in 1 year,

    does any one know how to take a gearbox out of a pickup!

    only joking hope you get yourselfe sorted out!

  5. Greetings!

    I've got a double entry tourist visa

    so must do a visa run after the first

    60 days. (End of July).

    How long must I stay out of Thailand

    before I return?

    I'm on a UK passport, do I need a visa

    to enter Laos/Cambodia/Malaysia...etc.

    or do I get a visa on entry. (30 Days?)

    Was thinking of just travelling by car

    and staying in a hotel in one of the

    bordering countries for a day and

    then returning.

    What's the cheapest option?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.


    brian dont quote me on this as 100% but ive a feeling you can top up first at a imigration office,(30 day extention) the pattaya one is jontiem soi 5, and there all over thailand, im sure thell be a list at the top of this thread pinned.

    so you might not have to go out just yet, give them a ring or call in very helpfull.

    now if i was wrong, theres lots of visa shops all over that will take you to border mate, they very good help you fill in paperwork etc and not a lot of money!

    maybe 2500 or less. a good one is outside of the sportsman pub on soi 13, in pattaya.

    hope this helps if not let us know mate!

  6. Howdy all you smart car and truck people. I have a question as I am not one of you, and know little about cars and nothing about the 2.5 litre 12 valve Diesle truck I just bought in Thailand. It's 10 years old, Mazda, great condition. I previously owned a Subaru Outback in the USA, and often would start off in Second Gear. The car never had any problems handling it, and I figured I was never doing any damage to the clutch. Now that I'm driving an older truck, I want to be carefull for her health, and want to know can I do the same thing. Mind you I don't do the typical "Thai" burn out at a green light, and wouldn't start off second on a hill surface, just flat roads, and gentle downhill slopes, "downtown" driving basically.

    Am I hurting the truck by skipping first gear?

    Thanks for the Info!


    dont get into the lazy habbit if ya can help it, its there for a reason that first gear, but if ya feel ya have to try see what she does, but its using more gas for a start and youre right about the clutch, then theres the vibration doing whatever damage!

    now a company car or hire car it is perfectly acceptible!

    you should have got an auto mr lazy!

  7. Is there a direct route by bus from pattaya to phuket town by VIP bus? I don't like to change buses, because i have about 50KG baggage with me that's not very spacious but more weighty only

    Airline isn't good option because i have to pay for extra 25-30KG (7,000-9,000Bhat) and again i change to another bus from phuket airport to phuket town where bus station is....

    depending on weather ya coming back to the big p, car hire 700 bhat day, about gas, about 4000, but it a long one, approx 15 hours there and 15 back, can be done in 2 days return but not fun, but doable!

    last year they came round all bars promoting a overnight boat from p to samui, which is a lot closer, but not heard anything of it since!

    or maybe tnt overnight ya baggage down, and fly utapo about 3000!

    best of dude!

  8. I was directed to this site from an expat at another forum. I'm a 20 year old American college student. I have it in my head to come to Thailand after reading a book about a writer who trained in Muay Thai over there. I'm just really green concerning international travel, I have been all over Europe as a kid but not since I've been old enough to really know what was going on.

    This is the camp I'm looking at


    it says its located 14km from Chiangmai in a village called Sankampaeng, and accomodations can be made there for like 3,000 baht a month. is that realistic? i know there are more 'farang' friendly camps in Thailand like Fairtex but thats not what im looking for. i want a 'grimey' real experience because as much as its about learning to thai box and see another part of the world, its about toughening myself up.

    I guess what I'm getting at is the standard how much is it going to cost me to survive for a month? No disrespect intended at all but am I going to get robbed and stabbed in an outer area like this seems to be? Anyone been there? Seen the camp?

    Thanks in advance.

    I'd worry more about getting creamed by those wiry little Thai boxers if I were you.


    im 5'8" and my competition weight in grappling is 139.9 lbs

    im thai sized! i doubt i'd fight after only a month, my idea is to come back after Thailand and get a mixed martial arts fight locally (think UFC) since I'll never be in awesome condition if not dead

    can anyone address my questions? i am really excited even though this is far off

    jerry290 can prob help, you can try pm him i just had a drink with him bout a hour ago so hes out an about, but as a rule sould be on later tonight, if no joy pm me and ill ring him in morning.

    best of luck

  9. Leeds United resold to Ken Bates

    Ken Bates had warned that the club's future was in doubt

    Leeds United is back under the control of chairman Ken Bates, after administrators KPMG sold the football club for an undisclosed sum.

    The move comes five days after KPMG put Leeds up for sale because of a legal challenge from HM Revenue & Customs.

    HMRC had mounted a legal bid to block Mr Bates' earlier attempt to buy back Leeds United and give its creditors just 8p in every £1.

    It is unknown how much of the club's £35m debt Mr Bates intends to pay off.

    I'd like to pay tribute to the Leeds fans

    Ken Bates

    "We received several offers for the business which we considered carefully," said joint administrator Richard Fleming.

    "The approved deal represents the best result for creditors in the circumstances and we believe provides the club with the best chance of survival."


    Following the announcement, Mr Bates insisted the club was "in a good position".

    "I'd like to pay tribute to the Leeds fans because after everything that has gone on - and people making innuendoes about season ticket money and that sort of thing - they just kept on paying the money for the tickets," he told Sky Sports News.

    606: DEBATE

    Your reaction to the news from Elland Road

    Rival bidder, businessman Simon Franks - who had joined with property developer Simon Morris - said he was "gobsmacked" to miss out.

    Obviously I'm very disappointed," added Mr Franks.

    "It's been a torturous process and we put together what we thought was a very brave bid."


    KPMG had earlier said that unless the club was able to leave administration, the Football League may not let it start the new season.

    Ken Bates first took control at Leeds in January 2005 when he bought a 50% stake in the club.

    He took on a club struggling with giant debts which had been built up during heavy spending on players in 2000-2002.

    Despite an extensive cost-cutting programme, Mr Bates was unable to turn around Leeds' finances, and in May of this year the club went into administration, as well as being relegated to League One.

    Mr Bates initially got backing from Leeds' creditors to buy the club back from the administrators and give them just 1p in every £1 owned.

    Mr Bates then increased his offer to creditors to 8p in every £1, but this was not enough to prevent HMRC, which is owed £7.7m in unpaid taxes, mounting a legal challenge.

    It has not yet been disclosed how much Mr Bates will now offer HMRC and other creditors.

    BBC Sport

  10. She needs a tourist visa and probably can not prove tourist intent (especially if she has traveled here frequently).

    lopburi3' ,had a tourist visa, they only get 30 days since oct 1 2006, before was 60, but now im told have stopped all visa issues to cambodians???

    stingray you get any update on your case?

    ozzydom, cheers could be, but getting told not, still awaiting a reply back from thai emb in ppenn.

  11. Oh dear, looks like I've upset some people...

    1. there is in fact a waiting list of people begging to travel with me

    2. to the person who was disappointed because it wasn't up to their standards: I wasn't trying to be funny, but rather factual. No wonder you were disappointed. I re-read it, and there's nothing that was supposed to be funny. May I gently suggest you write us a travelogue of somewhere you went, and we'll use it as a template of the way it's supposed to be done.

    3. Sights? there are lots of other websites and books that cover them better than I ever could... I did mention the hotel swimming pool, and also gave some informative information about that new Malaysian budget airline, that might be useful to some of you someday.

    4. queues... yes, the lack of civility does annoy me, and it's mostly non-Westerns who are usually, but not always, the transgressors. If people self-enforced the lines better, and a line transgressor thought they were taking a risk, by getting YELLED at, and EMBARASSED in front of their kids and family, for a LONG time, perhaps it would come to and end. To those who allow this, you're just as guilty. I say embarass them in front of their kids and family... for like a 2 minute lecture... which is a LONG TIME. I've even pulled out my video camera to document some of these incidents, and it makes for great "home movies".

    5. Today is my first full day in Penang, there is LOTS to report, that is IF I "feel the love"... so far, I'm not feeling it... you may never get to hear about my taxi ride to the Penang Hill railway...

    And now, weho is off to the hotel pool, gym, sauna, steamroom etc... I could literally write a book on what I've witnessed there so far. Here's a teaser: I'm convinced people don't go there for any unproven therapudic "benefits", but rather they go to prance around naked, to show off their body parts... by jumping from the hot pool, to the cold pool, to the steamroom, back to the pool, then to the dry sauna, then back to the hotel pool, then the steamroom again... In other words, they think "gee, how many times and ways can I prance around naked in front of these strangers?"

    More on the sights of Penang, maybe, in 3 or 4 days... IF I feel the love...

    apparently the island of pennang is nicknamed "the island of rats" it would be nice if you could enquire on this whilst there weho! as i forgot on my rush to get off the island!

  12. The Thai people call them ผู้บ่าวไทบ้าน, I call them wasters. These are the teenage males who sit round all day drinking whisky, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing other young people. They don't want to work and probably never will.

    Luckily, there are none in my wife's family but the advice I give others is to have a word with the local army and when it comes time for their National Service, 10,000-20,000 baht can give a couple of years peace.

    Also, if there are any guys out there who are contemplating marriage to a woman, who already hs a male teenage son DON'T do it!

    Does anyone have any other ways to deal with these people?

    you will never help any off them with that attitude towards them, same every where really youve got to get people interested in things, even work, if youve got a couple of these in your area try start them with somthing simple as we all did as kids, cleaning cars for money, cleaning gardens etc and build up to helping get them a job.

    when you think back do you think anyone really needed us to clean there car or garden etc, i think not, they taught us work money and toys all go togeather, toys to include bikes cars houses etc

    if someone works all day are more likey to sleep on a night than ride bikes round

    try talking to em you might be supprised to find they are really nice people, not every one but give it a go!

    might even make you feel good as well, best of luck.

  13. Came over to visit friends for two weeks, the wife and I went back to the US sold our house in three days and were back here in one month, "That was four years ago. :o

    came here holiday sept 2005, still here!

    go home when, and if, i fall out with here!

    but at mo still suits!

  14. My Visa on Arrival stamp is issued until the 14th of July. I'm planning on flying to Udon Thani on the 14th around 2pm or 3pm in the afternoon(whenever that daily flight runs). I'd like to get across the border on that day but I imagine it will be around 5pm or 6pm when I make it to the crossing to get my Laos Visa. Are they still open at this time? Is it a 24 hour thing?

    I can always fly sooner if need be but this is my current plan baring that they are open late. Let me know. Thanks.

    you say you here on voa, you getting 30 day stamp or embassy?

    well whatever, 14th of this month is a saturday, so you might bee as well to come forward with ya dates, and udon flights, just get an earlier one cos any flight delay gonna set you back a day!

    best of mate!

  15. There's more than enough dipsticks out there that think this knob is a hero that he'll probably sell quite a few copies. Hope he didn't use too many big words for that lot. :o

    well if it comes my way, ill read it, or some of it, then make my mind up!


    OMG! That is classic! To quote cdnvics post, being disparaging of those that will read that book & then to say you will... Hilarious!

    You were aiming for irony - right? :bah:

    why do you say that? does it mean im a bad or thick person if i want to read a book about anything?

    if i read an article in the papers about peter sutcliffe would that mean im thick?

    so if cdnvics post said you must read it november rain, you would? or you would be stupid or somthing?

    how can you learn anything by going around with that attitude?

    if you read my post again its a stament not saying anything positve or negative about the book, but the freedom of ill browse it and maybe read if i want?

    that old saying of judging a book by its cover seems very appropiate here!

    if i were you cdnvics i would read the book, and then your comments on it would be more knowalgdable (im glad i spelt that right) as you are now, you know nothing it is your attitude that is making you a dipstick (your post)

    ill leave it with you, be nice if ya agreed with me on this, but i doubt that very mutch!

    I wasn't laughing because you wanted to read the book. I was laughing because you quoted a post saying that anyone who would read it was a few bricks short of a load, and then said you would read it. Actually, I genuinely did at least half think you were being ironic.

    If you hadn't quoted vic's post, I would never have commented on yours.

    As you were obviously being serious, I apologise for any offence caused. :D

    no need to appogise at all, just yours and my view.

    tell you what, well go 50/50 (dutch) on book, and whoever reads it first gets a hieniken at the next thaiviasa meeting! deal?

  16. There's more than enough dipsticks out there that think this knob is a hero that he'll probably sell quite a few copies. Hope he didn't use too many big words for that lot. :o

    well if it comes my way, ill read it, or some of it, then make my mind up!


    OMG! That is classic! To quote cdnvics post, being disparaging of those that will read that book & then to say you will... Hilarious!

    You were aiming for irony - right? :D

    why do you say that? does it mean im a bad or thick person if i want to read a book about anything?

    if i read an article in the papers about peter sutcliffe would that mean im thick?

    so if cdnvics post said you must read it november rain, you would? or you would be stupid or somthing?

    how can you learn anything by going around with that attitude?

    if you read my post again its a stament not saying anything positve or negative about the book, but the freedom of ill browse it and maybe read if i want?

    that old saying of judging a book by its cover seems very appropiate here!

    if i were you cdnvics i would read the book, and then your comments on it would be more knowalgdable (im glad i spelt that right) as you are now, you know nothing it is your attitude that is making you a dipstick (your post)

    ill leave it with you, be nice if ya agreed with me on this, but i doubt that very mutch!

  17. Places like Pattaya will have to go through an adjustment phase where the sex tourists and 'cheap Charlies' of the 90's and early 2000's will gradually evaporate and be replaced by tourists, and retirees of a different ilk; many with a much higher disposable incomes, and who do not wish to spend their days sitting at beers bars getting blotto on cheap Chang, and persuading some middle aged Issan lady with 3 kids back in the village to give him BJ for the price of a meal.

    The next ten years will be interesting.

    Horses for courses, if you dont wish to do that fine, some TOURISTS do!

    and not forgetting keeps an awfull lot of ISSAN LADYS WITH 3 KIDS eating and hopefully paying for school which some people didnt get!, unlike some retirees of a different ilk; many with a much higher disposable incomes!!

  18. Has Weho gone on another excursion?

    Are we about to get another wonderful rendition of his antics in the LOS?

    Let's wait and see!!

    ah..........cant sayit!

  19. Dear knowledgeable visa run experts,

    I will be going on a visa run to Singapore soon seeking a tourist visa. Have any of you made the Singapore visa trip on a tight budget before? How did you make it less expensive?

    For instance, is there a bus stop or train station near the Embassy rather than taking a taxi?

    Can anyone recommend a cheap place to stay?

    A cheap way to travel to and from the airport?

    Where is the best place to change money?

    Also, let me summarize what I've heard about the process of getting the visa to see if I'm correct. I will apply for the tourist visa before 11:30 AM with a fee of $50 Singapore dollars and return the next afternoon after 2:00 to pick it up. Am I right that I would not need any papers or proof of ongoing travel?

    I know that Singapore isn't the cheapest destination to pick for a visa run, but I also heard it's a fun place to visit and I've never been there.

    Thank you for your help!

    i was there about 3 months ago, but im an alcoholic so my memorys going, but from what i do remember is you can get a tube/ skytrain direct from airport and change to a northern route and the tube stop is not far from embassy.

    after youve dropped your passport off walk back to town as you get nearer there are lots of hotels different budgets etc.

    i wouldnt rush back here though singapore is a very nice place try and have a good few days looking around threr is an island called sentosa (or somthing like it) thats a day on its own and you can access it via a cable car.

    money changers everywhere so no worries!

    No smart comments at the embassy they blackmark you not to return!

    have a good one!

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